Author Topic: School, believe it or not, is mostly pointless. (Shut up and read this.)  (Read 4783 times)

- Algebra -
   - No. Just no. We dont use this, like, at all during life/outside of school. We needed one grade to be taught this and that's it. Enough said.

This, although anything else
I'm sorry, but your dumb.

I'm sorry, but your dumb.

If you mix all of these together and are skilled with them, you have a pretty good life going, and then mix that with what you learned already and your a successful person.

Wait, you want to work in a fast food place, hah!

Besides, don't you want to be smart, above others?
i lol'd so hard.

Damn I missed the flaming

Let's put it into prespective:

School is VERY loving important.  Even if you think that some parts of school are pointless (and some are) That does not mean you should blow off the entire thing.  If you want to go rot in a loving fast food restaurant, be my guest.  Just have fun living in a stuffhole of an apartment in a bad part of town.

Furthermore, working at a fast food restaurant is even more like a prison than ANY school system.  Yes, you can leave any time you want, but then you don't get paid and lose your stuffhole of an apartment you call home.  You will have bills to pay, and taxes are an amazing pain in the ass.  Without anything at or above a High school education you will never have nice things because all you will be spending it on working in fast food are bills, food, gas, and taxes.  Want a nice new TV like you had in your old house with your parents? Too bad, spent all your money on gas last week because you can't get to work because you didn't get a decent education.  Stay the forget in school, and then mabye you can get a decent non-dead end job that will take you somewhere in life.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2011, 01:33:15 AM by bran34 »