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Topics - Pecon

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Suggestions & Requests / Increase topic lifetime in the Files category
« on: November 16, 2015, 10:40:21 AM »
By lifetime I mean the time period where the topic can be still be bumped before it is archived. I'm aware that it's possible to trick the forums into allowing you to bump old topics, but that is still besides the point. Let's not bring that up.

The files category gets very little posting activity and threads on the third page of Add-ons board (And much sooner on the other boards) are already archived. With this in mind, it would seem reasonable to increase the lifetime from two months to something in the realm of maybe six months. This makes it easier to revive topics for mods which are periodically updated, but usually not often enough to keep up with the two month thread lifetime (An example would be TotalRPG, which is close to being ready to update now but I can't bump the thread because it is now archived).

Game Modes / Amade's Reverie Fort Wars
« on: November 03, 2015, 03:33:59 AM »
For information regard lore, crafting recipes, general know-how, etc., please read the main topic here.

Since Amade apparently won't be continuing work on this mod any time soon, it seems reasonable to allow other people to use it (he has also given permission for it's redistribution).

The mod was clearly fresh off the development block since it had some syntax errors. I also consolidated a few resources to make it a tiny bit easier to get running. I also removed a bunch of unused resources, and reconstructed the colorset since it wasn't provided.


Required add-ons:

This should just work right off the bat. There are a few extra features buried in the mod, like I believe turning on a day/night cycle will make it start counting days and such. I don't really have the time to explain all of these, though.

General Discussion / Custom mod commissions
« on: October 20, 2015, 09:55:37 PM »
Thanks to everyone who commissioned/donated, I've met my goal for the month with a bit to spare! This doesn't mean I'm closed for commissions, though. As long as I have the time I'd like to continue helping make people's projects a reality by providing mods. This isn't a desperate fundraiser anymore, fortunately, as I have been commissioned to develop a few websites for someone (outside the community) at a higher pay rate.
Hello. As of recently I've unfortunately been in a rather tight financial situation, as I've been out of a job for two months. I'm rather close on making the cut for bills at the end of this month and need some supporting money to make that happen. I don't like straight out begging so I figured I'd instead try to provide another service for the community until I have what I need. This isn't just some petty money grab on the community, if I can't make the bills this month I'll be forced to close a couple of other services I run for this community in order to make this cut.

Q: But Pecon, doesn't BlockNet make you money?
A: No, it really doesn't. I may not have had a mission statement like RTB's to not profit of the service; but it has ended up like that anyways. BlockNet just barely sustains itself.

So, with that cleared up, let me move on the topic at hand. I'll write you Blockland mods for the right price. I'm not going to advertise any concrete rates here since every project has it's own challenges and difficulty level that needs to be evaluated.

If you want to commission a mod (or general code/support), simply reply here or PM me with exactly what you want made and I'll give you a quote based on the effort required to make that mod. I'm fairly adept at coding, but I'm not a miracle-worker either, and I can occasionally be stumped by problems requiring higher level math. Keep in mind that the extent of my ability is for the most part limited to only coding, as I cannot model (I can do graphic design to a VERY SMALL extent), and I'm no expert on GUI's. All this together means that the majority of what I can make is purely 'server' mods. I can help you making weapons and vehicles and such, but you'll have to provide the models and resource files. While I was working I would have been more stingy about my rates, but since I literally have all the time in the world right now, why not say I'll do it for 75% less now. Which works out to approximately $2.5/hr worked, but that may not be the only factor I take into consideration when you commission me. You may also haggle with me.

Pricing examples
Some examples of mods I've already released with the amount I'd have quoted if it were a commission:
Position metric GUI - $1.5
Tick Events - $2
Restrict Items mod - $3
National Flags in Chat - $7 - This was simple in concept but it took a while to find a creative way of making it more efficient.
TotalRPG Event Suite - $50 - This took at least a week's worth of effort to make.
Dungeon Generator Gamemode - (Is actually a full-featured roguelike gamemode) - Don't ask me for something on this scale. I poured literal months of work into this mod and the price for such a task would be ridiculous.

Blockland mods aren't the only thing you can commission from me, I've also got experience in PHP (With MySQL), C++, and a little bit of each of these: Java, Lua, Javascript. I've made a pretty nifty forum system which integrated with Boss Battles to synchronize user data between the forum and the Blockland server, just as an example of what else I do.

