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Author Topic: Ostinyo's Mapping Tutorial  (Read 87716 times)

Thanks, a toy themed TDM with a realistic level design.

Also Sir Williams, you should add something like "click File then "import reference shape" locate your Blockland folder and go into base\data\shapes\player then click "M.dts". This adds a blockhead figure to get a size perspective of your interior" or something a rather.

Sound's interesting.

I'll do that. This tutorial is like 75% finished... Torque Constructor part alone is at around 50% done.

How do I make my interior to scale without going back and forth from BL to TC?

How do I make my interior to scale without going back and forth from BL to TC?
This is what I normally do bro

Imports a black scary blockland dude to help you get the right size of your interior, if that's what you wanted.
If you want the duck it'll be an extra 5.99

You can do that although you may not be able to get an exact... Theirs some scale of like 0.4 for it I forget. Yes Wookiee, using the player while making interiors helps alot as a reference. May add it to the tutorial as a suggestion.


Why didn't I think of that? Still tanks alot dude!

Theirs some scale of like 0.4 for it I forget.

A BL player's collision block is 2.8 high in TC.  If I remember right the length and depth are 1.5.  Remember 2.8 is the exact height.  You might want to go with 3.4 of something like that.

The BL-TC scale is 1 to .5. So a 1x1 plate would be .5x.5x.2 in constructor.

-ML File

When you are finished with your map, save it and exit Blockland. Start up your map again, and once you have spawned, exit the game again. Now go into your map's folder and find the latest .ML file located there (search through the times). Delete all other ML files and add that one to your compressed (.zip) folder.

I need help with this one. I can't start the map up again, because it doesn't show up on the map list. How do I start it up again?

Files in the Map_DesertedIsland folder:

  - DesertedIsland.ter
  - DesertedIsland.mis
  - Sand.PNG
  - namecheck.txt

I also have an identical folder that is a .zip file.

Also, I'm getting a less important glitch. When I approach terrain with my sand texture, it turns back to the Flatlands grass texture when I'm close enough. How can this be fixed?

I need help with this one. I can't start the map up again, because it doesn't show up on the map list. How do I start it up again?

With that your map should be working. If both folders are identical, I suggest removing the .zip while you work on your map.

Note: If you keep both the .zip and folder in your add-ons folder, whenever you work on your map, save it, and restart the map again, the map will be like you hadn't worked on it the last time (because it executes the .zip but you saved it to the folder).

Also, I'm getting a less important glitch. When I approach terrain with my sand texture, it turns back to the Flatlands grass texture when I'm close enough. How can this be fixed?

Relight the scene? That shouldn't happen after the scene has been relighted.

I have removed the .zip file, and still no luck.

Aren't you supposed to have a desertedisand.png/jpg file in there too?  I don't know if it's necessary, but it might be worth a shot.

  Also, open your .mis file and check what it's "mission name" is.  It should be near the top.  Change it to Deserted Island or something.  That field is what determines what your map is called in the maplist you use when choosing a map in Blockland.  Edit the mis file with notepad or something similar.

     Good luck!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2011, 04:21:15 AM by Dglider »

Aren't you supposed to have a desertedisand.png/jpg file in there too?  I don't know if it's necessary, but it might be worth a shot.

  Also, open your .mis file and check what it's "mission name" is.  It should be near the top.  Change it to Deserted Island or something.  That field is what determines what your map is called in the maplist you use when choosing a map in Blockland.  Edit the mis file with notepad or something similar.

The map picture and description are not necessary to run the map, as well as the .ML file. I think a map can even run without a namecheck document, although I've never attempted it.

The Mission Info is the most important aspect to map naming, that stumped a few people a while back until I explained it to them. I stress this heavily in my tutorial. Make sure you've done all the steps at the beginning (that's where I go through all the naming crap) as well as the packaging instructions.

That scary Blockhead you see is indeed a black (actually every color at once) Blockhead with every single accessory enabled.

Indeed, the blockhead figurine is a god above Zeus to be worshipped. My next map will simply be a giant mountain with a colossal monument of the figurine on top.

Holy stuff, sticky this already.

Thanks man.

No problem ;)

Although this won't be stickied...