Author Topic: V14 Clarification  (Read 34412 times)

I would like it if it searched for the players name in the server name or use %1 like in chat.

We need a separate column for displaying the host's name, that way the host can have whatever name they want without that impersonation problem.

Neck to be seperated from Blockhead and colorable please.
Idea!Maybe remove neck option?
Offtopic:I got a new graphics card and im wondering if its any better than that sis one:
fx5200 TDI28LF 128 MB DDR TV-out/DVI D.O.T. Powered by nvidia G-force  FX

i love the named servers.
i use to just type "Bisjac's makeout party" all the time anyways

however when i start the clan back up, im going to buy an ID just for the dedi hosting. "BLU's clan members"
that could be kinda annoying
[BLU] Clan's server?


however when i start the clan back up, im going to buy an ID just for the dedi hosting. "BLU's clan members"
BLU's clan members's titlehere?

Make it so you have more options. Also, have the /setdfaultminigame command.

When ever i start it it errors and says that it could not find the procedure entry point in the iphlpapi.dll

Will v15 be released with a newer version of Torque? The one we have now is crap and might be a lag causer.

Also, everytime my bl crashes, I reset it and every ping on the servers is dead! Why?

Make it so you have more options. Also, have the /setdfaultminigame command.

I support this!

Will v15 be released with a newer version of Torque? The one we have now is crap and might be a lag causer.

Also, everytime my bl crashes, I reset it and every ping on the servers is dead! Why?

Will v15 be released with a newer version of Torque? The one we have now is crap and might be a lag causer.
You have no idea how modified the engine is currently.

I wonder what blockland would be like on the new version of torque... I would very much like increased graphics options

To host without port forwarding you must:
----A: Have UPnP enabled on your router.  There is often a simple radio button for this on your router configuration page.


B: Have a router that does not randomize UDP origin ports.

If you do not have UPnP your server's ping will show up as "---".  In this case if your router is non-randomizing your server will still be join-able.

To run the mac version:
----You must have OSX 10.5 or 10.6.  Version 13 was the same way.  This has not changed.  Apple has made it impossible for a single app to run on both 10.4 and 10.6 therefore you must fork over the money to upgrade.  You signed on for this bullstuff when you bought a Macintosh.  

There is a bug where particle emitters stop:
----This is due to a fix for a crash where particles would keep going after you disconnected and do bad things.  It is trigger whenever anyone leaves the server.  This has been fixed for v15.  

Almost all problems are still caused by add-ons:
----Do not report any bullstuff gameplay problems like "damage doesn't work" to me unless you have duplicated the problem with no add-ons running.  Use your brain and read this FAQ entry:  

If you the auto-updater does not work:
----Download and install the full version.  It will update v13 to v14.  

The update does not delete your saves or add-ons:
----If your saves or add-ons disappear, it is because you are using Vista or Win7 with UAC enabled and Blockland installed to the "Program Files" directory.  In this situation, any file Blockland writes is re-directed by the OS into the "virtual store".  When the Blockland exe changes, it gets a new virtual store folder and therefore can't find the old saves.  Your options are:
    A: Disable UAC
    B: Install to C:\Blockland  


makes no sense Whatsoever