Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523383 times)

Granted, but she dies.

I wish I didn't have a divorce.

Ok, seriously now, a deforce? Stop bringing this stuff up.
Wish granted, but you husband is still mad at you for whatever you did to get into a devorce, but he kills you instead.

Make a wish, idiot. Your acting like people care who you like, if your sad about breaking up with somone, ect. Stop your attentionwhoring/trolling and either play the game or GTFO this thread.

I wish for pie :D

Not granted.

I wish for cake.

Imature :P

I wish someone else would post noa.

Your Wish is Granted, but i stop posting now.

I wish roblox didn't exist.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 10:08:43 PM by IsaacKronenFaust »

Granted, But another game just like roblox is out

I wish the game like roblox wasn't out

Granted, but Roblox comes out.

I wish Burnout: Davis update was out now.

Granted but it is on a new platform called stuffcube which makes all games stuffty.

I wish to be a dollar bill.

Granted, but you are the last dollar on earth.
You are now being ripped by the selfish and rich.

I wish that CCCCC never existed!

Granted, but then someone named CCCCCC comes.

I wish I could find directions on how to put together the paper weighted companion cube.

Wish granted but it sets on fire.

I wish Dr.Block would realize me and Minority are just playing around and he should loving grow up.

Granted, but you die from spelling names wrong.

I wish I wasn't so sleepy.

Wish granted, but then you stay up forever.

I wish everyone thought Compainion Cube was really dead.