In an attempt to try to get more people to play the game, here's a tutorial for how to fix the blacksmith crafting which should work. (worked for me and the people I've shared it with)
So without further ado, the tutorial:1. Give Age of Time permission to write to the files.
There are two ways of doings this:
Method 1: Find your AoT folder (probably located at C:\Program Files (x86)\AgeOfTime\) and move it somewhere else where it can write to the files. Moving it to your desktop will work as well as your documents folder (anywhere in your user folder
should work).
Method 2: Every time you start the game run it as an administrator, this rules out the possibly of not being able to write to the files but is more inconvenient.
If you're still using XP for some reason this step will not be necessary since this change was made in windows vista. The hypothesis for this step is that when the AoT client tries to download files, it is denied access to the program files directory giving the error that the files do not match the ones on the server since they did not change. I don't know if this step is completely necessary but it didn't seem to work for me or anyone else without it.2. Download and replace the .craft files.
Download the craft files, right click and save as: then move them to your AgeOfTime\base\client\scripts\craft folder (replace the old ones).
If that doesn't work, you can also try
these files.
And that's it! Now if you start up Age of Time crafting (should) work!
I'll probably make more tutorials like this soon, who knows.