If you don't feel like commissioning anything but want to help support me anyways, feel free to give directly to any of the services I provide. - My free file hosting service accepts donations here. This site costs me only $5 a month to run, take that as you will.
Boss Battles - My Blockland server has it's own donation page here, which shows the amount of money I have currently promised to give back to it in hosting fees.
BlockNet - My dedicated server hosting service does not need donations, as you can simply support it by buying a server there.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask away. I'll quote your ideas even if you aren't planning on doing them right away, so don't be afraid to ask.

Current queue
I start working on things in order of when they are paid for first.

Jervan: Completed!
 - Private commission

YounqD: Completed!
 - Guild mod $2 (finished)
 - Trade mod $3.5 (finished)

Nasa12: Completed!
 - Hat/trail GUI and buying system - $16 (finished)

Taciturn: Paid!
 - Private commission (waiting for info)

Siren: Paid!
 - Private commission (in progress)

SWAT One: Unpaid
 - Event Exporter - $8
 - FireEncompassRelay - $1.5
 - Relay channels - $3
Rally: Unpaid
 - Private commission

tl;dr - Post here or PM me your idea and I'll give you a price quote

Add-Ons / The Grim Reaper
« on: October 10, 2015, 01:30:54 AM »
Enable this mod, and Death will arrive to escort dead blockheads to Icthlarin.

Download the Reaper of Souls

It's not required, but Death would really appreciate it if you already had Weapon_Scythe (Mirror) downloaded.

Add-Ons / Position Reading GUI/Metric
« on: September 28, 2015, 05:32:46 AM »
This client mod adds a low-profile metric to your GUI which displays your current position (top) and velocity (bottom).

It works in practically any mode, showing a correct reading when spectating other players or in free camera mode (free camera mode does not show velocity).

In addition to this, the velocity display turns red when your velocity in any direction exceeds 28. In other words, it turns red when you're moving fast enough to take fall damage.


Off Topic / Pecon's Tekkit Lite server - Railroads, railroads everywhere
« on: September 11, 2015, 06:31:42 PM »
The server is using a whitelist for now! PM me or add me on steam and ask me to whitelist you. Include your minecraft username and tell me your favorite color, or duck. Duck is fine too.
If you were whitelisted on my server previously, I've probably re-added you to the new server! Give it a try before asking.

Server IP:

PvP enabled
Modpack is not negotiable, I will not be changing it.

How to join:
1. Download and run the Technic Launcher.
2. Select 'modpacks' and enter 'Tekkit Lite' into the search bar. Select the top result.
3. Download the pack, run it, and join with the above address.

1. Don't spam the chat.
2. Don't be a jerk.
3. Grief and you will be banned/un-whitelisted

General Discussion / Suggest useful things to use for
« on: August 31, 2015, 02:54:51 AM »
As some of you may already know, I managed to buy up about a month ago. Of course the first thing I did with it wasn't very productive, but I've taken that down and I'd like to create something useful. simply redirects to at the moment. I need some ideas on what exactly to use the main domain for. So please throw suggestions at me.

Also, subdomains.
I want to help promote Blockland-related services/websites by allowing them to use subdomains of So for example let's say somebody made a small website for their server and does not have a proper domain name for it. They could request to use a subdomain like If you have a blockland-related website and want to use a subdomain, just PM me about it (Or steam me if you can't PM).

On the off chance Badspot wants this domain to use officially, I'd be willing to give it up for only the cost it took me to register it in the first place ($25). Just putting that out there.

Off Topic / So I found out was available...
« on: August 16, 2015, 02:59:51 AM »

I make no apologies.

Modification Help / BlockDoc - A Blockland coding wiki
« on: July 02, 2015, 06:27:08 AM »

BlockDoc is a wiki that is striving to be a good reference for Blockland-specific coding and modification. There is a lot of content already, but it also isn't complete enough to prove of much use to anyone. I'd like to ask the modding community to help me in continuing to build this potentially powerful resource. If you feel like helping, note the list below and jump into any topic you like!

Things that really need to be done
- The Essential Functions List needs pages created for the remaining undocumented functions
- A beginners guide on General Modification needs to be written
- A beginners guide on Torquescript Syntax needs to be written

Things that are less important at the moment
- The Datablocks page needs pages created for most of the game's datablocks
- Object Types needs pages created for many of the game's objects

Don't bother
- The Console Function List has hundreds of functions without pages. I don't expect this to really ever be fully done.

