Author Topic: Diggy's Metropolis Server  (Read 295231 times)

Suggestion:  Add back in the light additions as in players light dim and such not like that it is very helpful in builds.

I know.

Chainsaws are FREE??? >:O Time for a job change :)

Bad idea.

That would cause, well mayhem. Somebody is building, a random person puts a bounty on them... Nobody wants to get it, later they go forget around stuck at see, and they can't Self Delete... They are forgeted For Life

True, very true.

Off topic: I'm still cold from going to that outdoor hockey game at the Rent.... so cold but epic game.

i don't really like that you can't Self Delete when your wanted, I never really saw it being used to avoid cops all that often and it gets annoying when I get stuck in places, like th other day when I got stuck in the water under the subway.

That would cause, well mayhem. Somebody is building, a random person puts a bounty on them... Nobody wants to get it, later they go forget around stuck at see, and they can't Self Delete... They are forgeted For Life
It's the same thing with wanted people not being able to Self Delete.
If nobody wants to jail them and they get stuck they're screwed.

Why couldn't they just wait till an admin gets on and fetches them? Tell somebody where they are and ask them to kill them?

Hello people... I'm CaN btw.
Guys I dont know if this is bannable but probably it is...
Mistrox glitched into my place and jailed me... And Im in jail as you can see... I took pics of
him glitching...

Because cops never, ever, ever break into a criminal's hideout to arrest them.  Never.

Also, with those who were asking about the whole suiciding when wanted/bounty'd, Diggy has plans to allow people who are wanted or have bounties on them commit Self Delete, if and only if there isn't anyone around.

General sidenote on that suiciding change, when you do the container search to find players to determine if the wanted person can Self Delete, it's probably a good idea to search through bricks, too, so wanteds can't just run around a corner and kill themselves.

Why not just leave and rejoin if you're stuck and wanted? It may result in you getting jailed but it's better than being stuck in a brick all day.

Why not just leave and rejoin if you're stuck and wanted? It may result in you getting jailed but it's better than being stuck in a brick all day.
Well there's the whole ghosting argument there, but really, if people are alright with rejoining to get the money they just AFK farmed, then they shouldn't have a problem with rejoining if they're stuck.  But no, that's what the admins are for, right?

Seriously, though, we just want to let all players have the convenience of killing themselves at leisure.  Swat suggested making Ctrl+k simply respawn players so they'd keep their money and items, as it would be more convenient for when players get stuck.

I do like the idea of the suiciding if nobody is around but would it be a radius or just by sight?

I do like the idea of the suiciding if nobody is around but would it be a radius or just by sight?
Technically sight is the same thing as radius, so yeah, it would be radius. So that would mean, if there was a police man inside the building the criminal is about to commit Self Delete in, he probably wouldn't be able to kill himself. I'm not sure. There's plenty loopholes to this plan, however it will help the bounty issue.

Guys winterparagon is breaking allot of rules and i think sumthin should be done, pics down below.  him admiting to rapid fire batoning spawn to jail me, illigal.  him rapid fireing on me. more of him and rapid fire batoning me. just a nother pic of him rapiding.

k well thats a few pics of him breaking rules. so i thats proof that he rapid fires and spawn jails.

Guys winterparagon is breaking allot of rules and i think sumthin should be done, pics down below.  him admiting to rapid fire batoning spawn to jail me, illigal.  him rapid fireing on me. more of him and rapid fire batoning me. just a nother pic of him rapiding.

k well thats a few pics of him breaking rules. so i thats proof that he rapid fires and spawn jails.

Thanks for reporting! Also you are supposed to be banned anyways.

Thanks for reporting! Also you are supposed to be banned anyways.
Lol he should've been banned quite a few times.

Technically sight is the same thing as radius, so yeah, it would be radius. So that would mean, if there was a police man inside the building the criminal is about to commit Self Delete in, he probably wouldn't be able to kill himself. I'm not sure. There's plenty loopholes to this plan, however it will help the bounty issue.
I do like the idea of the suiciding if nobody is around but would it be a radius or just by sight?
General sidenote on that suiciding change, when you do the container search to find players to determine if the wanted person can Self Delete, it's probably a good idea to search through bricks, too, so wanteds can't just run around a corner and kill themselves.

That means by radius, so a wanted person wouldn't be able to Self Delete in the vicinity of another player (With a few exceptions, probably, like other criminals).

And ham, rapid firing to annoy people isn't really against the rules, but jailing with it is.  I don't know if I missed that in your screenshots or something.

You should be able to Self Delete on your own lot though, that way a cop can't just stand there at your house if you get stuck while building it or whatever.

You should be able to Self Delete on your own lot though, that way a cop can't just stand there at your house if you get stuck while building it or whatever.
Then wanteds will just Self Delete when cops finally break into their hideouts, and you can imagine the stuffstorm that would create.