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Topics - CreamTurk3y

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Forum Games / A Blockland Story: The Final Chapter [Part 3] is up!
« on: April 17, 2015, 05:06:00 PM »
Years ago I created a video on GoAnimate called "A Blockland Story: Lord Tony's demise" Over the course of time stuff I made two more videos based on happenings in the BLF lore, "Greenlight" and "Glass' alts" April 17th of  2015 I have decided to end the saga, in "A Blockland Story: The Final Chapter" this is still a work in progress and I ? plan this to be the biggest video yet. I'm making this all epic and stuff because I really just want to make one more of these.

You can watch the little preview thing here:

And you can catch up on the series here
Lord Tony's Demise
Glass' Alts

If you want the basic plot stuff spoiled go ahead and read "More Info" on any of the parts
Here it is! I'll upload all the parts under this cool little line thing.
Part 0: Enter Lord Tony
Part 1: Cut the Glass
Part 2: Lord Tony's Plan
Part 3: Execution


Off Topic / A Blockland Story: Moved to community projects
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:34:05 PM »
Years ago I created a video on GoAnimate called "A Blockland Story: Lord Tony's demise" Over the course of time stuff I made two more videos based on happenings in the BLF lore, "Greenlight" and "Glass' alts" April 17th of  2015 I have decided to end the saga, in "A Blockland Story: The Final Chapter" this is still a work in progress and I plan this to be the biggest video yet. I'm making this all epic and stuff because I really just want to make one more of these.

You can watch the little preview thing here:

And you can catch up on the series here
Lord Tony's Demise
Glass' Alts

If you want the basic plot stuff spoiled go ahead and read "More Info" in the preview video.

Oh and I guess if you want to be in it, let me know and I'll try to put you in

Here it is! I'll upload all the parts under this cool little line thing.
Part 0: Enter Lord Tony


A new Halo game is being made for PC, it's a F2P game built on the Halo 3 engine and they're intending for it to run smoothly on lower-end PCs.

The closed beta is starting this spring and it will be exclusive in Russia at the moment, this is built as a PC game and there are no plans to release it to Xbox

How do you feel about this?

My internet is poo right now but I'll make the OP proper when it's not. Anyway discuss anything and everything Halo.

I am too lazy to make a good OP right now, but if this thread ever takes off I'll make it look decent. Welcome to the halo megathread sponsored by Monster energy drink, feed your wild side! Discuss anything Halo

Off Topic / and thus, I make love to the lovey number of 17....
« on: February 20, 2015, 01:55:01 AM »
It's my birthday, I'm 17 now. This is a birthday thread, you hate it, you hate me. Howdy!


"What's updog?"
The Game Grumps are a let's play group focused more on commentary rather than the gameplay. The channel has been around for 2 years and still going, and is made up of Danny, Arin, Barry, Suzy, Ross, Kevin and formerly JonTron. They've played all sorts of games like Sonic' 06, Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World and many more!

The group is more known for their wacky, yet chilled back type of commentary that can be really funny and sometimes very informative and laid back. The channel has many shows, like Game Grumps, Steam Train, Grumpcade, Table Flip, Game Grumps VS, Steam Rolled and many holiday themed variants! They also occasionally do stuff with Polaris for promotional things!

The show started with just Jon and Arin, who played games and just forgeted around and had fun, then Jon's close friend Barry joined the show as the silent editor. As time passed, Jon had to leave the show and Danny lovebang of Ninja love Party took his place, RubberNinja (Ross) also joined the show, he and Danny then had their own show called Steam Train where they play PC games, like King's Quest and Castle Crashers. With time, the show grew even more, Suzy, Arin's wife joined the show after awhile and Barry was given more of a role outside of editor, where Kevin took his spot as the main editor.

