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Topics - K3k0m@n

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 14
Off Topic / we've been lied to
« on: July 17, 2017, 02:42:52 PM »
y'know this icon?

this lovely sweet lovely fantastic lovely icon?
that is Tan coloured?
well IT'S A LIE:

wait so is this a lie?

Off Topic / harddrive freezing issues
« on: July 15, 2017, 02:29:30 PM »
i've been dealing with this issue for months and i've tried so many solutions
basically, sometimes* when trying to read from or write to the harddrive, it kinda 'locks up', freezing the entire computer sometimes for around 1-30 seconds. insanely annoying.
this pretty much makes my computer really hard to use or even impossible to use if i can barely do anything on it anymore due to this goddamn issue.
when i'm doing something entirely dependant to the harddrive, such as using a screen recorder, rendering a video or even copying files, it becomes impossible as the system just freezes.

*for around 1-2 weeks it keeps freezing, but then around a month of not freezing at all.

harddrives i have:

see: both disks i have are affected. note the disk transfer rate; its completely blank when disk's active time is 100%, and only does very little transferring when not frozen. CPU is shown as it appears to spike at the only moment when the disk isn't frozen, showing that it's freezing everything else on my computer.

things i've tried already:
  • checking cables in computer
  • disabling 'superfetch' service
  • disabling 'windows search' service
  • restarting (you think i've kept my computer on for months?)
  • removing resource-heavy programs (disabling steam made the freezes less frequent)
  • changing 'power plan' options, setting disks to perform as high as possible at all times
  • updating storage spaces controller drivers. right now i'm using the windows default, the motherboard i have (asus m5a78l-m) doesn't have any drivers for this higher then windows 7, and the windows 7 drivers bring up this error.
  • checking temperature, both harddrives aren't overheating
  • uninstalling windows 10 store apps (Candy Crush)
  • manually setting the virtual paging file instead of letting windows 10 do it
  • checking HDD health (completely healthy apparently)
  • checking for viruses/malware
  • changing SATA type in BIOS (caused windows 10 to bluescreen)
  • running memtest, no errors/faults whatsoever
  • i've probably forgotton a bunch of other things i've tried to solve this

computer specs if needed

Games / Old ROBLOX (2008-2012)
« on: July 04, 2017, 01:23:30 PM »
since this thread died, i thought i should make another as the game has returned again.
Old ROBLOX Websites

Graphictoria is a service which allows you to play the old roblox clients again. GT offers three versions as of this post, 2008, 2009 and 2011.
Recently, a new great feature was added where all you do is upload your place file, and GT hosts your server for you. This, along with place previews, has made hosting servers much better.

(you have to sign in to download the client, the download button appears on the game page when you've signed up.)

Finobe is another old roblox service with pretty much all of the same features that GT has, but finobe also has a roblox version from 2012.

Suggestions & Requests / Updated Modter Reupload
« on: June 23, 2017, 03:11:18 PM »
this addon's dead, can anyone mirror it?

specifically i want the 4x modter textures to be fixed

General Discussion / accidentially fixed the text
« on: June 20, 2017, 04:58:57 PM »

General Discussion / blockland beta through v1.03
« on: April 20, 2017, 03:14:10 PM »
this topic WAS going to be about the two odd changes i'm about to list, but me and vitawrap found something quite bigger, which is in the post after this.

when blockland retail first came out it was labelled v1. shortly after, v1.01, v1.02, v1.03 and v1.031 all came out.
although the installers for v1.01 and v1.031 cannot be found (found mac version of v1.031 though! (was v1.031 just a mac port?)), i have access to v1, v1.02 and v1.03 and between .02 and .03 are two weird changes which were kept right up until v20 without being fixed.
first weird change is this corner of the sink. in v1 to v1.02 this was actually fixed;

however, in v1.03, for some unknown reason, this weird tear had appeared.

and this weird tear had stayed until v21, where all interiors were removed entirely.

UPDATE: Tendon found more about this sink glitch, there appears to be a weird tear in the geometry of underneath the sink in this same area:
first image is v1, second is v1.03 - v20

and it's hollow:

second weird change:
remember this weird bug? where the actual 'hitbox' of when the main menu buttons change colour was way bigger then what they looked to be?

well guess what? it didn't occur in v1.02 and prior versions:

this is because in v1.02 and prior versions, the main menu button images were stretched weirdly, but in v1.03 badspot wanted to fix this for some reason but in the process he forgeted up the mouseover detection?
this is what the main menu looked like in v1.02 and prior versions, compared to v1.03 and all the way to the game now:

any other weird changes i find i will post in this topic.

edit: interesting bug fixed in v9 (?): the change map menu displays the wrong description for construct and kitchen:

