Author Topic: V14 Clarification  (Read 34422 times)

I guess same thing as ??? in v13?
??? Means you're yet to get an answer from the server ping.
--- Means that the server can't be pinged.

Same. And I UPnP is turned on. I can even host, and my ports are forwarded.
Note that some ISPs block hosting, so some people may not be able to host no matter what you do.  Call them up and ask if they do.

To host without port forwarding you must:
----A: Have UPnP enabled on your router.  There is often a simple radio button for this on your router configuration page.


B: Have a router that does not randomize UDP origin ports.

If you do not have UPnP your server's ping will show up as "---".  In this case if your router is non-randomizing your server will still be join-able.

Why did you do this badspot? Now there is alot of BAD Servers! You should never done this! Never! OMG! Crappy servers!

There is a bug where particle emitters stop:
----This is due to a fix for a crash where particles would keep going after you disconnected and do bad things.  It is triggering when it shouldn't.  If you can duplicate this problem consistently I would like to know how. 
well, i can trigger it consisently somehow :D
to fix it you can Self Delete/die somehow, and it will work for a while, i'll try figuring out when i stops working sometime
for all UPnP problem peoples. Baddy is going to post how to fix it (I hope D:)

B: Have a router that does not randomize UDP origin ports.
Noedit: So do you mean I have to get a new router that doesnt randomize UDP ports?

Why did you do this badspot? Now there is alot of BAD Servers! You should never done this! Never! OMG! Crappy servers!
You're going to get banned. Bye friend.

New servers are a good thing, all the people with neat stuff can host now. And now there's more of a selection.

More servers good. Cuz it encourages more peoople to have bigger projects.
Why do you think people always asked you if they can load stuff?
They want to work on their ongoing project in a social setting, and your barely reliable jerk servers was the only options.

Ohh wonderful, I finally get the password to my router figured out and Airport Extreme doesn't have any UPnP settings -_- that's just my luck.

I think this may or may not work, people on RTB are not co-operating with my test.
In the console, when you start up your Blockland, look for a line that says this:
Code: [Select]
UDP initialized on port...With that number you see, enter that into the Advanced Config port. Then, after that, enter:
Code: [Select]
pingMatchMakerLoop();Into the console after starting a UPnP Server.

I have no idea if this works, as morons are screaming "JOIN MY SERVER" when I'm trying to figure this out.

I think this may or may not work, people on RTB are not co-operating with my test.
In the console, when you start up your Blockland, look for a line that says this:
Code: [Select]
UDP initialized on port...With that number you see, enter that into the Advanced Config port. Then, after that, enter:
Code: [Select]
pingMatchMakerLoop();Into the console after starting a UPnP Server.

I have no idea if this works, as morons are screaming "JOIN MY SERVER" when I'm trying to figure this out.
Server doesn't work

Alright. I was just wondering if that was the fix.
Also, keep in mind:
I have no idea if this works, as morons are screaming "JOIN MY SERVER" when I'm trying to figure this out.

Alright. I was just wondering if that was the fix.
Also, keep in mind:
Ping: ---

Mostly works the third time...

When did Badspot add a global list named $AddOnLoaded__?

There is a bug where particle emitters stop:
----This is due to a fix for a crash where particles would keep going after you disconnected and do bad things.  It is triggering when it shouldn't.  If you can duplicate this problem consistently I would like to know how.  
I was noticing the problem happening on my server. I found that it happened every time someone joined or left the server.