
Should I make a Pirate Pack?

267 (89.9%)
30 (10.1%)

Total Members Voted: 295

Author Topic: Heed Medieval V2 [NEW!]  (Read 59414 times)

They dont even show up in my add-ons, and if i did take it i would not release it- blockland is also a sandbox game, by releasing this add-on it belongs to everyone and they can do as they wish with it.
No, that isn't how it works.

No, that isn't how it works.
Yes, that is how it works. You arent badspot to tell me that, so unless he tells me otherwise You can all have fun with yourselves.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 06:04:37 PM by Makingblah »

Yes, that is how it works. You arent badspot to tell me that, so unless he tells me otherwise You can all have fun with your vaginas.
How mature.
And the community dictates that you can't do that.  If you want to steal someone's models/scripts without their permission, go ahead and get flamed.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 04:20:51 PM by Niliscro »

I really wanna see the flaming arrows in action.

How mature.
And the community dictates that you can't do that.  If you want to steal someone's models/scripts without their permission, go ahead and get flamed.

Its not stealing. Its merely using. God damn all you people are so protective of your little files.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2009, 06:05:35 PM by Makingblah »

Its not stealing. Its merely using. God damn all you people are so protective of your little files.
using would be downloading the addon and using it in-game not copying and pasting the addon's models and scripts

using would be downloading the addon and using it in-game not copying and pasting the addon's models and scripts
That is why I now write Heed Army on all of my military vehicles.

That is why I now write Heed Army on all of my military vehicles.


WICKED. I can't wait for V2 V3!  :cookieMonster:

I think the high damage crossbow is called a Ballista.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 07:48:37 AM by Captain Thomas »

Longsword- A sword that is called a longsword.

Dirk- A printer that hits.

Mace- A printer aimed in the center of the screen that hits.

Two Handed sword- A sword that is called a two-handed sword.

Siege Tower- haven't tested this one yet.

Arbalest- haven't tested this one yet.

Flame bow- A gun that shoots flaming arrows.

Glitch fixes- Hmm the glitches are fixed? For me they aren't.


You should get around to making a feature that allows people to spawn around 30 studs behind the siege tower when they die, just to make battles a bit more intense. (Perhaps only a certain number of times.)

You should get around to making a feature that allows people to spawn around 30 studs behind the siege tower when they die, just to make battles a bit more intense. (Perhaps only a certain number of times.)
The objective is to keep the defenders so busy that when a troop dies, there are enough to make it seem like he didn't. Your team keeps of pileing into the enemy's base so that others can walk right back to the siege tower without fear of archers. The siege tower is used to scale walls you cannot normally jump to reach. It is also used as a guard against archers. Sure it breaks after a certain amount of hits but the goal of using it is to get your troops to the wall quickly so then they can forget with the archers allowing more siege towers and rams to come in unharmed.

1. I need something that will register a headshot for the Arbalest

2. I need something that will make the icebow make it so your items get put back in your inventory so you cannot switch weapons/use weapons while frozen

look at the SVD :3
Code: [Select]

package headshot{
 function ProjectileData::damage(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal){
    %name = %this.GetName();
   return Parent::damage(%this2, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal);

function showheadshot(%obj,%col){
  bottomprint(%obj.client,"<bitmap:add-ons/Weapon_SVD/star> \c3Headshot "@%col.client.name,3,4);
  bottomprint(%col.client,"<bitmap:add-ons/Weapon_SVD/star> \c7"@%obj.client.name@" Headshot",3,4);

2. i would try something like when the player is hit, %client.isarrowfrozen and stopping the fire function
and not sure if this works this way...
Code: [Select]
function ShapebaseImageData::Fire(%this, %obj, %col){
 Parent::fire(%this, %obj, %col);
hope it helps
the fix for your bows