Author Topic: Post real life pictures of yourself.  (Read 8854543 times)

Need the gyms to open back up so I can use the roman chair, that alone made my stomach look like that after using it for probably a month at most. Wish my stomach still looks that toned like that lol. Also why do you have pictures of me saved even? Creepy friend.

Mr bones more like mr bigot

i want abs wtfff im just skinny

sailor moon tshirt cuz

gay or Self Delete rates?
If the former, im going to have to remind you that traps are, in fact, not gay.

Stop this bull stuff now

Need the gyms to open back up so I can use the roman chair, that alone made my stomach look like that after using it for probably a month at most. Wish my stomach still looks that toned like that lol. Also why do you have pictures of me saved even? Creepy friend.
gay or Self Delete rates?
If the former, im going to have to remind you that traps are, in fact, not gay.
[image snipped like this transmission's rooster]

Need the gyms to open back up so I can use the roman chair, that alone made my stomach look like that after using it for probably a month at most. Wish my stomach still looks that toned like that lol. Also why do you have pictures of me saved even? Creepy friend.
khaz being a friend really got to your head didnt it

>image snipped like this transmission's rooster
Im not jewish lol

damn you should have corona more often

Why would you use corona in your hair??????