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Topics - Planr

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If The World Were 100 People | GOOD Data

i know that most of Blockland's sounds and music are not original. is that true for the Drums music loop as well though?


I'm looking for a good server hosting service that lets me get full access to a VM for under $7 a month, so I can host games on it. Mostly Unturned, Minecraft, and perhaps StarMade and Blockland as well.

Only ones i've found online cost like $40-$100 a month for machines with decent hardware, way outside my price range. other ones are dirt cheap but with absolutely garbage 1998-tier hardware:

Is there any good middle ground around for good server/VM hosting?

  • Must be on the USA, east coast
  • Must be under $7.00 a month
  • Must have at least 8 GB of RAM, and at least four good CPU cores
  • Must have at least 50 GB of drive storage space

Off Topic / Best Computer hard drive cleanup program?
« on: March 10, 2017, 04:12:34 PM »
So my SSD that contains the OS on my computer is currently kind of low on space, and I was wondering what I could do to speed it up.

What's the best program to do disc cleanup on it and find out what's taking up most of the space?

I have a once-in-a-lifetime friend who lets me use his VM hosting machine for free to host games on, usually just Minecraft, however lately I have been wanting to host an Unturned server on it.

Thing is, his steam account is connected to the VM, and he doesn't want any Unturned installations to affect his Steam account or be linked through steam.

So, my issue is, how can I create an Unturned server on the VM without using Steam in any way?

Not what you think - It would change the set of footstep sounds the player uses when they trigger an event on a brick.

It would go like this:

onPlayerTouch -> Player -> SetFootstepMode -> (dropdown list here)

When the player steps on this, the four footstep sounds they use when walking are changed to another set of four footstep sounds. This way if players are underground in a metal bunker and walk out onto the surface with grass, their footstep sounds can be changed at the door when they walk out so they have grass footstep sounds. When they go back inside, they can step on a brick that changes their footstep sounds back to metal.

Players would need to add their own different footstep "modes" for this to work, but i'm sure what wouldn't be too hard to do once we get a working code template for that.

Anyone able to help me with this?

Off Topic / i sit down when i pee
« on: March 02, 2017, 11:42:40 PM »

Help / (VCE question) How to make varlinks work in Center/Bottomprint chat?
« on: February 28, 2017, 11:28:20 AM »

Im currently having an issue where I can't click on varlinks that are in centerprint or bottomprint text, but it works in chat text. However, I know that you can click on regular links in Centerprint and Bottomprint text, as Skill4Life mentions here.

So what am I doing wrong here?

Help / What can I do to boost my FPS on Blockland?
« on: February 27, 2017, 03:01:45 PM »
My current computer (+ specs)

For some reason I am getting really bad FPS on Blockland, especially on my own server. If I look at my large build (80k+ bricks), I get really bad FPS (around 15-20).
What could I do to improve this?

  • Going in my NVidia control panel and setting Blockland to use my GTX 960m graphics driver
  • Set my computer to High performance; make sure I am running Blockland with my charger plugged in

Here's how I have my Blockland settings set:
  • Max draw distance
  • Brick physics off
  • VBO bulk mode off
  • Vsync off
  • Shaders on Minimum

I am not changing my shader or draw distance settings, because I want to play with those on. Is there any way besides changing those to increase FPS? Is there something that I am not doing correctly with my computer's performance settings?

Help / How to do named brick variable tags with VCE
« on: February 22, 2017, 05:53:09 PM »

I tried doing <var:nb_brickname:variable> but it didnt work.
I am trying to copy a VCE value from one brick to another with the recieving brick checking and copying the value directly.

onActivate -> Server -> ClearBricks -> (player BLID)

anyone up to it? I need it for my Star Trek RP. Automatically loading and clearing saves via events to simulate changing environments around the ship.
of course it would need to be admin-only so players can't just event a brick and start deleting people's stuff.

I would load saves under the Public BL_ID, then clear them as such.

I am having an issue with playertouch events where when multiple people are standing on the same brick, only one of them will interact with the onPlayerTouch events on the brick. Is there a way this could be fixed, or supplemented with a new playertouch event that counts all players standing on it?

Why: I am trying to develop a Turbolift system for my Star Trek ship that has a seamless transition between locales on Turbolifts, using doPlayerTeleport triggered by onPlayerTouch, intertwined with VCE.

I need a mod that makes links clickable in bottomprint and centerprint chat, for a multi-function console that can only use one brick.

The thing is, i'm using varlinks to allow the player to press imaginary buttons on the console, but the problem is, i'm limited to regular chat, and every time i want to press to activate a new button in the varlink list, i have to reclick the brick, which starts spamming chat in the long run. So I need to avoid this by using bottomprint or centerprint text.

So is this possible at all?

Games / Nostalgic educational games
« on: February 15, 2017, 01:32:06 AM »
Got any educational games you played when you were a kid that bring back some serious nostalgia?

For me, three in particular stand out:
(images are clickable)


Off Topic / i made a youtube poop, thoughts?
« on: February 12, 2017, 01:31:31 AM »

never done this kind of thing before, but i had this in the works for 2 years and only now got around to finishing it

any suggestions for a good video editing program for making better ones in the future? i do want to get sony vegas but it's just so dang expensive

Help / What should I set my "Reduce render latency method" setting to?
« on: February 11, 2017, 06:16:10 PM »

it's an option in advanced options, and i am hopeful that somehow it can help with my FPS

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