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Topics - Vidios

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / I'm Baaaaaaaaaaack...
« on: August 17, 2009, 04:43:43 PM »
Damn, it has been a long time.
It has been 11 months, 2 days, 5 hours, and 7 minutes (give or take a minute or two) since I last posted.
Lol, almost a year.

Anywho, I'm back, playing Blockland again, (started playing BL about a week ago) and using the forums again.

Oh, another thing.
I now go by the name of Vidios. I don't care if my forum name changes,l (although I'd like it) but if you can remember, try to call me Vid or Vidios. That's also my Blockland name these days.
And I also jumped on the cookie monster avatar bandwagon.


Modification Help / Need help making a tool item
« on: September 14, 2008, 07:40:40 PM »
I'm making a tool add-on for Blockland, and I need to know a few things to have it work properly.
(You'll all know what it is later when I either beta host it or release it, and you may be able to figure it out based on my questions anyway)

First off, I need to know how to execute trust checks and centerPrint trust errors the way other tools do it.
Code: [Select]
toolProjectile::OnCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal) {
if(%col.getClassName() $= "fxDtsBrick") {
//%good = do a trust check
if(%good) {
//perform tool action (I know what I'm doing over here)
else //print trust error
else return;

Second, I need to know how to display non-render'd brick wireframes when the tool is mounted.

Third, I need to understand how to make a properly functioning get-a-tool slash command.
I've made code to do this before, but either the function didn't make the player's arm get into the "ready" position, or if I made the function do this, the arm would remain "ready" even if you switched weapons and de-quip'd it.

Thanks for the help... (assuming you post with help anyway)

EDIT: Problems 1 & 3 solved by looking at other code. Thanks Falcondude. XD

Help / Downloading sounds/music when I shouldn't be...?
« on: August 14, 2008, 03:59:22 PM »
I think there's a problem with the options to disallow music or sound fx downloading.

I join servers with both options turned off, yet I end up downloading ogg music.
Did the new addons system :panda: things up?

Drama / Permabans: Too easy.
« on: February 04, 2008, 10:25:30 PM »
I think a bit of a problem in Blockland is that permabans are used way to frequently, and not for the greatest reasons.

One of the major reasons of this has to be the simplicity of assigning a perma versus a timed one. Perma? Tick the box, put a reason, BAN>>, Yesplz, done.
A timeban involves poking around in dropdown menus, which is a bit annoying.

Why do I care? Most of the time, a perma isn't really needed unless the person is an obvious N00bfriendSpammer all-in-one.
But really, I usually ban people for just a few days, and I rarely see them again anyway! Why be so harsh as to deny some random person access to your server a month from now, when neither of you even remember the crime or each other?!

This needs to be fixed somewhat, by making a permaban harder to inflict than a normal timeban. I have an idea for that, but it's late for me and the typing is starting to get sloppy here.

Permabans are too easy, usually not deserved, and should be harder to do.


Drama / InDivided phails.
« on: December 18, 2007, 09:24:09 PM »
A n00by alt that always says the opposite of what UnDivided says.

I think a ban is in order; it HAS to be an alt account.

Modification Help / Check if a server is dedicated?
« on: November 23, 2007, 11:16:29 AM »
I'd like to know if there's any kind of checks (server-side, of course) that would tell whether a server is dedicated or not.

Is there a variable or something that determines that?

Just wondering, this would be useful in a few of my scripts.

Modification Help / Make a player "ignore" water?
« on: November 17, 2007, 03:46:02 PM »
You see, I'm trying to make an item that, when used, would make a player basically sink to the bottom of water and walk around like normal.

The only problem is that I'm not sure how I should go about doing this.

I've tried the following:
  • Increasing the player datablock density. However, if I bump this even to 2, I slide madly down slopes with no control, but it DOES get me under the water in the way I kind of want...
  • Defining a PlayerData::onEnterLiquid(%DB, %obj, %coverage, %type) to simply return. This accomplishes nothing.

I do NOT want to manipulate the map's water density/viscosity, as this item needs to be used on all maps.
I already have functions defined for making the player change datablocks and such with the desired effect.

Help pl0x?

Help / nvalid packet: ghost registering object?
« on: November 10, 2007, 07:43:03 PM »
As the topic title states, I have been getting a lot of Invalid packet errors referring to this ghost registering object thing.

What does this mean?

Here's what happens anyway:
I have modded the fireball weapon so that it lights bricks on fire through the command in Zor's fire mod when it hits a brick.
The only problem is, when I use it a decent amount of times in my somewhat highly detailed build, BL ends up kicking me from my server for the above mentioned reason.

