Author Topic: Heedicalking's Modern War  (Read 120502 times)

I built a skycrane with legos a couple months ago :P
You live in a kitchen?

You live in a kitchen?
I took the picture in the kitchen, bunghole

Rage, Skycrane isn't picking up vehicles for me. :C

You have bad aim then.

Rage, Skycrane isn't picking up vehicles for me. :C

The skycrane only works in minigames.

The skycrane only works in minigames.
I will make a pref to make it work outside of minigame or not.

I can do that.

on your server i saw a really cool plane. did you make that?if so release it plz.

your F-14 are you planning to make a faster? cause it seems alittle slow.

Nice job heed, although you are not my favorite add-on maker the skycrane is pretty sweet.  Also could you post your howitzer, acer, and/or your F14 please?

Nice job heed, although you are not my favorite add-on maker the skycrane is pretty sweet.  Also could you post your howitzer, acer, and/or your F14 please?
I refuse to take requests from you because of
I hate your pilfered humvee, and the B24 has like 30% manuverability.
and various other stupid comments you made.

I refuse to take requests from you because ofand various other stupid comments you made.

But its true dude. you pilfered the humvee model but i apologise for my other offensive comments, I am trying to make my reputation better on the forums. So i am sorry that I offended you.

The humvee model looks fine, how is it pilfered?

The humvee model looks fine, how is it pilfered?

It looks very similar to gcats humvee execpt for the size, wheels, and no camo texture.  I think that I am thinking this because right after gcat released his humvee you posted a humvee.  I apologize and next time I will ask before i accuse.

I love he skycrane and make it so you can lift the stuff without a minigame too please

I love the skycrane and make it so you can lift the stuff without a minigame too please

corrected it for ya. :)