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Messages - DrenDran

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Help / Re: Transfer to Steam via Purchase Email
« on: March 29, 2024, 08:43:42 PM »
I also got this:
Code: [Select]

Verifying Key...
Your Blockland Key hasn't been used in a while!
Checking if BLID is available...
Recording Steam Grant...
Granting Steam Package...
Activating product on steam...
Getting steamAPI response...
ERROR: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Updating BLID Database...

Hello, fellow multiple-year-hiatus-ers.

I have a lot of nostalgic memories surrounding this game and community. I wanted to drop some cursory shouts for old times' sake.
Big ups to []----[], Minomato, Captain Thomas, DarkHero, Cysero, Joltarn, Captain Thomas, DrenDran, Eagle, KfAmped, Tezuni, Metario, Tenshi, KINEX, arby's, and too many others to possibly credit. I hope you're all well.

Until the next time.


Hell yeah I made this guys list.

It's funny, the majority of the like 150 people I have on my steam friends list today were people I added from Blockland way back in like 2012. Wild to think I only talk to like 6 of them with any frequency anymore, and have forgotten the rest.

Off Topic / Re: What was Blockland?
« on: September 10, 2023, 03:37:45 PM »
what argument are you even making? pie crust wasn't banned from anywhere until long after he was known despite spamming me (11 and like freshly on discord) and my friends in queeba's discord with dog research and a thread being made about it. that's just bad. it doesn't matter what platform it's on, it's just straight up bad practice.
Yeah Badspot probably should of banned him and like a dozen others over the years, sure.
Maybe he wishes he did, who knows.

Realistically they would have just made alts under different names that same day.
Or if the policy of banned people for off-site conduct was set, people would just photoshop discord/skype/teamspeak messages to get people they don't like banned.

The fact he made all his bans public, didn't cover anything up, and made a section for people to vent probably does put him far from the bottom when it comes to internet community managers.

Off Topic / Re: What was Blockland?
« on: September 10, 2023, 02:47:32 PM »
i'm like 90% sure that most communities before and after the internet didn't have a local 20+ year old dogforgeter who harassed 11 year olds with bestiality research unsure though dren

Plenty of Internet communities have gross weirdos in them lol
Just ignore and block until he gets banned for something.
I posted here 1000s of times and don't think I ever interacted with him.

edit: Do you really not think that, say, Roblox doesn't have tons or predators and a history of covering up their failure to act in such cases?

Off Topic / Re: What was Blockland?
« on: September 10, 2023, 02:25:52 PM »
Did you even read it
What response were you expecting, exactly?

I just remember thinking that he was handicapped and nasty and I probably just went on with my day after.
This is the correct reaction.
It was a forum full of dumb kids who posted gross stuff and insulted each other.
Before the Internet I'm sure kids threw rocks at each other and poked dead animals and laughed at dog snakees in real life or whatever, and they didn't grow up to 'reflect' on how those experiences 'traumatized' them.

The only reason it seems like so many people were impacted negatively by the BLF is because the most socially well-adjusted 95% of its users probably left to do cool real life stuff and rarely-if-ever looked back.
Also the reason the game/community lost popularity is just that it couldn't compete on a technical level with games like Roblox and Minecraft.

I don't really know if he was any better back then compared to now, but I imagine so. It needs no introduction, but his handicapped article where he throws a tantrum about how every woman in every videogame ever isn't a peak 11/10 big boobie super love goddess says plenty.
While Badspot may have made questionable decisions in the past, including 'has an opinion about video games' in the list of things worth criticism diminishes creditability.

Off Topic / Re: What was Blockland?
« on: September 10, 2023, 10:30:36 AM »
There's already a thread on this

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 08, 2023, 12:27:45 PM »
And it isn't even a wild opinion from uncanny valley, this same subject has been hammered away in articles for years. OP literally formatted this post as if they're denouncing their life-long abusive father, I don't understand the parasocial stuff. It's pathetic. Also, OP is a transmission which should come as a shock to absolutely nobody.
Eh I'm trying not to be bigoted or hateful.
But like, ironically it does feel like the OP has unresolved issues they are projecting onto Badspot in a toxic way.

Off Topic / Re: Not a single post
« on: September 07, 2023, 12:37:52 PM »
it's funny how when this happens it causes a bunch of new posts to happen right after talking about it

I check OT in May and didn't see any, but I'm not very observant.

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 04, 2023, 09:25:15 PM »
one of these two options is guaranteed to occur.

its sad that your takeaway from someone else's opinion is "be who i want you to be or die." you're not the one putting oxygen into badspot's lungs, buying his food and regulating the hormones in his body. so, why should you feel obligated to have someone bend over backwards for you before they reach the inevitable end of their lifespan?
Honestly all these types of reactions are from an article that basically just said "in my opinion, some character designs for recent video games are unappealing and unoriginal."
There's far more genuine vitriol and hatred in the responses to an opinion about video games than there ever was in the article itself. Some of ya'll gotta just take some deep breaths before posting.

Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 04, 2023, 06:04:35 PM »
going so far as to even call it a "war crime". seriously... you persecution complex is insane,
Do you not know what hyperbole is?

Off Topic / Re: Not a single post
« on: September 03, 2023, 11:44:58 PM »
Wild to think there used to be entire months where there would be 7500 posts a day, that's one about every 11 seconds.

Off Topic / Not a single post
« on: September 03, 2023, 07:07:31 PM »
yesterday, 02Sep2023.

Outside of outages, have we ever had 0 posts in a day before?

Off Topic / Re: Land of Dran
« on: September 01, 2023, 05:44:12 PM »
Bumping this because I intend to post new videos of the combat system this weekend.

Off Topic / Re: What's something you miss from the 2000s?
« on: August 14, 2023, 12:32:32 AM »
This meme:

Off Topic / Re: Best Meat
« on: August 04, 2023, 12:54:33 AM »
lamb meat
goat meat
duck meat
fish meat
deer meat

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