
Idea: Space Nazis in ss13, yes or no?


Author Topic: Space Station 13: *gasp*CENTRATION (SS3D)!  (Read 618214 times)


oh wow, I just remembered there was a 'sheezy' on this forum.

Hai! :D

oh wow, I just remembered there was a 'sheezy' on this forum.

Hai! :D
Your tears were delicious.

stuck in a locker

lol morons

'DON'T forget WITH RICHARD (whatever his name is)'
Richie mcmullen. God damn him. He uses problems with the game to forget with everyone.

Richie mcmullen. God damn him. He uses problems with the game to forget with everyone.

that wasn't it

Your tears were delicious.

I was crying? :O

also does anyone know how to repair an APC unit? some bastard opened it and took the cell out, and now we're trying to find out how to close it.

I love hacking into the AI room, disabling the AI's radios, and then bombing the AI.

Hacking is easy once you know how to do it, i hack into the botany room and steal their chilis, and then stuff all over the place

Revenge is not the answer.
Plus, I shot the bastard in self defense.
I love hacking into the AI room, disabling the AI's radios, and then bombing the AI.

Hacking is easy once you know how to do it, i hack into the botany room and steal their chilis, and then stuff all over the place
How do you do that?

How do you do that?
You get a screwdriver, wirecutters, a crowbar and a multitool (If you want to open the door again if you forget up). Open the panel of the airlock with the screwdriver, click it, start cutting wires. One drops the bolts, you can pulse another wire with the multitool to raise the bolts. One cuts power to the door and one makes the AI lose control of the door. You can occasionally shock yourself and be incapped for 10 seconds-2 minutes. If you cut power to the door pry it open with a crowbar.

Congrats, you just broke and entered a restricted area!

Another thing to note, if someone forgeted up the door, the AI is rogue (or just a richard) the mode is AI malfunction, or the AI won't raise the bolts to a door you absolutely need into, the crew won't accept that and the stuffcurity will probably beat you to death for it.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 04:23:26 PM by Jacob/Lee »

How do you deactivate the turrets?
If you're not the captain.

Also, A.R.C. thinks i'm Nitt.

How do you deactivate the turrets?
If you're not the captain.

Also, A.R.C. thinks i'm Nitt.

nitt thinks i'm a.r.c. you mean? :O

nitt thinks i'm a.r.c. you mean? :O
ARC came on, and asked if I were nitt.

Thats one way. Another way is to Get a multitool, Wirecutters, Screwdriver, And a Crowbar.
Use the screwdriver on the door to open the panel.
Click the door with empty hands and then switch the multitool to the empty hand.
Pulse all the wires until you find the wires that: Disable AI control, Disable the doors power.
Cut the wires that do those 2 things.
Use the crowbar to open the door.
For easy Re-hacking remember the 2 wire colors that disable AI control and the door power for that round and just cut those 2.

Double toast for a bump.

How do you deactivate the turrets?
If you're not the captain.
I don't think you can turn them off. Dealing with the AI is hit and run style, get in, forget over the AI, get out before it hits the "kill" button on it's turrets.

How do you make power cells?

how do you expand the autolathe's inventory?

and how the forget do you uncuff people
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 09:24:28 PM by Chriz »

How do you make power cells?

how do you expand the autolathe's inventory?

and how the forget do you uncuff people
click and hold their character, and drag them to your character.
then clicked "Handcuffed"