Author Topic: ► V12 Explained (Huge post)  (Read 79257 times)

One problem in v12 is that weapons are now printers and normal gun shape with wierd functions. We need to fix that.

Turn on "Download Item Shapes" in Options/Network. If you do not have the model for a weapon it will use the most suitable default one. (Gun for rifle-type weapons, Sword for melee weapons and Printer for anything else)

Instead of wanding players builds with the wand some players use the event, killbrick. They put this event on the baseplate and trigger it destroying your whole build if you have full trust. Is there any way to work around this event?


  • Administrator
The killbrick event has been removed for v13 as I have never seen a legitimate use for it (cue complainers). 

ok if you want to see me on blockland im plad and im mostly not on becuase my computer is filled with spyware PLEASE HELP oh yeah and if you type in plane in search and there's a add on named aviotor helmet get it there's a link for the biplane ok bye and to activate the helmt it's /avhelm ok thank's for reading bye bye :)

ok if you want to see me on blockland im plad and im mostly not on becuase my computer is filled with spyware PLEASE HELP oh yeah and if you type in plane in search and there's a add on named aviotor helmet get it there's a link for the biplane ok bye and to activate the helmt it's /avhelm ok thank's for reading bye bye :)
Excuse me?

Will there be a submit content for v13 thread? Last time there was one for v11 or v12 and we got alot of good community decals out of it!

The killbrick event has been removed for v13 as I have never seen a legitimate use for it (cue complainers). 
I do, when like you might open a little restaurant or a soft drink stand, you can make a drink and have it killbrick on touch.

Just a thought.

I do, when like you might open a little restaurant or a soft drink stand, you can make a drink and have it killbrick on touch.

Just a thought.

Use disappear -1 instead, then its recyclable.

Use disappear -1 instead, then its recyclable.
Can fakekill use -1? That'd be damn cool, or have one that uses fakekill for a second, then disappears.

Is there still the "Golded Brick"? I hear that on slate if you go North till the edge of slate you fall into a park where theres two bricks, one will give you Badspots Full trust, and the other bans you or something. And this other one on the Kicten where you find this brick, and all light around it gets sucked in, so its dark, like the Dark Kitchen.
Wtf i didnt know that.

Is there still the "Golded Brick"? I hear that on slate if you go North till the edge of slate you fall into a park where theres two bricks, one will give you Badspots Full trust, and the other bans you or something. And this other one on the Kicten where you find this brick, and all light around it gets sucked in, so its dark, like the Dark Kitchen.
WOAH really cuz if there is im gonna try to find it