Author Topic: Garry's Mod Gallery  (Read 1299905 times)

What are you talking about? I never said I was a "godly" poser, and I know I don't pose that good. Plus I never said "massive amounts of bloom were good".

And did you know Masterlegodude and I are good friends, and I show him almost all of my screenshots and he actually gives me feedbacks on my screenshots?
wtf is wrong with your bloom
Oh so you're going to complain here too?

to the "i never said i was a godly poser" gj proving to me that you didnt even put any effort into reading what i had typed

What does that even have to do with anything, Shell complains about everything I do.

That is irrelevant to what you're saying.

What does that even have to do with anything, Shell complains about everything I do.

That is irrelevant to what you're saying.
gj, you've proven that you lack decent reading comprehension. If you really can't understand what I'm saying, don't even bother, it's simple.

Oh god 666 pages

Thanks for all the awesome stuff guys

Oh god 666 pages

Thanks for all the awesome stuff guys
I wanted to make something for it, but i couldn't think of anything...

Eww get a room, you two...

'The Night Before'

...Don't ask why there's so many presents but nothing in the stockings,9nbDF,qTUY8,lgVNS,lcByj,y8NQR,blfWw,3QsPG#7

This is seriously how many times i've accidentally taken a picture since Garry made it possible to fire your weapon while using the context menu

My habit of taking a slider and moving it all the way to the right means making my mouse go off the menu and automatically firing my weapon as soon as it's off, and i usually have my camera equipped while editing stuff like the color and bloom

Needless to say, but this is my least favorite feature of Gmod 13
« Last Edit: November 22, 2012, 04:46:47 PM by Masterlegodude »


Not a lot of satan/devil/demonic stuff was posted

My plan was a success

could anyone make some Day of Defeat player models?
they've seemed to have vanished

could anyone make some Day of Defeat player models?
they've seemed to have vanished
did you enable dod:s
i haven't tried so idk if i have them or not

I still see them in the player models, like Isjix said, did you enable Day of Defeat Source?

I still see them in the player models, like Isjix said, did you enable Day of Defeat Source?
yes i have, i'm sure of it.
i'm going to disable then enable DoDs content

When will hitman absolution models come out?