Author Topic: Accused for hacking at school.  (Read 62586 times)

how do you make a text document :(

One of my schools had a login system for teachers to edit their own webpages, and also access "teacher-only" things like schedules and grades.  However, it (and the entire freakin' website for that matter) was so poorly coded that it never worked, and it especially never worked if you used a student account.  Teachers would have to tell their kids that if they needed to look at their homework and stuff online, they needed to use the teacher's account (because the student account never worked), so essentially everyone knew every teacher's account and password.  Yeah.

However, for the times that even the teacher account didn't work, I was called in (because they thought that I was a leet haxor that could get it working again).  That was a mistake on many occasions to call me in.  See, the website would almost randomly give administrator access to the website depending on if you were connected the school's network and if you were using a teacher account.  So basically, I would try to force it to give me admin access, and would end up crashing the whole login system so that for at least a week no one could log on.  All the time I swore I was "fixing" it.

One really cool thing I did over the school's public network was setting up a word document entitled "Open Me" where people could open the file, type a line, and save it for everyone else to read.  Kind of like a really slow and primitive chatroom.  I used a similar word document to prank a kid into thinking that the plot of National Treasure was real and took place around the school.  It was fun seeing him look under bathroom sinks in the interest of finding "clues".

One really cool thing I did over the school's public network was setting up a word document entitled "Open Me" where people could open the file, type a line, and save it for everyone else to read.

That's not hard at all, Just save a text document on a shared network drive.

I just made this, because I have a lot of free time. It doesn't work when you type in gunk with the choice options, lol.
Code: [Select]
@echo off
color f
title Kill Someone
set /p victim=Enter the victims name:

set /p killer=Enter the murderers name:
echo The victim is %victim%.
echo The murderer is %killer%.
echo enter 1 to kill, 2 to save, or 3 to exit
set /p choice=Enter your choice number
if %choice%==1 goto kill
if %choice%==2 goto save
if %choice%==3 exit

echo %victim% is slaughtered helplessly by %killer%.

set /p exit=Type exit to exit, or restart to restart:
if %exit%==exit exit
if %exit%==restart goto restart
pause >NUL

echo A random person swoops in to save %victim%!

set /p exit=Type exit to exit, or restart to restart:
if %exit%==exit exit
if %exit%==restart goto restart
pause >NUL

Code: [Select]
@echo off
color a3
color b3
color c2
color e5
color d0
color a2
color f4
color a3
color c8
color b9
color d3
color b4
goto :a

then press alt+enter for fullscreen
If you move your mouse around rapidly, your mouse is a rave mouse :3

I just made this, because I have a lot of free time. It doesn't work when you type in gunk with the choice options, lol.
Code: [Select]
@echo off
color f
title Kill Someone
set /p victim=Enter the victims name:

set /p killer=Enter the murderers name:
echo The victim is %victim%.
echo The murderer is %killer%.
echo enter 1 to kill, 2 to save, or 3 to exit
set /p choice=Enter your choice number
if %choice%==1 goto kill
if %choice%==2 goto save
if %choice%==3 exit

echo %victim% is slaughtered helplessly by %killer%.

set /p exit=Type exit to exit, or restart to restart:
if %exit%==exit exit
if %exit%==restart goto restart
pause >NUL

echo A random person swoops in to save %victim%!

set /p exit=Type exit to exit, or restart to restart:
if %exit%==exit exit
if %exit%==restart goto restart
pause >NUL

What does that do exactly?

Where do you put the code or w/e?

In a word document or what?

how do you make a text document :(

What does that do exactly?
Basically, enter a victims name and a killers name and you can choose the outcome of it. It's very simple and quite stuffty, but good for my first one.

Where do you put the code or w/e?

In a word document or what?

Right click your desktop>New>Text Document.
Text Highlight > Ctrl+C > Text Document > Ctrl+V > SaveAs > Derp.bat > Execute

I was once accused of hacking at school for editing Wikipedia.

"That website doesn't belong to you and you're changing what it says, you're obviously hacking it!" -Substitute teacher

One year in school, I was afraid to open the task manager for the fact that everybody would flip the forget out... And I did it. Anybody guess what outcome was?

I'm on my brothers account. Anyways, My science teacher yelled at a girl for having to short of shorts. While me, who was sitting two seats away, was wearing way shorter shorts. Hes a guy... i think i have a major problem on my hands lol.
my god damn sister was on my account?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2010, 06:02:52 PM by hotshot87 »

The kids in my school are actually somewhat smart when it comes to computers. During my freshman year, students started getting smart with CMD. At first, we used it just to make rabbit viruses and such, but after a while we started turning off other people's computers during class. One of the more "infamous" events is when one kid (in 2nd hour) spent a week going around our CAD & Drafting class and finding the names for all the computers. At the end of the week, while we (3rd hour) were working on our computers, our computers started to shut off at the same time. Turns out he started a delayed remote shutdown right before our class came in.

After that year, our Admin blocked people from accessing CMD and people forgot about those time. Now everyone just uses proxies and plays Unreal Tournament.

The two teachers I have in classes that involve computers (drafting and AP computer science) are not nearly as bad.  In drafting someone found a N64 emulator and a gba emulator in one of the class folders on the server.  Soon everyone in drafting was playing mario kart, etc.  Me and another guy figured out how to get multi-player going.  The school has a web page blocker so people will just bring flash drives and load whatever onto the computers.  Best part is, the drafting computers are decent xp machines.

I have just below the power of the school administrators at my school at the moment. :D I can shut down ANY or ALL of the computers in the entire district remotely from my school computer. I love hacking. (just remember to cover your tracks)