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Topics - K1ng_0f_N0thing

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Help / Prints not showing up in addons list?
« on: October 06, 2014, 08:43:54 PM »
I made a print for a person on Blockland. I used to help me. Outdated, but I'm pretty sure nothing really changed

I made the print 256x256, the icon 64x64, and added everything I needed. But when I start blockland, it doesn't show up in the addons list to add it into the game, like with all add ons. Yes, I put it in the add-ons folder.

Screenshot of the folder:

Off Topic / Blockland Rock Guitar Tabs?
« on: October 06, 2014, 05:40:10 PM »
I'm learning to play the guitar and would like to try playing the Blockland song "Rock". I know hot to read tabs, so  if someone could please give me some tabs on how to play the rock song, that would be great. Thanks

Nevermind, found them on Vertical Horizon's video

Suggestions & Requests / Working Drum Set?
« on: October 04, 2014, 09:07:37 PM »
Rotondo made a working guitar. Would it be possible to make a drum set too? I know it'd be hard to do, but it could be useful for having actual blockland concerts and bands

Faces, Decals, Prints / German Faces (Requested by *FacePalm*)
« on: October 02, 2014, 08:01:46 PM »
I only did aggresiv, as I had the .png picture already. Will try to do the rest.


Download here


Off Topic / Have You Ever Been Banned on the Forums?
« on: October 02, 2014, 06:27:21 PM »
Holy stuff I was dumb when I was 11

Basically: "omg guys stfu... u guys are such guckin richardheads and asswipes.
Yes my brother did write some of those posts and ya i admit that i wtote some of them. i got the forgetin right to say whatever i forgetin feel like. ok so •_• is Nnoying. i know! but you guys can stop being these goddamn loving handicaps and blaming an 11 yr old who has a LIFE and is going through some terrible times!
also, why are you forgetin starfishs making a post about me?! Im not a goddamn noob or anything compatible.
I suggeat you stop being forgettards and go get a life instead of sitting on the computer posting on the forums for the second day straight.
(btw forget you guys)"

Mistakes/handicappedness in post
"blaming an 11 year old"
goddamn noob
"forget" said a total of 8.

Also, my brother didn't write any of the posts. Because he was 3 (although I'm sure it was obvious)

Share your ban stories

Off Topic / .flv to .avi Converter?
« on: September 30, 2014, 06:26:59 PM »
Does anybody know how to convert .flv files to .avi files so I can edit in Windows Movie Maker or any other editing software? I use OBS to record some videos on my PC, and they always come up in .flv, and I can't edit them. Does anyone have a link to a converter or something?

Clan Discussion / DogeFite Clan! (Dogfights, TDM, Grapple Knife and more!)
« on: September 26, 2014, 08:11:58 PM »

(horribleAmazing Clan Logo Made by me)

Welcome to DOGE FITE clan!

Basically, it's not a 100% serious clan, but we go around dogfights and TDM servers and fight.


|     In game name    |       Forum Name       |       BL ID       |
          Nidos                   K1ng_0f_N0thing           29473

All you need to do is write one out as a reply to the topic. Include:
-In game name
-Blockland ID
-Servers you frequently go on
-Admin on servers (not required)
-Experience with war-themed servers

LOL this is a horrible idea xD

So, when I make a server, doesn't matter if dedicated or not, nobody can hear my custom music. I have it turned on and I myself can hear it, but nobody else can. Same goes for any custom faces I have made or downloaded. Is this normal?

Suggestions & Requests / Free to Play Blockland with Terrains?
« on: September 17, 2014, 04:57:35 PM »
How cool would it be if Badspot released a single-player only, free to play v20 version of Blockland? Just so we could re live the memories of the terrains and such. I personally would love to play on the old maps again. Anyone else?

« on: September 15, 2014, 07:05:11 PM »
Rammstein Pack

Du Hast
Rein Reus *As requested by TheKhoz*
Reise, Reise *As requested by MrMan*
Asche zu Asche
Ich Will

Planned List
Ich Will
Asche zu Asche

Off Topic / Embarrassing Videos You've Made
« on: September 15, 2014, 04:00:39 PM »
We've all made those videos when we were younger. Post yours and let's all laugh in harmony

My (Huge) List

-Nerf Of Duty WHY did I bother making this? Jesus Christ
-Call of Duty "Gameplay Did it with hatzarcool who I've known since Kindergarden. I was 11. The end is the worst
-X-Treme Fails There was no part 2... Thankfully
-EPIC Tomahawk Kill Not so epic or good
-Horrible Hockey video Wow
-Opening a CD... Well, it was for the forums. Nobody liked it
-Villageforlife Harlem Shake NO forget NO
-Me singing (Warning, bad!)
-NHL 15 Pack opening Let me explain this one... On Friday I opened $20 worth of NHL 15 packs. I never got anyone good, until around 7 minutes or so...

Off Topic / How Old/What grade are you in?
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:56:15 AM »
I'm 14 turning 15 in February. Freshman at         High School.

How about you forums?

General Discussion / Nidos' Racetrack {WIP} {NEED BUILDERS}
« on: September 10, 2014, 10:25:47 PM »
-pics coming soon!-

So i made a dedicated server and it's part of a racetrack me and hatzarcool (13106) built. We need builders, eventers, anybody to help out! I'm not on, and neither is he, but you can check it out. It's not the best but it's decent enough.

PM me if interested in building. (NOT OFFICIAL TOPIC OF SERVER)

Music / Clint Eastwood by Gorrilaz
« on: September 10, 2014, 03:58:27 PM »

I worked pretty hard on this one and I feel that it's a near perfect loop. Let me know if you like it, and I could make more if you wish

Modification Help / Does anyone have the /stereo mod?
« on: September 09, 2014, 11:02:42 PM »
I've tried looking and cannot find a good file. I hope this is the right board, but don't kill me if it's not. Does anybody have a working link to the /stereo mod?

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