All that I have tried is:
Making it light fire (theoretically) half the time, by using an
Code: [Select]
if(getRandom(0,1)) { //do stuff } statement in the brick fire starting part of the codez.

Commenting out the other part of the fireball's OnCollison, which "burned" the player when he was hit.

So: What should I do?

Modification Help / %player.setInvincibleMode ?
« on: October 28, 2007, 04:34:30 PM »
You see, I'm having a problem with the .setInvincibleMode method.
The thing is, it doesn't seem to work at all.

I make a minigame with all types of damage on, and a turret brick on the other side of a "wall" brick, to test with.
I open the mission editor, find the Object ID of my player, close the mission editor, then I open the console and type:
Code: [Select]
%PLAYER_OBJ_ID.setInvincibleMode(25, 0.5);No errors are reported in the console, but nothing happens.

You see, this SHOULD make my screen flash blue, and I should be invincible. Instead, I end up pseudo-suiciding via turret.

What am I doing wrong here?
I want to know how to make this work correctly, so I can make an item which makes you invincible...

*Note: setInvincibleMode(%time, %blinkRate) is reported as a valid method through a %player.dump(); .

Yes, I have 2 quick questions.

First off, I want to know how to reference the shooter of a projectile.
The thing is, I have a weapon projectile on collison function, and I am wondering, how can I reference the client who "shot" the projectile?
In other words, what variable references the:
who's player
is holding the gun
that fired the projectile,

within a WeaponProjectile::onCollision(%this, %obj, %col, %fade, %pos, %normal) function.

I want to run a certain serverCmd function when the bullet collides with a player, and it requires a %client variable, so how can I get one from the projectile function above?

That, and there is a minor problem with a function that makes you mount a gun. When it is executed, the gun and stuff mounts fine, the player is holding the gun, but when the gun is UN mounted, (mount something else and unmount), my hand remains in the "holding something" position, no matter whether I mount->unmount stuff, or /hug, or anything until I die.
How should I fix this? Here is the code:
Code: [Select]
function serverCmdGetWep(%client)
if(%client.isAdmin || %client.isSuperAdmin)
messageClient(%client,'', "\c0You may not use this weapon, you aren\'t an admin.");
Note: the real datablock names don't involve Wep, but I don't want to reveal what I am making right now.

Thanks if you help with either of these...

Gallery / Shoop-Da-Fire! (9 big pictures)
« on: September 08, 2007, 10:12:31 PM »
Now then, I bet you are wondering: "What the HELL is KLI talking about?"

Well, it was an interesting modification to Zor's fire mod.
Basically, I changed it so that the emitter isn't Fire A, but the Shoop-da-woop emitter.

I was goofing around when I did this, as it looked cool.
Me and my friends thought it was epic, so I decided to take pictures and post 'em here.

All of these pictures involved burning parts of a pink-o-fied version of an old Badspot Block Party.

Here they are:

The castle is shooping?

A different angle on the castle shoop.

A DOF screenie of the castle almost burned down.

The fire station roof knows how to Shoop.

The Pyramid. Shooping. Lulz.

The poor Pink Gym, on Shoop-fire...

Another shot of the Pink Gym Shooping-that-whoop.

An accidental GUI screenie of a small house shooping it.

Finally, here is a picture of a much smaller house doing a big shoop, along with some roads...

Lemme know what you thought, and if you want to know how to do this yourself.
I am also hosting a server sometimes: "KLI's Dedi. Server of Shoop-Da-Fire!"

Modification Help / Get the exact (x/y/z) location/rotation of a player?
« on: August 14, 2007, 10:03:13 AM »
Maybe I'm just a moron who doesn't know how to script, (like there are any good (*free*) torquescript tutorials out there for people who AREN'T starting from scratch...) but I have no idea how to get the position of a player object.
I want to make a slash command (to preferably be converted for client-side-ed-ness) that gives the x y z location of a player.

In other words, I need someone to fill in the blank provided by the following code's comment:
Code: [Select]
function serverCmdGetMyLocation(%client)
//this part causes the code to get the x y z location of the player, and sets it to a varaible, %location
messageClient(%client, '', "\c2You are located at:\c1" SPC %location);
That, and could I also get a quick little function that returns the rotation of a player using only a %client argument?

Thanks to whoever helps.

Help / 5 "Standard Player" 's?
« on: August 11, 2007, 08:42:15 PM »
Yes, you heard me correctly, in my minigame player-type list I have 5 standard player entries.
I have never installed any addons that involve messing with player datablocks.
However, I have been on servers that have had multiple standard players, and I wonder why I have them.
I have had this problem for a while now, but I finally decided to ask:
Attached is a pic of the damage.

