Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 4283486 times)

I could teach you, but i don't always have alot of time.

Not much of a modeler, but I made a WW2 Potato Masher Grenade :D

I can't get a scripter. It's going to be like the HE Grenade, but 3/4 of it's damage and a wider radius.

I could script it, But I'm no god.

If only I wasn't clueless with Blender. :c

Mind teaching me how to animate in blender, I can never do it :( I've followed countless tutorials online, perhaps I can set up a team viewer with you sometime. Please?

same with what racer said.

Mysterious silhouette. That is hopefully soon making its way to blockland.

Not much of a modeler, but I made a WW2 Potato Masher Grenade :D

I can't get a scripter. It's going to be like the HE Grenade, but 3/4 of it's damage and a wider radius.
This is why you can't get a scripter.

Nice models Azearth wish i had it

Mysterious silhouette. That is hopefully soon making its way to blockland.

Whos that Pokemon?
Its Strider!

Whos that Pokemon?
Its Strider!

I remember that :D

These were my original concepts, but didn't go with

watch out for its wang-gun.

Racer, you are awesome.