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Messages - TheBlackParrot

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 [6] 7 8 9 10 11 ... 476
Add-Ons / Re: Client_CustomChat [v0.3.1-1] :: bitmaps bitmaps bitmaps
« on: September 20, 2016, 10:04:30 PM »
All of a sudden the mod made all colors for everything black, and I can't fix it. I tried reinstalling the mod and it didn't do anything. Could you try to fix this or make a "reset to defaults" button?
OSX? old old version of the addon?
don't know what would cause that

just remove the $Pref::Client::CustomChat lines in your config/client/prefs.cs file and it will reset.

font type and size isn't resetting any more.
but now the chat background won't load until save has been pressed at least once during a game session.
this i can't reproduce

Games / Re: Blockland 2 being developed by Anthonyrules144
« on: September 20, 2016, 06:06:21 PM »

General Discussion / Re: blockoworld cancelled
« on: September 20, 2016, 04:27:02 PM »
still don't see why a 24/7 server like this can't happen

open it for a week, take it down for a week for maintenance/booth switching/booth building/etc., open it back up for a week, etc., etc.

or hell. open it for 3 days every 2 weeks

General Discussion / Re: Scenery's TOURNAMENTS [ONLINE] - THERE'S MUSIC NOW
« on: September 18, 2016, 09:35:18 PM »
shame you still can't just spectate tournaments  :panda:

Off Topic / Re: Gas shortage in a few southern US states
« on: September 17, 2016, 12:42:02 AM »
went to fill up my tank after work tonight, gas station i normally go to was out of unleaded gas
guess this was why lmao, forget

Modification Help / Discord guild for content creation
« on: September 17, 2016, 12:27:33 AM »

I've seen these things around before, made one specifically for Blockland. I don't expect it to be super active.

I'll also make a text channel for your addon if you just ask, so long as it can warrant having one (ex. shoe/chicken rp wouldn't. Glass, Slayer, New Duplicator, etc. would) (just ask)

 - Bot to reply with a function description if mentioned with a function name. Moderators will be able to curate content over a DM. (trusted users too if the time comes)
 - Some fair way to call someone a "trusted user"
 - Bot to assign the "Builder", "Eventer", "Programmer", "Modeller" roles
 - Bot to assign the "See Ads" role
 - Bot function to post a link to various resources

also could use an icon lol

Add-Ons / Re: Client_CustomChat [v0.3.1-1] :: bitmaps bitmaps bitmaps
« on: September 16, 2016, 01:34:41 AM »
 - Fix issue with Blockland being a special snowflake and resetting the chat profile at odd times
 - <bitmap> markup removal added
 - Fix issue with newChatSO.addLine not updating the chat area
 - Added the ability to change the maximum bitmap height (can fix this issue) (update pending as of this post)

Add-Ons / Re: Client_CustomChat [v0.3.0-1] :: oh my goodness, backgrounds
« on: September 15, 2016, 11:55:28 PM »
I do have some suggestions.

A hotkey to quickly toggle between showing the custom chat effects and showing the default chat would be nice.
is there a use case for this? if not i'll just add it when i feel like it

If you havent already, add mod/moderator tags if it's possible from the client side. Most moderator add-ons I've seen use isMod or isModerator.
server addons would need to send data to clients over clientCmds or etc., it can't be done only on the client side

Also a separate chat box for deaths would be nice. Perhaps let players pick what position the chat boxes are, at the bottom left above the paint can stuff, at the top left, or at the top right next to the inventory.
i don't know how possible this would be or if it'd be worth my time to code a whole extra chatbox from scratch

What I'm going for is using the default chat location for death messages only and put chat above the paint can to try to replicate garry's mod or other source engine games/mods

Looks real cool though, gonna be downloading this and checking it out. How compatable is this when servers screw with the chat system in their own way?
most servers just use messageClient if they're doing heavy modding of chat, it works fine. logging is the only thing that really takes a hit (unable to log BL_IDs).

looking into the reset issue now

EDIT: pretty sure it has to do with me only modifying BlockChatTextSize1Profile and not the other 9. it should be forced to 1 though and i'm guessing for ~**~whatever special reason~**~ the game is switching it back to something other than 1.


   function newChatText::setProfile(%this, %profile) {
      if(strstr(%profile.getName(), "BlockChatTextSize") != -1) {
         %profile = BlockChatTextSize1Profile;

      parent::setProfile(%this, %profile);

adding this to CustomChatPackage in client.cs will fix it. i hate doing it this way but i want to avoid any potential issue blockland will cause. (this only applies to the BlockChatTextSize profiles)

will be present in the next update

Add-Ons / Re: Client_CustomChat [v0.3.0-1] :: oh my goodness, backgrounds
« on: September 15, 2016, 07:07:02 PM »
i have no idea what you guys are running into when it's resetting, but i'll try this out on a clean installation later

will add the <bitmap> removal option at some point

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:52:50 PM »
A few days ago I asked Crown about this and he said that it is a game, and you need to say you are playing it before you do, just like every other game. It certainly looks like a game in the terms, it's in the middle of the other games, it has a Designated Shooter, etc.
then it needs to be modified
it's defined as commands

Add-Ons / Re: Client_CustomChat [v0.3.0-1] :: oh my goodness, backgrounds
« on: September 15, 2016, 01:52:07 PM »
Does this load automatically when you join a server? If not, then you should probably make it so.'s a client addon?

