Author Topic: Wish Granted, but...  (Read 523727 times)

but there unhelpful negitive comments

i wish the cake wasn't a lie

Wish granted, but your fat mom eats it.

I wish I didn't have a wish.


I wish I new what to type into the colored tet tags to exactly match the lightblue post backround.

Granted but FATAL ERROR: wish does not acknolige the meaning of "tet," post ignored.

I wish that:
The following statement is true, the previous statement is false.

Granted but... wait, wtf?

I wish a is v, i is v, u is v, and t is v.

Granted but... wait, wtf?

I wish a is v, i is v, u is v, and t is v.


I wish Dr.Robotnick would stop saying snakeh.

Granted, but he says weiner instead.

I wish I could take off in a rocket without being affected in anyway.

Granted but expecting the unexpected sometimes makes the exptected UNEXPECTED

I wish that I could wish without someone in the next post saying but

Granted, the consequences are though that I type this.

I wish I could say ^this.^

Granted, but you cant say fish.

I wish I could have a wired connection.

Granted but by the time you get a wired connection, Its obsolete (sorry for the misspelling if there is one)

I wish I knew how to spell obsolete without the next person saying but in their post...

Granted, however, you can no longer spell cat.

I wish you had seen that coming.

granted but after seeing it cum, you are never the same.

I wish for Blockland V9 to come out today.

Granted, but the updater breaks, and the website is shut down.

I wish Land of Blocks wasn't canceled due to unpopularity.