Author Topic: Cca "Hacked" my server.  (Read 16967 times)

restart server
wait for him to join again
take screens / make video

Seeing from IRC chat, he's most likely pretty aware of this drama topic seeing as he knows i browse the forums most of the time.

maybe he's just waiting for you to restart just so that he can crash it again, just for his stuffz n giggles.
bored idiots do this stuff, regardless the consequences

maybe he's just waiting for you to restart just so that he can crash it again, just for his stuffz n giggles.
bored idiots do this stuff, regardless the consequences

I extremely doubt it.

Oh I do hope he gets his key revoked.

Cca and I have a history that is not pleasant in the slightest. He's a little douche-cigarette that thinks he's better than everyone else.

So adding up the fact that he did join the server, his first sentence being "Skill, would you be mad if i crashed the server? :3", and this all happening in the same 10 minutes, i highly doubt it was coincidence and he most likely did something.

Yeah he needs to get key revoked

he has alt keys as well

Yeah he needs to get key revoked

he has alt keys as well
IP ban?

Well seeing as he is skilled in the arts of hacking and stuff he'll use an IP blocker.

Did not, Skill cleared his/her bricks :c
and i crashed when skills server crashed too

I was there, Skill cleared his bricks and we all crashed.

Did not, Skill cleared his/her bricks :c

You know what, you really are a disgrace to man kind. loving kids who know a thing or two think they're the stuff because they manage to spend 20 bucks to "Troll" and or "Hack" a game where the initial purpose is to have fun. But you can't let anyone else have fun if you're not having fun, can you. There's is not even a speck of respect i have for a havoc causing cretin such as yourself.