Author Topic: (NEW WEAPON) -- Takato14's Laser Weaponset  (Read 84776 times)

Before or after you crash? I've crashed a few times myself. I shot the SLC at Blocko City and my blockland crapped out, oh man what fun was that.
I've shot it at The Bedroom and the Golden Gate Bridge with minimum lag whatsoever. It was quite fun to see them both blown to bits, actually.

Should I add these to my trench TDM?

Great Weapon.
I can't see it being used in close range but looks extremely useful as a long range wep.

Also, I made a video review of these two weapons.
You can find it here:

I've shot it at The Bedroom and the Golden Gate Bridge with minimum lag whatsoever. It was quite fun to see them both blown to bits, actually.

Lord Tony probably has a really old and stuffty computer, I'm betting it's for nostalgia purposes.

You know, I just posted these for the people that wanted them.



It's as simple as that. Stop saying stuff lags because it doesn't. Just because YOU lag when you shoot it doesnt mean that everyone else on the planet will. Whether a client lags or not is determined by the capabilities of the computer the client runs on.

That's totally not the point, you just made a weapon worse than the mininuke.

I've shot it at The Bedroom and the Golden Gate Bridge with minimum lag whatsoever. It was quite fun to see them both blown to bits, actually.

You do realize the host hardly lags at all. Your server probably lagged more than you realized.

Lord Tony probably has a really old and stuffty computer, I'm betting it's for nostalgia purposes.
I'm using an old graphics card because my good one fried.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 07:22:51 PM by Lørd Tøny »

That's totally not the point, you just made a weapon worse than the mininuke.

You do realize the host hardly lags at all. Your server probably lagged more than you realized.
I'm using an old graphics card because my good one fried.
The Mini-Nuke is a good weapon, I dont know what you're getting at.

You do realize that the host has to ghost everything going on in the server to the connected clients, and thusly is likely to lag much more than the connected clients.

Here is how your laser could be salvaged.

Keep the 3 second charge (whatever charge destroys anything in a 32x32 radius). Remove the charge that is as big as a bed, it takes out half the bedroom.

The other laser, just remove the screen spam.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 07:59:26 PM by Lørd Tøny »

Here is how your laser could be salvaged.

Keep the 3 second charge (whatever charge destroys anything in a 32x32 radius). Remove the charge that is as big as a bed, it takes out half the bedroom.

The other laser, just remove the screen spam.
Salvaged? Excuse me? There is nothing wrong with the gun, so just shut up.

What do you mean, screen spam? There is no spam.

What do you mean, screen spam? There is no spam.

That is screen spam.

I have taken pictures from my build. Your laser may not be as bad as the Ion Cannon but it is most certainly worse than mininuke. I had to turn my settings down so I don't crash.

I know from personal experience the mininuke wouldn't wipe out half my city.

If the mininuke wasn't failed for being abusively over powered like your Shining Laser then I will apologize.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 08:28:08 PM by Lørd Tøny »

If the mininuke wasn't failed for being abusively over powered like your Shining Laser then I will apologize.
It was failed because it overwrote the RocketL's datablocks.

It was failed because it overwrote the RocketL's datablocks.

It wasn't failed for being over powered?

It wasn't failed for being over powered?
No, like I said in the other topic: "It was failed for spamming the console and overwriting the RL".

Well then I guess I over reacted, it still should be less overpowered though.

Sorry takato14, I guess nothing is wrong with it. I figured mininuke and Ion Cannon were failed because they were abusively over powered.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 08:40:21 PM by Lørd Tøny »

Well then I guess I over reacted, it still should be less overpowered though.

Sorry takato14, I guess nothing is wrong with it. I figured mininuke and Ion Cannon were failed because they were abusively over powered.
Most people have that misconception.

The ion cannon was extremly hacky, since it was ported. It used about 120 datablocks (that's a lot) and whenever I enable it my console spams me like crazy.

The Mini-Nuke overwrote the default rocket launcher; that's self-explanatory. The one I have now doesnt do that, so ultimately it wouldnt have any reason to be failed again.

Oh, and apology accepted.

Downloading, just to let people know, it will take a stuffload of points to get this weapon.
Better start cappin flags!