Gallery / Giant Modter House [DL!]
« on: April 10, 2017, 08:08:12 AM »
This is a giant explorable house made from modterrain. We had originally made this for a freebuild, but, a year and a half later, we're releasing this to the public.
In the house there are a total of seven rooms: the hallway, bedroom, bathroom, storage room, living room, kitchen and even a little garden (with doghouse!)
We've hidden a bunch of secrets and little areas in this build, can you find them?
You can use this build for whatever you want, We're releasing this completely now.
The entire house totals up to 20,242 bricks.
Brickpacks needed: Modter (default), Siba's Modter Pack, 4x Modter Pack (default??)
Colorset: Trueno's Colorset

  • Kenko: planning, building the map and hosting
  • WaterOre: planning, building the map and helping out
  • VitaWrap: building some of the map
  • Bearbo: building some of the map
  • Klarck: Building most of the bathroom



Off Topic / funny coconut
« on: April 01, 2017, 11:03:42 AM »

Off Topic / Bergle (Official Discord server!)
« on: February 26, 2017, 04:52:08 PM »
    some features of bergle:
    - lots of bergle content. too much, probably
    - ask questions to bergle! see the responses to your questions on the answer page.
    - visit the bergle experience and experience bergle Fully.
    - other things that are quite bergle, honestly
    - random chances of funnies happening. we apologise if the ghosts invade your experience

    Official Bergle Discord!

    fun bergle video
    all credits can be found in the credits page.
    made for browsing on a computer. browsing on a mobile device will cause issues with navigation.
                                                             Presenting Bergle: The Website You'll Ever Need
                                                             we apologise if it's too intense for you

      Gallery / impossible cube
      « on: September 24, 2016, 04:25:34 PM »

      created by both me (kenko) and klarck

      EDIT: alternate angle (and extras!!) on page 2

      Gallery / [VIDEO] grains of light
      « on: August 24, 2016, 03:25:16 PM »
      I've made, yet again, another experimental video. I'l just copy here what I put in the description:
      this video shows a place where colours stand out in a dark setting and separate in the wind.
      this video was intended to be longer, but due to fear of lack of motivation and repetitiveness I stopped it short.
      all recorded in blockland.

      Add-Ons / Server Information Announcer
      « on: July 30, 2016, 11:17:31 AM »
      some people requested this to be released so I did

      This add-on reads out server information in chat, similar to other server info add-ons. However, unlike other add-ons, it reads the information out of a .txt file, allowing for even thousands of lines if you wanted to.
      This add-on was originally created in 2013 as part of a bigger add-on, but now I've repackaged it and edited it a bit.
      Most of the code was done by Swollow, so huge thanks to himher.

      $Pref::Server::ServerInfo_FileLocation - To change the location of the .txt file.
      $Pref::Server::ServerInfo_Delay - To change the amount of time until it announces again. (in ms)

      Install the add-on as usual, but then you need to make a .txt file in server/serverinfo/ called 'info.txt'. (It doesn't have to actually be this path, you can change the pref to move the location.)
      To add info to display, just edit the .txt file, having each piece of information on seperate lines. The add-on should pick a random line and display it.

      (make sure not to have any lines with nothing on them, as it may pick those lines and display nothing instead)


      Extra notes:
      I think formatting works (such as coloring text, fonts, etc), but I haven't tested it.
      You can edit the .txt file while in-game, you don't need to restart every time you make an edit to it.

      Off Topic / recommend me a mouse to get
      « on: July 18, 2016, 05:45:56 PM »
      the mouse I currently have is stuff and also has a pretty broken mousewheel so
      I need a new mouse and I don't think just going to the nearby store to get another dum office mouse would be the best decision as maybe there's a better?
      I don't want anything super expensive but not something super cheap and bad too, I guess like £50 is my limit? I'm not sure what to look for or anything in terms of mice
      also make sure it's durable too since I don't want something that'l only work for a milisecond
      anyway go suggest things and it may or may not be chosen

      (also, if possible, make sure sites are limited to ebay and amazon so hopefully said product won't be a pain to ship to uk)

      Off Topic / what new keyboard and mouse should I get
      « on: May 14, 2016, 09:54:16 AM »
      I have two questions
      first one: is it worth it to switch to a mechanical keyboard just for the feel of it?

      second one: what mechanical keyboard is reccomended? I've only ever used rubber domes and I tried one mechanical keyboard at a store and it felt nice
      however said keyboard had super fancy LEDs which I don't want
      I want a mechanical keyboard with no LEDs or any other functions I don't need, just one that feels better then the one I already have
      it also would be nice if it had music controls, like changing track, pause/play, stuff like that
      also, I don't really want one so cheap that it's bad, but I also don't want the price to be too high either

      suggest some stuff and I'l reply to if it seems good or not

      EDIT: also, any mouse suggestions? I think the mouse I have now should be fine but it's still only an office mouse and would be nice to have something new

      General Discussion / Beta Beta City
      « on: April 11, 2016, 01:05:23 PM »
      I found some old images on the blockland news board of when beta city was being built, we would have much more images but because of imageshack's downfall they're all gone

      It seems that everything seems to have a bit more detail, with a different colorset.
      also, this picture explains why the icon for the beta city save has some added/changed parts:

      does anyone have any more beta screenshots? or can explain why some things are changed in this picture?

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