General Discussion / Re: (quote sounds) - Memorable Blockland Chat Lines
« on: September 15, 2016, 05:57:01 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: September 15, 2016, 05:22:46 AM »
last prisoner: "i become the warden"
not enough guards to opt out
This is impossible
meant to say "not enough guards opt out", not "to opt out"
totally possible

I have no idea what specific game you're talking about here, do you mean ordinary falling tiles?
plus the one in desert outside with movement allowed

Add-Ons / Client_CustomChat [v0.3.1-1] :: bitmaps bitmaps bitmaps
« on: September 15, 2016, 05:11:39 AM »
last topic was too old  :nes:

Extensively customize your in-game chat. That's all there is to it.
Forget only changing the font size, what is this 2007?

(note screenshots may be outdated)

New in v0.3.0: backgrounds!


Blockland Glass:


 - Fix issue with Blockland being a special snowflake and resetting the chat profile at odd times
 - <bitmap> markup removal added
 - Fix issue with newChatSO.addLine not updating the chat area
 - Added the ability to change the maximum bitmap height (can fix this issue)

 - Host added as a rank tag
 - BLID tag now exists for custom strings (%id%)
 - Background boxes for chat
 - I now consider the addon stable enough for general release
 - Moved to Blockland Glass/Github releases

 - Added the ability to use custom strings. You can now reorganize chat any way you wish to.
 - Servers can now override strings (and settings) per-client %client.CCOverrideData or server-wide $Pref::Server::CustomChat::Override.
 - Added a chat message counter (%i%, only accessible in custom strings right now)

 - Fixed Slayer's dead chat not being interpreted as a chat message
 - Fixed chat being duplicated in the console if the option to echo was on while hosting a server
 - Slayer color name override is now optional
 - Admin cache will now update when someone's rank is changed
 - Portions of the GUI have been separated to allow easier updating/etc.

 - Added a swear word filter, applies to all messages regardless if it's regular chat or not
 - Added an alpha/opacity slider for shadow color
 - Allow Slayer to override name colors if team colors are enabled in a minigame
 - Tagged string IDs are now sent with chat messages as per default chat (%fmsg)
 - Added an auto-punctuation toggle
 - Fixed chat messages involving Slayer + names recolored to a player's team not being interpreted as a chat message

 - Support_Updater support
 - Fixed bug with Slayer(?) chat modifications

 - Fixed colors not being updated correctly in profiles
 - Fixed tagged strings not related to chat improperly rendering as a standard chat message (e.g. onActivate > Minigame > chatMsgAll > "test")

 - Fixed font and color tags not being stripped in specific use cases
 - Fixed ranks not showing up for ranked users in minigames

 - Fixed conflicts with other addons using RGBToHex

 - Fixed Admin/Super Admin Rank fields accepting color tags
 - "Example Chat" is now hidden in the options menu
 - Timestamps are no longer forced to 12-hour mode
 - Message blip mode settings were corrected in the GUI
 - Filename changes for sounds now take effect upon saving settings
 - Font sizes can no longer go over 64
 - The window now initially starts on the Appearance tab
 - Colors are reset to ""\c0"" when timestamps are visible on all messages (\cr and \co do not work, had to resort to conerting fontColors[0] to hex)

 - The GUI editor likes to give "Button" as the text for buttons when you set them as blank. Fixed.

String replacers:
String examples:

General Discussion / Re: Crown & Niblic's Jailbreak
« on: September 15, 2016, 12:31:38 AM »
needs to mention this doesn't result in a freeday if a command was not given unless the warden opened them
That's obvious, there's no reason to mention that here
if it's obvious, why does half the server (staff included) consider it to be a freeday? just add it as an addendum.

mention somewhere an invalid "warden trick" order (leaving cells is AR, line up when cells open) before 9 counts as a valid order before 9
That's not an invalid order, view to see what an invalid order is (perhaps we should relocate this explanation?)
according to 1c it is

(this is more of a rule request)
would like to see "give me your weapons" as an invalid command here, and clear definition of "the request must stop until 1 guard is left"
i've seen way too many people take advantage of this and kill off all guards to win. they can't fight back because they had to give up their weapons.
Not invalid, the guards can refuse the game if they want
last prisoner: "i become the warden"
not enough guards to opt out
last prisoner: "ok line up"
last prisoner: "give me your weapons"
all guards have to give up their weapons otherwise they can be killed by the last prisoner

last prisoner kills them all one has a problem with this?
needs to mention if dryhumping counts as moving during an afk freeze
Stationary animations such as typing and "moonwalking" do not break AFK Freeze.
doesn't dryhumping involve an active button to be held down? (isn't it illegal anyways)
what if there's just a few players (say, 5) left?
All prisoners must be given a fair chance to win so as long as it's fair collision is fine
explicitly define the amount of prisoners to consider it "fair." some think 5 is fair, some think not.
i said 5 as a neutral number too, i actually consider at most 8 fair. it varies between staff members. it shouldn't vary, otherwise we argue about it.

mention being AFK while being a warden will get you wardenbanned
There are many things that can get you wardenbanned, including general stupidity. I don't think we have to list every possible way to get warden/guard banned. goes along with it anyways, nvm that

when determining 1/4 or 1/2, do we round up? down? normal rounding rules?
It's an absolute, so if you start with 5 prisoners and do a luck-based game you can only kill 1
meaning we round down. (add that, it's not written)
contradicts not having to explain a defined game
That's why it's explicitly written that you must explain Give or Take, would you prefer it to be excluded from the terms?
if they have to explain it then yes, otherwise the "must explain" part of the term needs to be removed. see

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