This thread is aimed for all discussion related to Game Grumps, Jon Era, Dan Era, conspiracies, venting, anything! If it's related to Grumps, it goes here! Feel free to discuss anything related to the Grump's personal channels too! (JonTron stuff still goes in the Jon thread ;) I won't let my baby die that easily)



ROLE(S): Grump, Bandit, D-Club Member
Youtube Channel:


ROLE(S): Not so Grump, Conductor of the Steam Train
Youtube Channel:


ROLE(S): Conductor of the Steam Train, D-Club Member(?)
Youtube Channel:


ROLE(S): Coal Shoveler, Co-editor, Editing Teacher, Gaming God


ROLE(S): Goose, Outlaw
Youtube Channel:


ROLE(S): Not so Grump of Game Grumps past, D-Club Member(?)
Youtube Channel:
Forum thread:


ROLE(S): Editor



Appeared on: Vice: Project Doom , Dragon Ball Budokai 3
Youtube Channel:


Appeared on: Game & Wario: Islands , Ostrich Island
Youtube Channel:

These are something the Grumps started doing in February, 2015. These will be the only videos posted in the OP (outside of Grumpcade guest appearances and Guild Grumps) as I can not/am not going to link every single loving episode. :)

Best of Game Grumps: January 2015

A live action mini-series of Ross sending all of the grumps, who have never played World of Warcraft, into WoW all starting with level 90 characters. This series is non-promotional thing for fun the Grumps decided to do. The show has no specific release date other than "Coming soon"


And that's that for now! Expect me to update this OP every once in awhile as I probably forgot a lot of things! Remember you can discuss ANYTHING related to the Grumps in this thread! Although I'd prefer mature discussion ( I wouldn't) I know there will probably be arguments about Jon Era VS. Dan Era, and about how Suzy shouldn't be on Game Grumps and stuff like that. So enjoy your time, make yourself comfy because this thread will probably die off and I would have wasted 2 hours making this. But I needed to do something to pass the time anyway and I've wanted to make this for awhile.

I may or may not post every day's uploads in the thread. I wouldn't as soon as they came out but when the day is over I would be posting all the episodes that came out that day. I haven't decided if I want to do this or not. Special videos though that aren't just the regular daily videos I will be posting in this thread.

In all srsness should I make a Game Grumps thread?
Like JonTron?
Direct to the JonTron thread

Like PeanutButterGamer?
Direct to the PeanutButterGamer Thread

Games / Unpopular gaming opinions.
« on: January 27, 2015, 01:19:45 AM »
Yep, post em' here!

I'll start with a few.

MOBAs are stuff, especially LoL, Smite being the only exception.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is overrated (but still a good game)

Ocarina of Time is inferior to Wind Waker

Xbox One is a really good system

AC: Unity is good

Off Topic / Did anyone just watch The Legend of Korra series finale?
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:23:38 AM »
I don't even know, did anyone else watch it? I need someone to talk to about it since I don't really know anybody who watches it. That was just so good.

also korrasami is canon, forget you, we win.

Games / Would you guys like it if I made a Kingdom Hearts megathread?
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:49:20 PM »
I'm a huge KH fan and I figured with the recent release of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD remix, I may want to make a megathread, but I'm not sure how many of you would actually like to see one, so let me know if you'd really like it if I turned this into one.

(Will lock the thread if this is counted as spam or anything rule breaking)

Did anyone else watch it? God my loving heart. Now we have to wait until February to find out what happens next ;-; but hey at least that's my birth month so that's coo'

Episode/season/general twd discussion can go here I guess

dammit why is this show so good

also haha, punny title

Off Topic / MACHO MADNESS (Video)
« on: November 07, 2014, 01:46:39 AM »

Hopefully non-game grumps fans will still get a kick out of this

Recently me and 2 of my friends got into a spat, a spat that grew into something big. Long story short, there was a misunderstanding, which turned into me being called a liar and a betrayer. I also "lost some of their respect" This started with me accidentally agreeing with something that I felt pressured to agree with when it was 3:00 AM and I was half awake and ready to go to sleep. When I took some time to think about it I decided to bring it up with one of them. It didn't go well and then the other one got extremely mad at me. Telling me I lied and betrayed them and my word. I tried to explain to them I felt pressured and I wasn't completely there but they completely ignored that and then told me I'd be forced to do the thing to "learn a valuable lesson" This made me realize a couple of things, not good things.

