Author Topic: Stocking versus Taboo (and Everyone Else)  (Read 42940 times)

His ego is as massive as his mantitties.
Gender has nothing to do with the point being made. I've already explained this, so..

Just a heads up, in polite society (e.g. not Blockland forums), we refer to people with the pronouns reflecting the gender they see themselves as. This includes post and post-op transloveuals, drag queens, and men who just want to be a woman. Even if Stocking is a man genetically, politely, we should refer to her as a her.

I will refer to her as a her (although I did use gender-neutral "they"), if only because that's the 'proper' thing to do. I request everyone do the same.

I love Iban's monolouges

I'm stuck on whether Iban's avatar suggests a liking or a disliking for My Little Pony or if it's completely irrelevant to the cartoon and is about something completely different...

I'm stuck on whether Iban's avatar suggests a liking or a disliking for My Little Pony or if it's completely irrelevant to the cartoon and is about something completely different...
Well considering he's part of the GPRB...

Stock Pilgrim Vs. The World

Stocking needs to get out already. After he stopped being funny, he has just become a nuisance. I would trade stocking for jimmg anyday.

I would trade stocking for jimmg anyday.
I'd trade a bunch of people for other people, but that's never gonna happen :(

I would trade stocking for jimmg anyday.
I'll trade my Giratina for you- oh wait, wrong thread.