
Should we destroy the last bit of the smallpox disease?

Yes, but not for several years

Author Topic: Opinions - Should we destroy the last bit of the smallpox disease?  (Read 103012 times)

Yeah, have you ever spoken and lived with someone who actually suffers from some seriously mental illnesses? Probably not.
I have. I know what I'm talking about. forget you with your "everyone needs a chance". So unless you know purely from experience and not theory about what you're on about, don't bother loving talking to me.
Oh get off your loving pedestal. So, what, because they're mentally damaged, suddenly they don't deserve a chance at therapy? So, we should just start loving executing everyone attending psychiatric care or clinical psychological therapy? I mean obviously since they all have some sort of mental illness we can just call them 'crazy'. Yeah, we have been researching and making advancements in psychology for the past 70 or so years so we can ignore of all of that hard work and listen to some little stuff and his 5 minutes of experience with a schizophrenic patient tell the world how it's done and that there's absolutely no hope whatsoever.

Shut the forget up. Speaking with someone who has a mental illness isn't the loving same as studying it, or treating it. But hey maybe you're right, maybe I'm arguing out of my ass after attending a year and a half of college psyche courses (don't misconstrue this as me being a braggart, that's not what I'm trying to get across). I don't know what you're loving problem is, but you need to settle the forget down and pull the goddamn richard out of your ass.
Prisons should not be happy fun time daycare, people deserve to be in there
That's not what we're arguing, we're arguing whether it's morally corrupt to actively torture or murder inmates.

Yuki why are you so dead set on spending more money on prisoners?

I mean holy stuff, lets make sure we hire a therapist for every 30 prisoners!

Prisons should not be happy fun time daycare, people deserve to be in there
no they shouldn't. And yes, ...most of the time, they deserve to be in there. But that doesn't mean we should cause them pain. punishing, and causing someone pain, is very different. And prisons are for punishing, not causing pain.

"If a guy kills seven people, we can't kill him seven times, but we can cause him pain to make up for the loss of those live"

Also, Makingblah, even if they are Insane, there is still probably someone who cares for that person. And insanity doesn't cause one to be ok with being killed either. I don't think people should be killed for their lack of an ability to understand simple things due to brain damage, such as morals.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 10:23:30 PM by Mysteroo »

Watch MSNBC's "Lockup" Series.

The entire series is neutral on the issue. It simply shows what happens inside the jails. They interview the inmates and the staff. They show how the inmates act out and how the guards react. They show everything.

There is no way you can watch that and with sound mind and body believe that what happens in the United States Prison system is humane. A lot of them have some luxuries, especially lower security ones, but for the most part it's just a human warehouse that nobody is ever expected to recover from.

Things that stick out immediately to me are:
  • Prisoners are fed the cheapest of meals available. All of them are overweight. Even the bulkiest ones that spend every waking second working out have flabby man tits because of their diet.
  • No prisoner has any hope. They do not think the guards are there to benefit them and all of them have a persecution complex. They feel that they are on their own, which is why the majority of "shanks" (homebrew knives) are constructed: self-defense.
  • Prisoners leave prison with a fresh pair of clothes and $100. Often, they leave without any work experience, medication, diagnoses, or guidance.

This is just from memory.

Sometimes Lockup will go over seas and it's an entire different world over there. The prisoners are treated like people -- yes, even those murderers and rapists. People have high hopes. The guards have little problem handling the prisoners because the prisoners are given what they need and there is very little friction between the two groups. Nobody tries to escape, nobody breaks parole, people behave because they're trying to better themselves.

More than 2% (7,225,800) of the United States population is in prison from everything ranging from marijuana possession to spree killing.
95%+ are Male.
Almost half are black.
0.1% of Prisoners are Atheists.

America has the largest prison population in the world.

There is something wrong here, and I don't think 7,255,800 bullets will fix it.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 10:38:19 PM by Iban »

I know! We should turn Australia into a- wait they already tried that?
0.1% of Prisoners are Atheists
Because they become religious after they are incarcerated, because it looks good for the parole board. I've witnessed it tons of times.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 10:39:46 PM by TeslaCoil »

This is making me want to listen to Prison Song.

wow, now I feel bad for my uncle...
Also the only thing about that which rubbed me the wrong way a bit was - "less than .1% are atheists."
 That almost sounds like your saying theists are the cause of most criminal activity. Just because you say that you believe in a God doesn't always (or nearly ever) mean it affects your behavior. Like Riddler- He claimed to be a christian, but then he went out and killed thousands of people. A perfect example of what gives theists bad names, especially since Jesus was a Jew. The founder of Christianity.
Sorry for the subject change, I'm pretty religious, and defensive.

That almost sounds like your saying theists are the cause of most criminal activity.
Most people that are in prison that are interviewed by Lockup tend to say that they became even more religious in prison because they are so desperate for hope.

Poor education leads to fewer job opportunities.
No job leads to desperation.
Desperation leads to crime.

Ignorance fosters religious belief.
Desperation fosters religious belief.
A need to repent fosters religious belief.
Boredom in an environment where the only government mandated activity is religious (church services) fosters religious belief.

You're in a cage with nothing to do but pray. Everyone around you outside of your cage says you're a bad person. The people that take care of you look at you like a farmer looks at live stock. You don't understand the world because you dropped out of school in the 6th grade. What else are you going to do but read the bible and ask your imaginary friends for help and guidance?

Don't things make so much sense when you think critically?

he went out and killed thousands of people
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 10:48:31 PM by Iban »

he went out and killed thousands of people.
Not bashing on you at all but- what?

Not bashing on you at all but- what?
When I said that, I meant he was lieing about being christian. He said he was and probably has never been to a church in his life.
@ Iban - And I personally don't think of myself as ignorant, In fact I probably know more about Macro/cosmic evolution than my entire earth/space science Hon class.

When I said that, I meant he was lieing about being christian. He said he was and probably has never been to a church in his life.
@ Iban - And I personally don't think of myself as ignorant, In fact I probably know more about Macro/cosmic evolution than my entire earth/space science Hon class.
No, I mean, Riddler killed Millions, not thousands.

No, I mean, Riddler killed Millions, not thousands.
oops, brain fart

No, I mean, Riddler killed Millions, not thousands.
Riddler didn't kill anyone.

overall i'd say that prisoners should be treated well; don't lock them up in some stuffhole where they'll just become hardened criminals which too many countries do now, including the usa.

although treatment should depend on what the convict did, if you go on a rampage with an automatic rifle then you get tossed into some stuffhole prison.