Author Topic: marriage equality in alabama  (Read 4109 times)

No one is going to force you to...attend a some gay couples' wedding reception.
This brings up another point
I think a lot of people are afraid that churches will be forced to marry couples against their will, but that's not the case. They can still choose not to marry people, it's just the government that can't refuse to recognize it

I think it's good that marriage equality is a thing now, no harm can come of it.


Personally I think the entire controversy revolving around gay marriage is one rooted in Christian belief. I'm sure most of you would agree that the majority of people who oppose gay marriage do so on a (Christian) religious basis. My thought process from there is that when using the words 'Marriage' most people are conditioned to think of a church, a priest reading a bunch of bible verses, a big fancy white gown and a whole range of cakes and lovey-dovey stuff. When you try to change that, people get mad. As was said before, it can also be done in an office by a government official or the captain of a ship with no bibles in the room at all and as far as I can tell my parents or many conservative Christians at all don't really give two stuffs about that. So my thought process is why not make all legal marriage like that and take the priest out of it altogether? I guess changing the name is just a simpler way of doing it or whatever but hopefully you can see where I'm going with this.
ye i see what you mean

it's a matter of tradition, and people that are more tradition-oriented will resist when they feel their traditions are being violated, which is understandable. as someone that's defo not tradition-oriented, i would say that the changes are positive and necessary for the progression of this society, and that traditions in general have to evolve along with evolving environments. but i can understand the prob for people on the other end of the rope

XR-7, I can't PM, but I respect that. Thanks for sharing it.

"But the bible says gays are evil!"

I think it's good that marriage equality is a thing now, no harm can come of it.
Absolutely this.

the constitution specifically bans slavery. it doesn't say that the federal government (let alone the courts) has the right to legislate and define the definition of marriage

the tenth amendment specifically delegates unmentioned and unprohibited rights to the states themselves
son the constitution protects you from the government

son the constitution protects you from the government
too bad the government is practically ignoring it though in the name of counter-terrorism

son the constitution protects you from the government

ah yes this sentence makes perfect sense in the context i was talking about of course yes sure

just a quick update that marriage will indeed be available to same-love couples in all just regions of alabama (no doubt some offices will refuse, but obv that's their bad job) starting next week on the ninth so gg

the homoloveual agenda prevails

"gay marriage" is actually communism in disguise
the cold war never ended