Current significant contributors (Thanks!):
- Pecon
- Xalos
- Zapk
- Ipqµarx
- TheBlackParrot
- Honno


ProtonMail is a swiss-based email provider that was founded with the intent to create a more secure email service that anyone can use just as easily as normal email. All email sent in-network are fully encrypted and never accessible to anyone except for the owners of the respective accounts. All email stored on ProtonMail is encrypted and only accessible with the mailbox password.


After over a year of being an invite-only service, Protonmail is finally opening instant account creation. And for a limited time, new accounts will be given 1GB of email storage for their accounts. After June 17th, or when over capacity, new free accounts will only receive 500MB of email storage. ProtonMail also offers paid accounts which get the benefits of a few extra features and increased email storage, these accounts keep the service running financially.


Modification Help / Dungeon Generator - in Working Condition†
« on: June 04, 2015, 06:13:25 AM »
† but your server will start coughing up blood and begging for death after about a few hours of hosting

I should start out straight and say this project was a failure from start to finish. It wasn't planned out, this mod literally started as just an experiment with placing bricks via code. I simply added more and more and more onto it as time went by and pretty soon it was a game that was based on completely non-thought-out code due to not having had any goals in the first place. The mod is a huge mess, but miraculously works†. I've been compelled to release it by countless people since it's kinda fun to play when it isn't violently murdering your server.

Video demonstration: (5:42)

So here it is.

It has a good handful of required add-ons as well.
Brick_Dungeon - Contains a bunch of custom bricks I commissioned for this
Brick_SingleChest - Public brick made by Siba
Colorset_Spectrum - Things will look really weird if you don't use this.
System_ModSpells - Modular spell system made by me. It's not finished yet, but the features that Dungeon Generator needs work.
Spells_Dungeon - Dungeon Generator spellset.
Weapon_DungeonBladePack - Modification of some RPG swords pack that includes the stock melee weapons used in Dungeon Generator.
Weapon_Dungeon-RareSwords - You better not cheat to get these.
whispers.ogg - Required for a certain aesthetic effect.

Credits to resources I borrowed or commissioned can be found in the description.txt for Server_Dungeons

Quick easy setup guide

1: Start a minigame with datablock noJetPlayer and only a bronze dagger for starting item.
2: Make your minigame default somehow (Use Server_DefaultMinigame, Slayer, or whatever. Just know that Slayer may cause the game to lag out while restarting the Dungeon)
3: Do /startDungeon

enjoy killing your server

Ever wanted to make an RPG server just by eventing things? Sure, it's all possible. VCE has made it possible for a long time. However, there are quite a few inherent problems with VCE which make it extremely messy and difficult to use. This is also partially the fault of the event system simply not being designed for that level of complexity. I've created this mod with the idea of making an RPG server out of events in mind. I've taken every aspect of a VCE-evented RPG, and created new events which make doing those specific tasks much simpler. In short, these events, unlike VCE, are specifically designed for making an RPG server rather than trying to be the jack of all trades VCE was.

This is probably the simplest feature of RPG events, the money system. There are also /giveGold and /giveMoney commands which allows players to trade money.
Self > addGold [amount]
Self > checkGoldMoreThan [amount]
> onHasSufficientGold
> onHasInsufficientGold

Items and Key Items
Items are stack-able 'items' which players can collect through various means (They are not tools that appear in the tools menu). Players can view what normal items they have with the /inventory command, and key items via the /keyItems command.

Client > addRPGItem [item name] [amount]
Client > addRPGKeyItem [item name]
Client > removeRPGKeyItem [item name]
Client > sellRPGItem [item name] [price]
Self > checkItemMoreThan [item name] [amount]
Self > checkHasKeyItem [item name]
> onHasSufficientItem
> onHasInsufficientItem

You can give an item.

Sell items for a specific price.

checkItemMoreThan has an alternate syntax which allows you to check for more than just one item. In this case, the second box is unused.

Use a key item to specify that a player has unlocked certain things.

Check if a player has a key item before allowing them into an area.

If you've ever tried to implement skills and EXP in a VCE system, you probably gave up. It just gets too complicated. No longer! Includes /skills command.

