Author Topic: Blockland Weapon Buy System  (Read 40189 times)

You're goingto make new weapons?

You're goingto make new weapons?
Yes, well sort of I won't. The new weapons will be the ones from the Modelers Needed topic.

Hmm this could go along well with the Class Based TDM Gamemode I am making.  This is the first and the last time I will discuss my CTDM until it is released.

Hmm this could go along well with the Class Based TDM Gamemode I am making.  This is the first and the last time I will discuss my CTDM until it is released.
Why so secretive?

Finalized the GUI some more by adding all the buying functions. Now I'm just waiting for the CS:S weapons and I'll do some optimizations+fixes and I will host a beta server! Along with posting the beta client-sided part of this mod.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2010, 08:23:28 PM by HellsHero »

Veddy Nice. Hope to see this released.

Veddy Nice. Hope to see this released.
It will be released, but I'm not sure if it will be released any time soon.


Here's an idea:
Use Bushido's weapons until the CSS weapons are done.

Possible change of SMG to Automatic? Not all machine guns are small. Not a huge issue, but something that will bug me less. ;)

Anywho, very, very cool mod. Defiantly downloading when it comes out.

Why would you want to drop any cash in the first place...?There's already one.It's not getting released any sooner.

I mean if you die, :P

Possible change of SMG to Automatic? Not all machine guns are small. Not a huge issue, but something that will bug me less. ;)
That's something I didn't mention yesterday, I made the smg category (S)MG instead, and added in a M249.
I mean if you die, :P
Bad idea imo, since in the default gamemode I'm planning for everyone to be lifeless. (No lives) When you die and you drop cash that would suck.
Wow, awesome.

Wait if it's toggled only by a key what if there's a client that does not have the mod on that server?

sorry if this has already been addressed just making sure