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Messages - Car Selling Pyro

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Add-Ons / Re: Event_SetBotName
« on: May 20, 2018, 05:50:49 PM »
you can already do the name and color with setaishapename, but he never added a distance var himself

if anything it's less math and packages to worry about, nice work

can you releas a example template thing because i cant think up of any sort of way to actually pull this stuff off

the gui was made in v20 blockland mission editor, you can load it up from there

GuiMLTextProfile is the text (like centerprint and bottomprint) and GuiBitmapButtonCtrl calls a function when you click on the extent, it's meant for a bitmap image with it but i already have the text

i really wanted to use buttons or scrolling lists but it doesn't allow for fancy formatting like <br> or <color:ffffff> for the text

my functions just lead to calling a vce_callfunction on a brick because i like organizing it ingame with the event system

the bitmapbutton border is too small so you can't click on the right parts of the text, just being lazy on my part

this guide picked me up on it, most of the photobucket images are dead so i had to brute force it

i still have no idea how to make things look organized, but it's a good start for what it's worth

18 kept you waiting huh

got a gui to work, it's alright but i really want to refrain from using buttons/scroll lists and stick with MLtext

the music came in a bit late for some reason, keep in mind there's no post-editing in these videos, everything is done with events/stuffty scripts

now that finals are over, i might finish up the series with the next video

Forum Games / Re: Road Trip Adventure - The Interactive Forum Game
« on: April 07, 2018, 02:40:38 AM »
rush papaya island and get jets

Modification Help / Re: BLBrowser^2
« on: March 23, 2018, 03:54:47 AM »
hell yeah 1080p 60fps

also would there be a way to play html files locally? like an mp4 embedded inside?

there's some awesomium documentation on local filesystems but last time i tried it didn't work out

Add-Ons / Re: Grappling Hook [mod edit by Conan]
« on: March 18, 2018, 12:31:24 AM »
if i ever get serious about making add-ons but intentionally refuse releasing any of them, i personally consent for someone to RAT my computer, install cyber-aids on all of my hard drives, and publicly release every single one, each being credited to me under the alias "human garbage"

ot: can't wait for the events mama

Suggestions & Requests / Re: onRelay > Bot
« on: March 17, 2018, 05:40:36 PM »
dropbox link is down so here's my copy

i'd recommend this with firerelaynum but you need to do a workaround with ifvariable for it to work

Modification Help / Re: [call for talent] - help with a project
« on: March 13, 2018, 10:45:49 PM »
reminds me of this post i made

to avoid like 200 pages worth of what i've been working on, here's a list of things i am 100% certain you cannot do in the game that actual gamemaker "engines" can

  • "pre-rendered cutscenes" or mp4 videos found locally on your computer (awesomium doesn't support local video files, don't even think about scrolling pngs)
  • reliable dynamic camera movement (scheduling static camera looping is choppy as all hell, popfront and pushback commands from slayer's flycam or pathcam vary in loadtime depending on positions and changes)
  • instant freeze-loading (port's loading function only freezes your screen for 5 seconds while the world still plays out in realtime, all cleanup most likely can't be completed at frame 1)

that being said, here's a list of things that are totally possible

  • really cool client GUIs (dialogue bars, HUDs, terminals, etc.)
  • fully functional dialogue/RPG mechanics (these wouldn't be as time-consuming to make if i could use xml/json parsing)
  • semi-dynamic FOV (blockland only allows FOV as integers, meaning no fancy zooming cameras, but it can lead for fun closeups like the fallout 4 video has)
  • pre-rendered cutscenes from youtube/html5 videos (probably won't sync very well for slow internet or multiplayer gamemodes)
  • stereo .oggs (editing kalph's music filesize add-on does the trick, but heavier files may cause a few moments of lag, 8mb .oggs freeze the game for a quarter of a second)
  • pathfinding AI (we're waiting...)

my main concern is that you shouldn't worry about the voice acting until much later, for now just focus on if the main gameplay idea is possible

if you want something like dix miggie, how do you want to improve it? multiple story paths? unique combat mechanics? expanded RPG functions?

look at other fangames and gamemodes to draw inspiration from, crack-life campaign mode was a huge inspiration to jayce

i've been looking for an excuse to go wild with a campaign project since DM3, but i would really prefer a singleplayer gamemode over a co-op one

it's much easier to balance difficulty, there's no worry about networking, and overall a better experience for drop-in/drop-out gameplay, especially for saving/loading builds

your best bet would to change $Game::Item::PopTime

Code: [Select]
$Game::Item::PopTime = 30000;in console

General Discussion / Re: cursed blockland screenshots
« on: January 27, 2018, 12:54:30 AM »

it might be possible to detect vehicle collision the same way fxDtsBrick::onPlayerTouch does by using that .dll magic

Ran into issues with doing this.  Having a horse touch the brick won't teleport, but getting off would trap the player in an endless loop of teleportation into one spot.  This can only be fixed by suiciding.
which output event are you using? doplayerteleport, setplayertransform?

if you want to teleport the bot, onbotteleport is a tad finicky but it does the job

Suggestions & Requests / Re: A working link to Blockland v000002.
« on: December 31, 2017, 10:28:09 PM »
the unofficial sequel to:

scroll down to downloads, the v0002 with customMS should be what you're looking for

Suggestions & Requests / Re: any of eksi's skyboxes
« on: December 31, 2017, 08:05:57 PM »
found two of them on swollow's rtb archive

no clue about bgover though

Modification Help / Re: Generating Gamemode Files?
« on: December 30, 2017, 12:38:38 AM »
This has been made at least 3 times. Search for "game mode maker" or the like.
i've only found 2, viso's and this one

links are down for both

General Discussion / Re: Anyone think more gamemodes should be open?
« on: December 29, 2017, 07:06:26 PM »
As someone who just codes their stuff instead, I can't believe how much they can accomplish (or are willing to accomplish) with how limited events can be.
youd be suprise

People are too focused on getting high playercounts, rather than just making something fun.
i've had my fair share of hosting 50+ players from survive the disasters back in 2015 and it's overrated as hell

it's fun to see other people enjoy your creations in realtime, but worrying about networking and moderation takes all the enjoyability out of it

the reason i quit working my minijet challenge server was because of the high usage modter and zones turning the game's framerate and latency into swiss cheese, but that can all be loaded stage-by-stage with singleplayer

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