Author Topic: Demo_man's STATUE OF LIBERTY  (Read 11989 times)

If you look at that topic


He could of either stole or copied the set.
Yeah was just looking over it. Slight differences, may have been copied. Sorry demo_man, but I still doubt it was your first build.

What's this? demo_man is evolving!
Well done! demo_man has evolved into retail_man!
« Last Edit: April 09, 2010, 12:52:46 PM by Mr. Bill »


That 'tis brilliant! O____O

Another great build from you. I can't wait to see what you will build in the future.

im very glad to see that you got retail version, we should definately make a build together sometime

The best statue of liberty made was made by somebody called Bill_Gates (I think, it was definitely Bill_someone).

It looks a lot better from a distance than up close.

I still doubt it was your first build.
Its his first build in Retail.

Demoman got retail :D

By the way, I've seen another statue of liberty, and they seem awfullly familiar.

I don't think it was stolen, look at the eyes.

If you built this from a picture of the real thing, and not the set, holy stuff. If you used instructions, you are disappoint. If you stole it, you are disappoint.

Not stolen, but somewhat copied off the set.

I don't think it was stolen, look at the eyes.
You can change the look of the eyes using the ultimate tool called the hammer and then replace them with your brick tool.

I don't think it's stolen, but copied from the set. I also think that he built the base on his own, I don't think anyone has done that before.

Looks good besides all the stolen accusations.

You can change the look of the eyes using the ultimate tool called the hammer and then replace them with your brick tool.

In my defense, if I did copy the save of someone elses model, how would I move it onto my base?  You might say I used the "duplicator" tool, but that has a 5000 brick limit (the statue is wayyyyyyy over 5000 bricks).  What i'm saying here is that all the other models do not have a base and it would be impossible for me to move the saved model.

You should change your name demo man.