Client > addSkillEXP [skill name] [amount]
Self > checkSkillMoreThan [skill name] [amount]
> onHasSufficientSkill
> onHasInsufficientSkill

A simple resource-gathering skill.
And then checking for a high enough level for a higher tier resource.

This is arguably one of the most advanced features of TotalRPG. The checkpoint-based quest system allows for the creation of long quests with many stages without needing a hundred VCE variables to keep track of everything. Includes a /quests command to display quest log.

Self > questStart [quest name] [quest description]

This event will only work if the quest of the specified name has already been started.
Self > questCheckpoint [quest name] [chapter name] [chapter description]

This event will only work if the quest of the specified name has already been started.
Self > questComplete [quest name] [finished description]

This input will only be called once. Once the questStart or questCheckpoint event for the given names has been activated for the first time, it can't be triggered again.
> onQuestUpdated

Also only called once when you trigger the questComplete event for the given quest name. Can't be triggered again.
> onQuestCompleted

Starting a quest is easy.

Make your quest have multiple stages by using the questCheckpoint event. These events don't enforce a specific order that the player must activate the checkpoints in, so make sure they can't access a checkpoint early. You can manipulate key items to make sure that players can't trigger a checkpoint for which they have not yet earned.

A more advanced example of a bot which is used as both a starting and ending place for a quest.

The TotalRPG event system comes built-in with a bottomprint HUD that displays the essential RPG elements. It displays their current health, the amount of money they currently have, and it displays the level and EXP of the last skill they earned EXP in. The HUD also plays fair with bottomprint events, and will not appear again until the bottomprint has timed out.

Also included is a saving system which automatically saves and loads all player data related to the RPG events whenever they disconnect or spawn. Player position, health, tools, etc. are not saved. I recommend using Script_Player_Persistence to save that data. Other than that, there is also a random event which is just there for whatever you might need it for.

This will pick a number randomly from 0 to maximum, and then call true if the number falls between 0 and range, or false otherwise.
Self > checkRandom [range] [maximum]
> onRandomTrue
> onRandomFalse

If you now feel thoroughly sold on the coolness of this system, you can download it right now!

Other highly recommended mods to use with this
Script_Player_Persistence (Default)

Theoretically you could also use VCE to add a secondary layer of complexity to the events, but that's more up to the way you want to design your events.

$pref::server::TotalRPG::savingProfile              //The name of the folder to save and load data out of. Useful if wanting to switch 'profiles' on the server.
$pref::server::TotalRPG::enableSaving               //Set to false to disable automatic saving
$pref::server::TotalRPG::preferredNotificationMode  //Default is "chatMessage", can be changed to "centerPrint"
$pref::server::TotalRPG::hudTickTime                //Tick time in milliseconds
$pref::server::TotalRPG::deathMessage               //Text to display in HUD when dead or playerless
$pref::server::TotalRPG::currencyName               //Sets the name of the currency
$pref::server::TotalRPG::disableHUD                 //Set to true to disable the HUD
$pref::server::TotalRPG::enableBrickCost            //Turns on the 'pay to build' system, which charges people to build. Off by default.
$pref::server::TotalRPG::BrickCostMultiplier        //Default: 20 - Costs 1 gold per 1x1f of volume.
$pref::server::TotalRPG::BrickCostDiscounts         //Offers a small discount on larger bricks to discourage spammy building. On by default.
$pref::server::TotalRPG::BrickBaseplatePremiums     //Makes baseplate bricks more expensive. Off by default. You'll need a mod to enforce baseplate rules if you want to use this effectively.

Gallery / [Video] ReShade Fun
« on: February 05, 2015, 03:11:15 PM »

Basically I go through a quick overview of a lot of the reshade presets. Some of them turn out really to be really neat.
I'm also using the handy 'split screen' reshade feature which only shades half the screen- for comparison.

Add-Ons / In-Server announcement rotator
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:53:58 PM »
As per request, I have released this mod which allows you to make reoccurring announcements like the ones you see in many servers. All announcements are handled through prefs and will therefore remain persistent between server restarts.

/addAnnouncement <words> (You can use markups like the <color> and <font> tags here)
/clearAnnouncements (Super-Admin only)

If announcements were enabled when the server shut down, they will still be enabled when you start the server again (assuming your prefs saved).

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