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Topics - MunkeyCheez

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Gallery / [muffled eurobeat in the distance]
« on: August 23, 2016, 07:08:04 PM »

Click the image to view the video.
I got inspired by Arekan's videos by his use of sound.

Pretty much the title is the question; what did happen to those servers? By that, I mean there's a significant lack of serious roleplay servers in general (except LegoPepper's medieval roleplay which is fantastic however quite laggy to the extent of being unplayable at times).
Recently, Keon's Community role-play has popped up but it feels more like City RPG and Dark RP mixed in one. I really enjoyed Zombies in the Bluezone and Winterbite role-play, they were absolutely brilliant and the role-play experience from those servers were enjoyable.

Whatever happened to them, and why has there been a significant lack of them?
It's about time we saw more serious role-play servers in my opinion. Do you agree?


I'm very unsure if this is the correct section to put this in so I suppose general seems suitable.

Anyways, pretty much I'm struggling to come up with an idea for a Blockland video. Recently, you may have noticed I had posted a thread about my latest video which was about a gang of adventurers exploring an undisclosed cave encountering a half-dragon-half-snail creature.
I'm looking to do a video about something comedic with a bit of action, what would you expect to see in a short which meets this criteria? I'd would possibly also like to make a video involving this certain piece of music from the old days of Runescape.

If you have any interesting ideas or perhaps a script you'd like to share, or a certain piece of music that should be used (perhaps the video would be based around the music?), feel free to post below!

Gallery / Fearsome beast.
« on: April 22, 2016, 02:24:14 PM »

(Click the image to view the video)
A group of adventurers encounter a rather fearsome beast in a dungeon.

Original audio from Lindybeige.

Gallery / An old photo from the last day of having maps on Blockland.
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:21:32 AM »
I was exploring an old TinyPic account that I haven't used in at least three years or so and I found this specific picture. This picture is from the very last day of having maps on Blockland, from around August 2012. It was on Gravity Cat's Government vs Rebels server which was brilliant at the time, where everything felt a bit like Project Reality but with more people going solo.

This photo shows off one of Gravity Cat's unreleased projects and the map was his GSF Paradise edit that changed the water from an acidic green to a more realistic shade of blue.

They were good times.

Off Topic / Forth annual birthday topic.
« on: March 10, 2016, 10:00:35 AM »
As the topic's title suggests; it's that time of year again.
Happy birthday to myself and Muzzles56.

Drama / Clownfish - nutorious stuffposting
« on: December 27, 2015, 10:38:12 PM »
Surely I mustn't be the only one who is fed up of Clownfish's constant and obsessive stuff posting? Just take a look at some of his recent topics which I and any other sane individual would deem as stuff posting.

Exhibit one:
Do you like rain?
i like it
Exhibit two:
how do I be famous?
besides attempting to procreate with a female canine

And the more recent exhibit three:
do you think 9/11 was actually an inside job?
reptiles did it
Exhibit four:

Judging from his own sig, it's clearly obvious that he doesn't really care for the rules - almost implying that he's self-declaring himself as a stuff poster.

So please, just stop making pointless threads.

Suggestions & Requests / Hotline Miami masks
« on: December 24, 2015, 11:52:59 AM »
I'm looking for someone to whip up some Hotline Miami masks or animal masks for your player that can work with the HatMod by JakeBlade.

Looking for a chicken mask for your Blockhead really.

Gallery / [BLC] Encounter
« on: December 22, 2015, 01:05:13 PM »

Encounter is a video about a guy who encounters someone with an RPG style. I made this for the Blockland Classics clan (which can be found here)


What is SubRosa?

Sub Rosa is a multiplayer online FPS with a focus on orchestrating deals and coordinating a team of players to increase wealth and status in the game. This requires a great deal of iteration and testing with how a growing numbers of players understand and react to the possibilities laid out before them during a day in Sub Rosa.
When you spawn, you start off at the train station. On the floor are newspapers littered everywhere. Upon picking one up, you are greeted by a list of players with the most money within the server.


- Stock markets
- Manual transition cars
- Suits
-play as a ragdoll-ish player.
- able to do backflips
- go to work in on a train.

Useful links:

You will enjoy this game if you like to role-play as a member of a mafia-like organisation, have an interest in stocks, like to shoot people in the face, make phone calls, do drive-bys, complex to learn at first controls and back flips.

That's brilliant, how much is it to purchase?

$19.99 = £12.74 = €17.55​

Users who play Sub Rosa

FORUM NAME: munkeycheez

Suggestions & Requests / "must have" brick add-ons?
« on: November 13, 2015, 08:29:24 AM »
Not really sure this is in the correct section or not, but I'm looking for bricks that are a "must have" for building stuff generally for roleplays. I am intending on re-building one of the Half-life 2 roleplay maps, but I'm not really sure which brick packs would be most suited for this task. I would highly appreciate it if someone could put me in the right direction for where I can find said brick packs, colour sets are also highly appreciated too.

On an unrelated note, if you would be interested in making said build with me, just pop me a PM

Gallery / "Car accident"
« on: October 31, 2015, 09:39:29 PM »

taken in Barnabas' server.

Gallery / Meanwhile. . .
« on: April 22, 2015, 06:51:34 PM »

Meanwhile . . . is a Blockland short that's quite short, but with an interesting soundscape and a smooth jazz track.

Off Topic / I'm now an adult.
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:30:07 PM »

Steam presents accepted here:

Help / unable to change avatar
« on: February 01, 2015, 09:13:46 AM »
I'm trying to replace my current avatar with this ; and it's not working at all.
I select the image and click change profile and the page refreshes and I've still got my old avatar, or it takes like 3 hours for the changes to go into effect. Is it a forum related problem or is it just me?
Any solutions?

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