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Topics - K1ng_0f_N0thing

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76 <--
First loop, so it may or may not be perfect. I'll be taking requests to better myself at making loops like this. Let me know what you would like via replies or PMs

Thank you guys

EDIT: You have to change the name file from Chacarron Macarron to Chacarron_Macarron. It will not work with a space, you need the underscore "_"

EDIT2: I have noticed that I messed up on the file. I will reupload tomorrow

EDIT3 (2 months later): stuff I never reuploaded it lmao

Off Topic / What Are Some Good and Cheap/Free Editing Programs?
« on: September 08, 2014, 05:34:16 PM »
Sony Vegas Pro

What are some good editing software? I just recently got my elgato and whenever I edit it in Windows Movie Maker, the result has a black border that I cannot fix (see my Youtube to see it in my NHL 15 Demo video).

So, are there any good, cheap editing software that I can get for less than 20-30 bucks? Winner gets a free virtual high-five

EDIT: I'm asking because the internet didn't help

Help / Blockland Dedicated Server Help- dedicated.bat crashing!
« on: September 06, 2014, 11:18:24 PM »
So today, user Smooth joined my City RP server (not dedicated). He helped me with my welcome message and offered help with making a dedicated server. He told me to get notepad, copy and paste something and name it dedicated.bat, which I was supposed to put in my blockland folder. So I did, and it worked good for a second. Then, I got a message and it crashed. I have a video link here and I have a picture of it attached. Can somebody explain to me what's going on and WHY it's happening? Thank you.

Off Topic / What Is The Origin of your Forum or In-game name?
« on: August 18, 2014, 09:46:10 AM »

My forum name is King of Nothing with added numbers and underscores. I absolutely hate it so much you don't understand. I was a big Metallica fan back then (and still am) and liked the song "King Nothing". Well I was 11 then, so I thought having numbers instead of letters make me Xx_L33T_xX.

My ingame name is "Nidos". No that amazing name is not made by me, I used a simple username generator. Now I use it for Twitter, Youtube and Twitch (mynameisnidos) and everything else.

How about you guys? Where did your name originate?

Off Topic / I was gone for a while...
« on: July 01, 2014, 12:08:23 AM »
So I was gone for quite a bit and sadly forgot about this fine forum. Haven't been on really since late march-April. Can someone inform me of any updates that happened in Blockland or the forums? And what's the highest ID now?

Off Topic / Kurt Cobain's Birthday!
« on: February 20, 2014, 09:52:20 PM »
I want to make a thread saying happy birthday to one of my favorite people in music, Kurt Cobain. I was years late to the party but still enjoy Nirvana's music!

Off Topic / It's my birthday!
« on: February 18, 2014, 05:46:25 PM »
Fappy birthday to me! Turning 14 today! I got $170 and a pair of New Jersey Devils tickets! I'm pretty happy about today!

My Steam is here, I'd love it if somebody bought me anything

Games / Soldier Front 2- A free-to-play FPS game!
« on: February 08, 2014, 02:17:16 PM »

Soldier Front 2 is a free-to-play FPS game for the PC. Originally named Special Force, it was created by Korean developers Dragonfly. The game is named Soldier Front in North America and is developed by Aeria Games (same developers who brought Need For Speed: World).
The sequel, Soldier Front 2, was originally only available in parts of Asia in 2012, but in 2013 was made for North America.

Download it from Steam here
Or from their website here


Post your screenshots of the game!

Forumers Who Play The Game

K1ng_0f_N0thing    -    NidosBL

Off Topic / Need an idea to write about
« on: January 25, 2014, 04:00:57 PM »
Basically I need a story kind of idea. Before I wrote a short story about a Zombie apocalypse, I need some ideas to write about. Help please? (And be serious please)

Games / Help With Garry's Mod
« on: January 20, 2014, 04:07:27 PM »
So yesterday I downloaded some vehicles for Garry's mod. And every single one of them was a deformed black and pink blob. I could ride them but the textures were all messed up. Is there any way I can fix this?

Games / Does anyone know what game this is?
« on: January 09, 2014, 10:18:48 PM »
I'm remembering a bunch of games I played as a kid recently, like Interstate '82 and GTA 2 I was a badass but I have one game in mind. I can't remember which one it was.
All I remember was that there was this one cutscene, and you see a blue explosives truck driving away from police vehicles. It takes a turn on a bridge and topples over, exploding as it happens. I'm sorry if it's a bad description but I'd love to know what game it was. It would make me so happy

Off Topic / PSN names?
« on: December 27, 2013, 01:15:37 PM »
For Christmas I got a PlayStation 4 and would like some friends on it. Can I have some PSN names to add? Mine is NidosBL.

CoD Ghosts
NFS Rivals

Off Topic / When Did You Start Shaving?
« on: December 22, 2013, 12:17:44 PM »
Question: When did you start shaving? My dad wants me to start but I feel as if I'm too young, I don't know. When did you guys start?

Off Topic / Looking to Persuade My Mom For an Airsoft Gun
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:32:19 PM »
[Now, first of all, I am (almost) 14, but please don't go crazy about me being "too young" for an airsoft gun.]

The story starts when I was around 12 years old. My cousin had a bunch of airsoft guns (he's 17 and was 15 back then) and showed them to me. I was astonished at how real they looked, as became interested in them. Then, on Memorial Day weekend in 2013, my uncle brought an airsoft pistol with him to the place in Pennsylvania. He let me shoot a round of about 8 or 10. I was surprised of how light it was and how easy it was to shoot. I instantly wished to have one, but knew I wouldn't have a place to shoot it. Moving on, recently my friend (hatzarcool on Blockland) bought a pistol and a sniper. In his garage were some targets, and I loved shooting the guns for hours. Now, on Black Friday, he bought an M16, and then I was really... influenced I guess. Before, he took me to this airsoft arena in Central New Jersey ( and I loved the feel of the gun and shooting it. So, I asked my dad earlier this weekend, and he said that he'd agree to it, but I'd have to ask my mom. And mom's are... they don't agree to these things. And mine didn't.

How could I persuade her to at least allow me to use them or buy a cheap(er) one? Any ideas?

Off Topic / Do You Know Any Blocklanders In Real Life?
« on: November 20, 2013, 06:40:46 PM »
Do you know any people who play Blockland in real life?

-I know hatzarcool (13106), I went to Kindergarden with him and we play Blockland every day or two over Skype since he moved away.
-My friend played the demo, that counts!

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