Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523613 times)

Granted but the mouse slips and bans you instead.

I wish for more sweaties

I wish that kirby like sit will die in a pit and grimreaper to make it(kribylikesit) unban me from his server


You didn't say what happened to his wish... ah well.

Granted, but  then Kirbylikesit comes back to life and makes a pwnish code that bans you from ALL servers. Somehow. Maybe he disguised it in a pwnish add-on... who knows?

I wish that I was teh pwn at coding/modeling/all that good stuff!

Granted but you're head explodes from being so smart

I wish i was a super hero!

Granted, but you're teh suck and the police cry when you come to fight crime, cause you always accidentally mess everything up.

I wish that the world was flat :cookieMonster: .

Granted, but you lose your sanity because all the continents are stretched out, and it takes longer to get to school.

I wish I were better at Quake III.

Granted but you pwn so much you're computer blows up  :cookieMonster:

I wish i could pwn at CoD 4

Granted, but you pwn so much you're drafted into the army and slain.

I wish I had some more shrimp crackers...

Then    Гитлер came and took them.

I wish I had CS:S, DoD Source, and Half Life 2 Deathmatch.

Wish granted but they took up to much space it crashed you're hard drive (lolwut?)


Granted. You are a minifig by comparison and everything in it is super-sized too.

I wish I lived in a cartoon world.

Granted, but like in every cartoon you die and come back to life.

I wish I was telekinetic.

Granted, but I don't know what that is.
I wish WHAT THE F*explosion

Granted, but the explosion blows up the internet. Nice going!

(Also if someone is telekinetic they have the power to use telekinesis which is moving stuff with the mind as opposed to tools and hands and such)
I wish the internet wasn't blown up.

Granted, but then you blow it up again a few years later.

I wish for a pie. A GOOD pie.