Suggestions & Requests / KLI's List of Suggestions
« on: August 03, 2007, 09:56:44 PM »
As you already know from the thread title, this is a list of suggestions for good ol' Blockland.
They are not in any particular order, they are just numbered so you can refer to them easily. However, please don't post these simple kinds of feedback:
1. yesh. 2. omg who cares 3. NEVA!
Note: These suggestions aren't all original, but I wanted to put them in this list 'cause I like 'em.

1. Moar space-y maps. Earth Orbit isn't enough.
2. The following brick plant errors MUST BE ELIMINATED:
     2a. Unstable. And if you think this breaks realism at all, then how real is it when a giant city build in slopes is supported by a couple of 1x1's... In RL, with legos, it would topple over unless it was PERFECTLY BALANCED THE ENTIRE TIME. It's dumb, really. So  we need to get rid of it.
     2b. Too Loud. This plant error is just plain annoying. See #3 for details...
   One improvement we need here is the ability to have them "overlap". In other words, you should be able to build music bricks in various places, with the same song, and not get Too Loud's. Somehow, it needs to be made so that it's the same volume everywhere that the music "reaches".
   Also, we need the ability to adjust the distance that music reaches, and/or it's volume. Something in the music brick wrench gui. This might also help with too louds...
4. Click this link to go to a neat suggestion I like:
5. A preloader for those loooooooong downloads. In case you don't know what a preloader is, it's like an extremely simple game that you can entertain yourself with while you wait for something to download. Yes, I know that you can chat while you wait to spawn in a server, but I'd rather play a simple little stupid game while I load something BIG.
6. A 'build zone' type of thing. Some kind of mission editor box-type thingy that you could place, and you could NOT build outside of the box. However people could walk outside of the box for whatever reasons. This could be an interesting way to prevent building in some sorta RPG without doing a default minigame script with no building.
7. "Hair" for minifigs. Not like on the faces, but a thing that you put on like a hat, but it looks like lego minifig hair. (only blocko styled, obviously.)
8. The ability to see what addons a server has before you join it. This way, you can see if a server has a f****** up addons folder BEFORE you join it, and you don't dl a single cruddy file in a messed up folder.
9. Dancing. Emote. 'Nuff said.
10. 3RD PERSON CROSSHAIR!!!!!!! WE NEEDS THIS!!!! [/caps]
11. An /afk function, that changes your playerobject name and color to, say: Blockhead [AFK], AND changes the color & name in the F2 player list to reflect the AFK-ness. (I know there IS something that changes the playerobject name, but it doesn't affect anything else that I know of.
12. A larger inventory. (the Q button one) Perhaps changeable by SuperAdmins.
13. Decal/Face/other .jpg's being able to be dl'd by other clients (the second checkbox in network options perhaps? Who knows...)
14. For the last one, I won't make a suggestion regarding the game, instead, I'll change it up and make a forum based suggestion:
I'm sorry about that but not having modify is getting annoying to pretty much everyone.

Thank you for reading, and btw, if you quote, don't quote everything at once... At least edit out #14... :P
Let teh posting begin...

Help / What in the heck is wrong with my welcome message???
« on: July 25, 2007, 01:36:26 PM »
Ok, here's my problem:

I am trying to make a custom welcome message for when I run my server. However, when I put in what I want to be the message, it doesn't show up when I start my server. (Not a dedicated btw.)

Just so you get my method, I'm editing the file: Blockland\base\config\server\prefs.cs
And I'm editing this line:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::WelcomeMessage = "\c2Welcome to Blockland %1."; Now, that piece of code works as a welcome message, but I don't like teh defaults. So, I change the above line to:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::WelcomeMessage = "\c2Welcome to my server %1. Don\'t annoy your host."; Technically, this would work just fine (except the %1 part which is the player's name) in a messageAll("","above line here") thing in a normal piece of code. But when I open up Blockland (yes, I saved the prefs file), and start my non-dedicated server, I get nothing at all in chat when it goes to the loading datablocks screen and such.
So I'm really annoyed now. So, I try something stupid, and change the line to:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::WelcomeMessage = "\c2LOL this is a test %1.";
I save, close file, close and reopen Blockland, start a new non-dedicated, and to my amazing suprise, IT WORKED!
Now I was annoyed that the message I wanted didn't work, but this piece of **** message did. I then thought that my problem was not having the %1 variable at the end of the message, like that was the problem. So I change the line again to:
Code: [Select]
$Pref::Server::WelcomeMessage = "\c2Welcome to my server, don\'t annoy your host %1."; I save, close, restart blockland, start server and...
TOTAL CRAP. No welcome message shows up.

Somebody tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong... That, and I'd also like it if you could give me a version that is all blue except for the cyan name of a person... (which I know is done with colorcodes \c1 and \c4 in that order)

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