Author Topic: The new and improved 3D model topic!  (Read 3909977 times)

Turret currently spazzes out, other than that, it's almost done

What are the current animations and their priorities?

even the default tank doesn't have any actual animations, i don't see this one really needing any.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2013, 08:46:06 PM by Lunar »

« Last Edit: February 06, 2013, 02:10:06 PM by Lunar »

This is my frist ever model :D
it's a party cup

Never tell your password to anyone.
Hydralisk: post
[Kämpfer] yndaue-san★: but im in a bad mood
Hydralisk: idc

doesn't care that i lost 106 pictures off my ipod :c

I'm sorry that happened, but that's a great ballista.

14:00 - Lord Kevin, the brown town Assassin: feed back???? ?
14:00 - Hydralisk (2): smooth out the ring thing unless its for blockland
14:01 - Hydralisk (2): That connects the handle and blade
14:01 - Lord Kevin, the brown town Assassin: I just don't really like high poly stuff, but the edges could do with it yeah
14:01 - Hydralisk (2): no no it's fine, just smooth it
14:01 - Hydralisk (2): anyway, gtg.
14:01 - Hydralisk (2): gj
14:01 - Hydralisk (2): better than anything i could do lol

anyone else got any feed back???? ?

Yeah modelling swords is fun I should do this erryday instead of wanking
Then I'd be able to make my own low-poly oblivion with hookers (who have swords) and blackjack (betting with swords)

It's pretty amazing. The pommel is a a bit too rounded, at least in comparison, to say, the cross guard.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2011, 12:07:55 AM by Wynd_Fox »

even the default tank doesn't have any actual animations, i don't see this one really needing any.

Yes it does. (the turret anyways)


This is my frist ever model :D
it's a party cup

I am rather impressed for that being your first product.  Do more, and in time, you'll be wonderful at this.

I am rather impressed for that being your first product.  Do more, and in time, you'll be wonderful at this.
Coming from someone with no experience?

Coming from someone with no experience?
I don't really model, I edit videos.  I am more of a special effects man.  I've given modeling a shot, and I even have Milkshape, and I suppose I would be a decent modeler, if I got up and tried it, as well as consistently worked on it.