By exciting freebuild I mean it is a 24/7 collab build with an interesting theme and a lot of people building really cool stuff in it. Obviously freebuilds in of themselves aren't exciting, you're not even attempting to see a middle ground here lol.
the engine may be garbage but blockland has easily some of the best mod support i've ever seen
You're mistaking "best mod support" for "no mod support". Blockland is a dead game. It is no longer being moderated or worked on. Mods are just left to their own free will. There is no outstanding support or tools providing by Badspot or anything. Torque script is a limiting and antiquated game engine. Source games have the "Best mod support." Source engine is so flexible that there are more than one occasion where a half life mod became a viable game in and of itself. Blockland mods are just that: blockland mods. Badspot only incorporated the idiot-proof-drop-a-zip-into-a-folder method because he was tired of answering questions about how to install mods. He was tired of
supporting mods.. lol
i highly doubt its gonna be that simple
Why not? Hell, I bet they make it even more simple and implement an actual mod workshop of some kind. They've made way more smart design decisions than dumb ones with the game so far.