Author Topic: Zombie survival; PK1M Pandemic  (Read 65681 times)

I am gonna pick you up....

But where in Indiana?
Westfield, Hamilton County.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 11:23:56 PM by Solid »

Radio: Hello, hello, whoever hears this reply, I am Glimp Thread and I am 22.

*Looks at map." Me, "Will you be at NoblesVille?"

Hey look, Jenny wrote in Devin's journal:
"So it's day what-the-hell-ever. Devin and I have finally made it to Alaska. We wish.. Okay well at least I wish Leslie and Charlie could be here with us, but I can only hope they are in a better place.
Devin's cooking is awesome, and whatever guy can cook is a guy for me. He never really struck me much as a cook, more of a cynical zombie-slaying solemn quiet-type. But hey, when my mouth is stuffed with shrimp saute', there's no room for compaint!"

Me, " Arijog, do you think we will get to him?"

I honestly don't know. It'll take a few weeks to get to him on foot, but the human body can survive for 3 weeks minus food. If only we had a faster form of transport...

I honestly don't know. It'll take a few weeks to get to him on foot, but the human body can survive for 3 weeks minus food. If only we had a faster form of transport...

Me, "What do you mean, were in a Corvette. We need more gas."
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 11:35:32 PM by AssassinDevil2 »

Uh... as far as I know, I am in the middle of Vegas with no form of transportation besides my own two feet. I didn't see a 'vette anyways.

In the meantime, yer 'vette is outta gas.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2010, 11:39:41 PM by Gojira »

Oh, well I am in CA, Los Angelos, I will pick you up.

Okay. Once is with me, so add an extra two seats if needed.


Everything I started with
17 G19 .45 auto rounds
A slightly modified 15-round clip (modified to hold 17 rd.)

Atleast I still have my Xbox.

I go to rescue solid. Halfway through the drive (after Glimp picks me and Once up) I fell asleep. Cya tomorrow.

Skelos entire group had reported waves of nuaesea for weeks, even after skelo came up with a temporary anti-virus

It was on this particular day skelo looked into it

skelo woke up in the small camp they had made and went to a sink to wake himself up

then he noticed his eyes were a deep white

skelos eyes were slowly losing color for weeks until now but he was too busy to notice

skelo took a small medical flashlight to check his brothers in arm's eyes as well in the dim camp area

they were a deep white as well

he woke his fellows quickly and dropped the bomb
“were carriers, nothing can help us until we die, and i dont want to take another “antidote” from the goverment, thats what started zis”

we have to isolate ourselves from any survivors

the whole team frowned, some cried, some cursed.

skelo tried to break the sadness
he picked up a propane canister and waved it around wildly, yelling

but skelo knew it was futile, they would live thier lives together in some isolation bubble if hawaii and its people survived

skelo took a gun from his pocket
“if anywone wants to quit now, dr.skelo has a full clip of nice lead painkillers right here”

Yes, it's directed at you.
 -10 pistol ammo.

Let's go get that guy in Indiana.

Get him some supplies, a gun, and some ammo.

"This is just like Left4Dead!" yayreferences

Alright, someone else for the team yes!

"I look at the man in alley and ask him "What's your name? Do you have someone to survive with? We're going to raid a gun store."