


Author Topic: Earth 3.0 - I'm back  (Read 151661 times)

Irajinian News Bulletin
  • War has broken out in Aradet. It started as a small riot and then turned into a full-scale civil war. Troops have been deployed to Aradet and all surrounding areas. It is believed that they are protesting the communist government.
  • A Novus Irajair 787-8 has crashed in the Northern Ocean. Investigators are currently researching the crash, and rescue teams have been sent to retrieve survivors and the black box, to determine the cause of the crash.
  • A Self Delete bomber killed 34 and wounded 73 at a supermarket in northern Ruustak today. Witnesses say the man walked in with a vest on. The man has been identified as Jeffrey Coera.

Darskel offers to send troops to repress the revolution.

What the forget, that's bullstuff. You can't start at 13 million.
OP said "Max is 45,000,000"

so yeah suck it ;)

Darskel offers to send troops to repress the revolution.
Irajinia gratefully accepts.

No, if war was NOT a necessity, no creature would have achieved sentience.

war thins the population. it's a force of nature. it makes those with desirable traits (strong, smart, agile.) those who can generally survive war, carry on their genes.

now, the thinning of the population. without war, the world would be overcrowded. it's crowded now, but without war it would be much worse. war is a handicapant to over-population.

at you statement of that no creature would gain sentience, that is complete bullstuff. war is the reason why the USA, Russia, and Britain among many are still here today. the fights between species, and the outcome of mammals and humans over other species of mammals is the reason why we're here.   
There is a difference between war and survival. All of the points you brought up were about the natural survival of things. Predator, prey, natural selection; all were mentioned in your post. I am talking about war, the massive slaughtering of thousands of men who had no previous disputes with the soldiers that they are killing/are being killed by. War, the basis for global issues. War, the man-made force that if not ended, will put an end to man; as Kennedy said.

I'm not here to argue with you, war is not a necessity in human life, it never will be.

Irajinia gratefully accepts.

We're sending reserve soldiers equipped with last generation energy weapons to the center of the revolution. Kill or detain?

The soldiers number around 1,000.

There is a difference between war and survival. All of the points you brought up were about the natural survival of things. Predator, prey, natural selection; all were mentioned in your post. I am talking about war, the massive slaughtering of thousands of men who had no previous disputes with the soldiers that they are killing/are being killed by. War, the basis for global issues. War, the man-made force that if not ended, will put an end to man; as Kennedy said.

I'm not here to argue with you, war is not a necessity in human life, it never will be.

war is survival.

war is the survival of one (or more) nations against another nation(s).

there is no difference between war and survival.

We're sending reserve soldiers equipped with last generation energy weapons to the center of the revolution. Kill or detain?

The soldiers number around 1,000.
I don't care either way. Capture the higher ranking ones and spies, and kill the rioters.

war is survival.

war is the survival of one (or more) nations against another nation(s).

there is no difference between war and survival.
I'm not here to argue with you, war is not a necessity in human life, it never will be.

"Why the hell are you still watching this!?"

Military News

The 1,000 troops stationed in New Irajania have killed around 1/4 of the rioters, and captured 27 spies and officers. Good job!

Parillanstien news!
I can't believe its not butter!
- A new stun gun like weapon is being produced for large breakouts or riots... Its blueprints are classified but it is a multi-target grenade.
- Population hit 5,000! We keep growing people!
- A water powered car is being developed, gas prices are going down...

The Imperial Republic of Novus would like to ally with the following countries:

  • New Nogova
  • New Porlaq
  • New Trejirm
  • Irajinia

We would like to form an alliance with each individual country, as we agree with their beliefs and morals.  We would like to hear back as soon as possible.

Thank you.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 06:46:42 AM by Kiddeh »

Farken needed land for the expanding population, and has converted the small islands to resorts and the lone island has a large naval port and a meeting place for meetings.

New Porlaq offers 1,000,000 Soldiers and pilots to deploy to Irajina to help.

Aemilius Bimonthly
"Is it really so, Mr. Newsman?"

-Resource News: Large Deposit of Oil Found in Northwestern Region
Jobs created, and hundreds deployed to work for building and operating drills.  Work on a large, heated dome postponed due to budget cuts.  Three die in drill explosion.  Government claims a pipe had a leak.  When the engine heated, a fire started. 

-Development: Population Grows by 567 Because of Jobs
Due to the oil, funding and a want for income has prompted many to come searching for a better life.  The money already made off oil has allowed us to ship in workers from other countries.  A demand for food has begun the planning of a large corn field inside a dome not unlike those planned for the oil working. 

-Military Updates: M35 Transport Trucks Released for Military Use
News now open to public.  M35 Cargo Trucks are now being used by the military in carrying workers and supplies to the "Northwestern Oil Front" as it is now being called.  Food products are on the way for the labor force. 

"That's it folks. Tune in again for another news broadcast later."