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Messages - YorkTown95

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So Jasa asked me to add some Ambient lights, that he thinks are great, and I was wondering if you all liked them as well:

And I've installed these lights on the streets lights currently.

Crap, I've made a mistake on the OP's title, I just fixed it.

General Discussion / YorkTown95's CRP Server
« on: June 18, 2013, 12:06:56 AM »
(The OP is under construction, I will add more stuff to it whenever I get enough freetime.)
YorkTown95's CRP Server
..and it is finally back!

Table of Content:
Staff Team
Server Status
Special Thanks


YorkTown95 has a long history of hosting CityRPGs back 4-5 years ago. It started out when Diggy introduced the CityRPG mod to YorkTown95; this is what motivated YorkTown95 into hosting CityRPGs. YorkTown95 started out hosting the CityRPG from the start, with assistance by various scripters such like Moppy, Clockturn, Ipquarx, etc, and from various related CityRPG hosts, such as Pitfall, Diggy, Wicked, and Moppy; they were great on their work (mostly from Diggy himself).

Two years ago, YorkTown95 started to use Jasa's CRP gamemode when Jasa himself invited YorkTown95 to use his very own gamemode that he made from scrap, and today, with the awesomeness of YorkTown95, Jasa, and Swat725, the admins will have a great experience in making the server a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone in the server.

Before you can play on the servers, please refer to the server guidelines that are posted in the links section; they will help you to have fun in the server. I would love to hear about feedback, please post them here for me to get an idea of what you want to see. If you're having an issue regarding about a player/moderator or myself in general on the server, please private message me personally so we can sort this out in a nice and fair manner. Please do not post it in this thread publicly, where everyone will see it; I would like to discuss those manners in private. But, if you have any questions in general, feel free to leave your post; I will be happy to answer any questions.

If you don't know what CRP means, for long it means CityRP. For updates about the CRP Gamemode, refer to Plexious's (Jasa) 2nd OP post for updates.


Server/Building/Appeals Guidelines. (MUST READ)
Jasa's CRP Development Thread.
Download the CRP Client. (Required to play on the server)
CRP Stats - View your stats even not on the server!

Staff Team:

This is our current staff as of now, they're the "go to" people if you have suspect a player breaching into our rules. Keep in mind these staff members will have either a purple admin tag or an orange moderator tag next to their name. If its about the gamemode itself, its advised to ask an admin to get any help. Asking to become a moderator will ruin your chances of becoming one in the future.

YorkTown95 - Owner and Server Manager
Jasa - CRP Gamemode Manager
Swat725 - Infobricks and Building Manager

The Brighter Dark


I will add Screenshots whenever I get a chance to do so, or when the server grows I will provide them. But otherwise come check out the server for a up-to-date version.


None so far, but the server will open on Friday the 6/21! (Valve Time!)

Server Status:

Special Thanks:
Jasa and his development of CRP.
Diggy's MetroRP Server.
Everyone in the past that has played in my server.

Drama / Re: Zapk the handicapped peice of crap
« on: June 17, 2013, 09:40:16 PM »
who's Yorktown?
I was known to host my CityRPG back in my day, so yeah. But going back into topic, I've had problems with Ethan The Great when I had my server up.

Drama / Re: Zapk the handicapped peice of crap
« on: June 17, 2013, 09:33:12 PM »
Heres a solution to the OP, if you dislike his server, than just don't play in his server.

Off Topic / Re: Cleverbot is a brony.
« on: July 12, 2012, 12:07:34 PM »
Would you kindly post this in the MLP thread and lock this?

I think that replacing the models in TF2 with ponies is going a little bit too far. :s
Once again, these are not reskins, the models are part of the server, normal players cannot play the models without the exception of being the boss.

legs look good IMO, but I think its the head and body making it look odd.
You know, Jug was recently re-doing the models, if you guys are curious about them (These models will not be on Ozzy Furocity until he makes up his mind to do that).

EDIT: Here are the pictures (I feel like not putting it as a img tag)

These models are in the vs ponyville new jersey server at the moment.

The legs on those models are so messed up.
Blame TheGreatJug. He's not that bad of a guy.

Blood-Thirsty Twilight Sparkle

Now she would get double the rage if that class is haunted (outlined), but I don't recall her being that thirsty for blood.

Normally I hate trixie, but this is too adawable.
Remind me next time when we play Vs Saxton Hale, on my boss turn, to play as Trixie.

We have twice the amount of pages and less viewers as the Post real life pictures of yourself topic.

Comes to show how talkative we are with ourselves.
This thread will always be the number one indefinitely.

Another picture of Twilight from TF2. Don't mind me.

Games / Re: Team Fortress 2 - Megathread
« on: July 09, 2012, 12:19:03 AM »

Sniper high five on Vs Saxton Hale Remake.

I've been playing some Vs Saxton Hale for awhile, man, I really need to get more damage.

I do want to bring some good news about Vs Saxton Hale of Ozzy Furocity. (TF2)

I was busy at the moment because of my duties as a moderator there, but Howoriginal has been managing to keep in order, I suppose he and I are the ones to bring updates about the updates I get from the staff meetings or in-game VSH.

Ozzy Furocity has introduced OzCrates and OzKeys (In-game crates that almost behave like Mann co. crates). A crate is given to a random person, it takes 3 minutes to hand out a single crate if there is 30 people in the server, and 9 minutes per given crate if there is 10 people in the server (To prevent freeloaders). You can purchase keys from the website market of course, they're only $2, easy affordable.

!inventory is to view your backpack.
!unbox is to unbox a crate. (Must have a in-game OzCrate and Ozkey to work)
These commands only work in the VSH servers, (#6, 7, and 8)

From the Unboxes, you may get a 3-trail or a 5-trail of a boss or a unusual type, or permanent boss/unusual, or you might get a sparkling (3x rage is built when damaged), one of my friends got Sparkling Nightmare Moon, which has access to Princess Celestia.

Example shown here:

Lets say that I have three access to Pinkie Pie, this gives me access to the alt boss DJ Pinkie. or Fluttershy, I get the alt access to Big Macintosh.

For those of you who are interested in playing the servers, in fact Howoriginal and I have a good time on the servers.

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