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Messages - Gambsy

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 ... 74
Just to throw it out there, if you have had any relevant past experience with moderating or running any siazeable ts3 it would be worth mentioning in your app

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass File Hosting [Open Alpha]
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:11:52 PM »
Yeah, I was considering that too. I'll look in to getting an actual domain soon.

if you a student you can get a free .me domain for a year though githubs student pack

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass File Hosting [Open Alpha]
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:01:10 PM »
Huh, that's interesting. Maybe something to do with file downloads? My school has most download sites blocked, but I doubt they automatically scan each site. Before, all links to downloads were JavaScript, but now there's a direct link for the BLG add-on itself.

It could potentially be due to the .tk domain. Some firewalls will block this by default

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass File Hosting [Open Alpha]
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:50:14 AM »
Just use the auth server

Gallery / Re: WIP - TomTom's Trench Team-Deathmatch
« on: May 04, 2015, 06:12:53 PM »
Double toast:
Just to announce, all the functionality of the game is now complete.
We just need to finish polishing it all up for you guys so it should be out soon :)

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Long Distance TTDM
« on: May 04, 2015, 03:22:31 PM »

With the announcement of TomTom's new TTDM, I was thinking of new types of Trench Warfares.

A recent one that came to mind is a long distance TTDM, it would primarily feature vehicles to get get along distances. Players on teams would have to co-operate to ensure their vehicles a road to the objective. There could also be paradropping like in Tom's TDM.

What do you guys think? There could always be more to it.

The main issue and constraint with this is render distance, for a gamemode of this type, the distance would need to be much greater to be effective which is a shame as i would have liked to add a scale to the map somewhat like BF4 for the trench but cant.

Gallery / Re: WIP - TomTom's Trench Team-Deathmatch
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:27:27 PM »
That's cause I came up with an excellent idea for the theme, no thanks are necessary

Right, will amend this right away


Name: TomTom - 3694
Past servers:
Danny Boy
Big Brothers
TomTom's :P

Reason of becoming administrator:
Have a large experience in administrating servers, and have experience with this type of server from previous hosting endeavours; which attracted over 2000 users in the few weeks it was hosted.
My main goals as an administrator is to mitigate and issues that arise in the server, and deal with problem users whilst attempting to keep a positive atmosphere within the server before everyone rages from the list of red skulls in the chat with there name next to it.
I am also a competent coder, so could possibly help make additions to the server

Gallery / Re: WIP - TomTom's Trench Team-Deathmatch
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:31:18 AM »
Nice build but ur gay <3

Shh, ur just jel that ime not stealing on of your builds for once :P

Modification Help / Re: loop on bottom print dosnt work
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:37:03 AM »
Slightly OT but there's no need to send it to the client every millisecond. It's also probably more efficient to call the update whenever a transaction takes place

General Discussion / Re: Blockland Glass File Hosting [Open Alpha]
« on: May 03, 2015, 07:18:46 PM »
Like the updates, keep up the good work. Maby in the source code bit you could change the highlighting to red for the 'malicious' code

Gallery / Re: WIP - TomTom's Trench Team-Deathmatch
« on: May 03, 2015, 12:32:18 PM »
Lol i got in this server when there was a password on it :P... Later i got banned though

Then look but don't touch!!

General Discussion / Re: [LIVE] Streaming Brick-Making
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:10:12 PM »

Gallery / Re: WIP - TomTom's Trench Team-Deathmatch
« on: April 29, 2015, 11:37:41 AM »
I would like to test out.

Ok awesome, hit me up on steam - Gambsy

Gallery / Re: WIP - TomTom's Trench Team-Deathmatch
« on: April 27, 2015, 08:25:39 PM »

i used a console command and sent friend requests to everyone using rtb

1v1 me

Requests != Friends
And mine is confirmed so, meh :P

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