I've known the one I tried bringing it up with for almost 10 years, we've been good friends since we were kids. But I understand something, I've never really felt like they treated me as their best friend. They're rarely there for me when I need it the most and they've always treated me like I was beneath them, not an equal. The other one I've known for almost a year and is the partner of my good friend. They've always been nice and funny and pleasant to be around but it was like they were a completely different person that night. They treated me like they owned me and I had no right to what I needed or wanted and I just had to go by what they said. I've been kind of feeling like this for awhile, but only now do I fully understand.  They've never fully respected my needs or anything. I was just there to entertain them, never really their friend, I guess what I need help with is, I think I need a break or completely end the friendship with both of them. But I'm not sure how, considering I've known the first one for so long.

tl;dr: What's the best way to tell a friend you've known for almost 10 years you need a break/should end the friendship?

tl;dr2: Just loving read it

P.S: I would appreciate intelligence in this thread and actual responses.

Alrighty guys, making this a separate thread so it's easier to find. But here's the rules.

-You must send me a picture (either in this thread or a PM) of your 3DS and homescreen along with proof you're from the BLF so I know you don't have it already and it's not some screenshot you took from the google images.
-Along with your picture you must provide me with the character you're most excited to play as.
-First 15 people to supply me with the above will be entered into the raffle.
-If you are the winner you must send me proof that it worked just to make sure. If the code won't work for some reason, let me know and I'll re-roll the raffle

I will select a winner at 9:00 PM CST (in 6 hours), and I only have 1 code left. If we don't have 15 participants by that time I will roll it with whoever we have.

Let the game's begin.

If you don't know what the special demo includes.
-Infinite amount of uses
-5 playable characters: Mario, Link, Pikachu, Mega-Man and Villager
-1 Stage: Battlefield.

Also if you live outside of NA, THE CODE WILL NOT WORK. So please do not enter if you live outside of North America. If you've already entered and you do live outside of NA please say so so I can remove your name from the raffle and give other people a chance.

Made it 15 because it filled up super quick and the series has been running for 15 years so forget it lol


Top. ResonKinetic
2. Kimon
3. Ticonderoga
4. blueblur121
5. Incompatible
6. Superstarxalien169
7. maplelink64
8. tikitai
9. Julius The 1st (PM)
10. Jerome
11. SpongeCraft1212
12. JJJMan4
13. RobloxDude048 (R3nd3rm4n)
14. WaffleCake
15. Daswiruch

maplelink64 won lol


With Robin Williams' passing, JeremyJahns who is a popular movie reviewer decided to review Aladdin to honor his memory, but here's the really important part. All money he makes from this video will be going to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) to help fight against depression and anxiety, because they are both serious issues in the world that have taken a lot of lives. So please, I normally don't do these kind of things but being someone who also struggles with depression and anxiety, PLEASE watch this video and share it around if you want/can. If you don't want to share it that's fine, but at least watch it. Not only to honor Robin Williams' but to maybe help others and possibly help save lives.

Off Topic / My great grandmother has passed away
« on: July 27, 2014, 08:31:06 PM »
Hey guys, I normally don't make topics like this but I figured I would this time to let it out.

My Great Grandmother who is 89 years old has been really sick for the past few months, she was recently diagnosed with dementia and has had some problems with her colon and other things. Yesterday we found out her kidneys are shutting down, she's having some internal bleeding and a really bad bacterial infection. Just a few hours ago we got a call from my Grandpa saying that things took a turn for a worse and she's probably on her way out. Her blood pressure is dropping pretty rapidly.

She's lived a long and tough life. But she's really happy with her family, she loves every one of us even though she has a hard time showing it. She's been in a lot of pain, so I'm glad she'll finally have peace. She is one kick ass great grandmother and I'm going to miss her.

Update: We just got the call, she's no longer with us.

Games / Sims 4: 20 minute gameplay video
« on: July 19, 2014, 03:06:16 PM »
Thinking about taking a swim to cool off some of that summer heat? Well hold on a second because there is new Sims 4 gameplay!

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