Author Topic: The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.  (Read 323146 times)

so does anyone else just somehow manage to burn their thumb if they ever smoke outside
idk just the way i hold the lighter if its windy out man forget

so does anyone else just somehow manage to burn their thumb if they ever smoke outside
idk just the way i hold the lighter if its windy out man forget

It doesn't even have to be windy, it's just the way I'm holding the lighter and how I light it. It just kinda curls up the side of my thumb lol


It doesn't even have to be windy, it's just the way I'm holding the lighter and how I light it. It just kinda curls up the side of my thumb lol
i like point the lighter way down if its windy because that always seems to work but it BURNS EVERYTIMee
forget man

Has anyone here tried dosing on sugar before? I mean, one time a few years ago I ate a ton of Halloween candy, stuff like skittles, fruit by the foot, M & M's, the whole deal, you know what I mean? After a few hours I felt so good I was laughing at everything, jumping off the walls, etc. Maybe one of you guys could do it at a party or when you're chilling at a friends pad or something, though you guys probably do stuff like this daily.

Anybody else smoked catnip before? It's incredibly relaxing but tastes like balls.

420 elementry school style know what im sayin??
his profile says 18 that worries me

Anybody else smoked catnip before? It's incredibly relaxing but tastes like balls.

I'll share my catnip trip report I guess, I'm pretty tired so don't mind the bad grammar / writing.

Was out and about with some friends and we all wanted to smoke some weed but we were dry and so were our dealers, so we walked into the supermarket and bought some catnip. We heard from various people that if you buy the right stuff the trip will change your view on life much like doing a drug like DMT or Acid would. So anyway since we've never done catnip before we decided to play it safe and head back to my pad, we kicked it for a while, drinking beer, talking, and watching some anime. It was about a quarter to eleven and we decided to bust out the bong and fire up some of the product we just bought. I took the first hit and didn't feel much until about ten minutes later, it hit me like a bomb.

I saw my body rise up from the bed and slowly make it's way towards to room in which my cat was in, my body was hovering over my cat and descended down slowly, at first I was scared because I thought that I was being lifted and thrown onto my cat but I realized that what was actually happening was that my body was being merged with my cats body. I lost complete control over my human thoughts and feel and could only think, feel and see like a cat.

Suddenly I felt pain as my mother incorrectly picked up me, instinctively I scratched her arm and was dropped only to find myself wandering into the kitchen to feast on the disgusting cat food I had bought my cat for so many years, no wonder he always throws up. My feast was short lived (thank god) as one of my friends had picked me up and taken me to my room in which I see myself lying on my bed. I looked like a complete spaz, then it all made sense! Any movement I made as a cat my human body emulated. I hear the sounds of my friends laughing at the movements I was making in my high. I jumped up on the bed on which I lay and licked myself on the left cheek. Suddenly I felt like my self again. I could feel my body transfer back to where it belonged.

When I explained my experience to my friends they just laughed at me. :(
« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 08:36:05 AM by Zelothix »

so does anyone else just somehow manage to burn their thumb if they ever smoke outside
idk just the way i hold the lighter if its windy out man forget
Holy richardballs I get that SO loving bad all the time I have this fat blister on my thumb and I have to explain it
Has anyone here tried dosing on sugar before? I mean, one time a few years ago I ate a ton of Halloween candy, stuff like skittles, fruit by the foot, M & M's, the whole deal, you know what I mean? After a few hours I felt so good I was laughing at everything, jumping off the walls, etc. Maybe one of you guys could do it at a party or when you're chilling at a friends pad or something, though you guys probably do stuff like this daily.

But... Catnip is a natural relaxant, it doesn't effect us like it does cats, aka humans don't trip out on catnip, it's like smoking thyme but relaxing.
So if any of that actually happened, it wasn't catnip.

So, you're saying that smoking catnip quite literally turned you into a cat for the time being?


according to my school pot is highly addictive

I'm getting like 5 gs today :)


I'm getting like 5 gs today :)

Lol im jelly. I have been saving up 150 which gets a half ounce in my area so I have been sober for almost a month. Its kinda good to be sober for a while because I'll get super baked when I finally do smoke and Im gonna sell most of the half O to and make profitz hue hue