Author Topic: This kid says im stupid cause i play Blockland.  (Read 14255 times)

Their opinion is wrong.

OMFG SOOOOO MUCH BETTER GRAPHICS IN BL!!By the way the beach picture in roblox is kinda cool :/

That weapon needs to be flatshaded. :C

Find common-ground, that you both enjoy sandbox-styled games. Accept and embrace the diversity, so variety may exist. Hug him.
You are like one of my favorite people on these forums.

rOblox is betr dan blokland by dis mutc (------------x infinity)

No, Blockland has better graphics less lag and better people, But, Roblox has better phisics and the vehicles are made from bricks.

Punch him in the face.

Say this You ass whole kid blockland is so loving better the the noobiest handicap game named rostuff will never be cool blockland wins like gernades better model and awesone mini figs and forget yourself kid and rostuff has horrible add ons bad grahpics
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 05:14:53 PM by Robo Dude »

Say this You ass whole kid blockland is so loving better the the noobiest handicap game named rostuff will never be cool blockland wins like gernades better model and awesone mini figs and forget yourself kid and rostuff has horrible add ons bad grahpics

Imagination (And grammar errors :cookieMonster:)

Here's what you do, you punch him in the face and then see who plays the better game.

Here's what you do, you punch him in the face and then see who plays the better game.


i would say i played roblox yesterday *next day* yell in his ear saying "i'm going to rape you for playing that richardenstufften roblox game. because blockland has more graphics,better weps, WE CAN loving CUSS ON THERE UNLIKE SOME CHILDISH GAME LIKE ROBLOstuff + WE HAVE BRICKS THAT HAVE EMMITERS AND LIGHTS AND WE CAN HAVE jets -_-

and thats what i would pretty much say. thought he might pass out :I

I would not recommend saying that, as you will appear to be a complete idiot and all validity you possess in his eyes would be lost. I think that he is simply jealous that he can't afford to pay $20 for a better game. Roblox is $20 cheaper than Blockland in price and probably at least $50 cheaper in quality and freedom.

Today i was at school when me and my freinds were talking then the word "roblox" popped up. I said i hate it and i play Blockland. So then some kid comes up and says your stupid. You play blockland and it sucks get off that loving game and play roblox. I said roblox is dumb. He said well at least we dont have bad graffics and less lag. I said no your guys look like a blob in game and roblox is the laggiest game i've ever tried. He said your such a handicap and noob roblox better.

Can anybody tell me somthing to say so i can defend?

Don't say anything just ignore them and walk away. If you tell them you hate roblox and stuff then your just gonna summon more trolls on the fourms.