Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 522939 times)

Granted, but a hamburglar steals the loot sack before you open it.

I wish I was more active here.

Granted but you get banned.
I wish to shish

Wish granted, but your shish kished your best friend's mum

I wish for North Korea not to blow us up

Wish granted, but your shish kished your best friend's mum

I wish for North Korea not to blow us up
Granted, But then koreans start a ground war.

I wish to not have been trolled by OG:Kush

Granted, But then koreans start a ground war.

I wish to not have been trolled by OG:Kush
Wish granted but you were trolled by Badspot.
I wish to hug the one I love the most and they don't hate me for it c:

Granded, but then Jimmy molests you during the hug.

I wish I could have some money that isnt from those credit card numbers Reckz0r linked me to

Granted, but you were robbed by some goonies

I wish I could be more of a forum boner

Wish granted, but someone replaces you in recognition.

I wish my wish wasn't granted.

Your wish was not granted, But it was granted, causing a paradox that destroys existence.
nice going, jerk.

I wish for a wish that doesn't wish a wish wish doesn't wish I wish.

Granted. But a spear charges through your heart and rips out the other side. You die.

I wish for

Granted, but it turns into
I wish to know how much a hernia could hern if a hernia could hern a hernia.

Wish granted, but you are immediately struck with a hernia from this knowledge.

I wish pigs could fly.

granted, but swine flu

i wish i had 432 prostitutes*
*measured in millions

Granted, but you contract several STDs from their presence.

I wish people wouldn't make dumb wishes.

Wish granted, but then wish-making gets boring and no one does it anymore.

I wish I could eat sixteen saltine crackers in a row.