Author Topic: RTB Development  (Read 334076 times)

Would you add a few checks in for maps too? Off the top of my head te biggest issue is people not defining a shore texture so they get white water around shorelines but I can probably think of a few others.
Another that turns up a lot seems to be various textures set as ".", and maybe for textures on all mods generally a different error for 'file named with an extension' as currently iconName = "./icon_blah.png registers as not found.

and maybe for textures on all mods generally a different error for 'file named with an extension' as currently iconName = "./icon_blah.png registers as not found.

That's a good one - it'd miss that currently.

Would you add a few checks in for maps too? Off the top of my head te biggest issue is people not defining a shore texture so they get white water around shorelines but I can probably think of a few others.

Yeah, the new one has a list of required variables for certain object types.

You are checking for for/while scripts to make sure none do anything potentially deadly. Of course, only the most obvious ones, but...

You are checking for for/while scripts to make sure none do anything potentially deadly.



Hmm. Someday, when the planets align, you should list most/all of the main checks it does?

I'm currently working on a new add-on scanner which will actually present the uploader of the add-on with a list of issues preventing them from uploading their add-on. This will remove a lot of work from Mod Reviewers.

Current issues that will prevent you uploading your add-on:

  • Paths to missing/non-existant textures/bricks/shapes/images/icons/files
  • Stereo sound files
  • Using uiNames from default add-ons
  • Using datablock names from default add-ons
  • Including files in the zip which are not required for the type of add-on you're submitting (a .exe for example)
  • Invalid file structure for the type of add-on you're submitting (no Thumbs folder for a decal, for example)
  • Incorrectly zipped files (mac users)

There is also a list of things you'll be warned about but you may choose to ignore at your own peril:

  • uiNames that conflict with existing add-ons on RTB
  • Datablock names that conflict with existing add-ons on RTB

Like I said, this'll make it a lot easier for Mod Reviewers which is the main focus of this. They then get to take up a role that consists more of quality control than actual checking for errors and filling out forms to raise issues.

There are lots of secret ones so I won't elaborate on those.

There are lots of secret ones so I won't elaborate on those.

Well, if most of the rest are secrets... okay.

Damn theres a guy called Bommerangdog spamming rtb with "Ported" add ons.

Damn theres a guy called Bommerangdog spamming rtb with "Ported" add ons.

That's why the archive is closed.

Think you could throw in a feature where we could put in our forum username so if something serious comes up involving us, Mod Bot could send us a PM? I haven't been browsing RTB lately and it would sure suck to find out that one of my files is in the fail bin for a problem I never heard about.

You receive a PM on your RTB account (which by default will send you an email to notify you) when an issue is raised with one of your add-ons. Generally a file won't be failed until the issue has gone unreplied for a number of days.

When does version 3.5 come out?

In theory it's ready to go now. I'm just worried I've forgotten something so I keep delaying it. I'll do some testing on it tonight to make sure content downloading is much more reliable and then maybe aim for a weekend release.

In theory it's ready to go now. I'm just worried I've forgotten something so I keep delaying it. I'll do some testing on it tonight to make sure content downloading is much more reliable and then maybe aim for a weekend release.

Sweet. Anyways, with Blockland jumping 2 versions in one month, development on RTB is becoming slower it seems.

Badspot works on Blockland full-time, I work on RTB in the evenings after work and on weekends occasionally.