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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1775561 times)

No, because they still have a chance to survive for a few minutes.
And if they do, the boss wins anyway and we've wasted a few minutes of everyone's time. I've written an update that will count horses as "dead" for the purposes of checking who wins, but I got distracted and lost track of what I was doing and I don't remember if I was finished with it. So expect this change eventually.

And if they do, the boss wins anyway and we've wasted a few minutes of everyone's time. I've written an update that will count horses as "dead" for the purposes of checking who wins, but I got distracted and lost track of what I was doing and I don't remember if I was finished with it. So expect this change eventually.
When time finishes don't the normals win?

When time finishes don't the normals win?
No the boss wins.

Name: Spikeman
BL_ID: 94463
Previous administration experience: PEGMAN's servers (not dedicated) va11jr's freebuild (not dedicated)
Who recommends you?: PEGMAN since he knows I can be trusted.
Why should I accept you?: I treat people equally and fairly, I would work to serve everyone the fun they deserve and most of all, when someone is giving someone else a hard time, I will see what's going on before thinking about kicking/banning.
Timezone/Region: New Zealand

I feel like people who apply ignore about 90% of the application tips

I think that horse is even worse than Runner. For one thing, it doesn't take fall damage, enabling it to hide and then jump and then hide and then jump. For another thing, if you're on a horse, it's incredibly hard to aim.

the runner pretty much never takes fall damage because of its double jump, runners' tend to stall round as well

i found a weakness of the decker specialist.
modter bricks

Honestly the only reason runner was impossible to kill before was because a lot of the bosses lack any form of high movement/ranged attack

If you gave every boss some way to get a burst of speed or a ranged weapon, runner wouldn't have been so annoying.

Horse is just a absolute useless class that just takes up space and does the same thing as runner but worse.

runner could at least deal damage to the boss and possibly kill them, horse is just useless.

Kinda at the mercy of the original tank model with this one. Has like no animations to make into more attacks.

We don't exactly have a giga-cthulhu model lying around, either. More importantly, bosses have to be something players can control properly, can fit in our maps, and are responsive enough to be enjoyable.

Regarding specific suggestions: Grab and throw might be usable somewhere. Dunno how we'd telegraph lightening. Tumbling players is out because vehicle physics suck.
i was using god of war as an example of a 'boss', and you don't even need any animations for the tank to pick up and throw

the server has been up since 2011, not saying it's bad but the server has not gotten any sort of new thing or changes in such a long time, i figured it wasn't even getting anything new. the server could be so much better, have much more unique traits, etc.

evolve is the same premise and each character brings out many different kinds of tactics and playstyles based on each team's composition of characters: i'm not saying that this should be at the same level of content, but players should atleast have to try and play differently for each boss / miniboss, etc. the gameplay never really changes and has been the same thing since it started out

Honestly the only reason runner was impossible to kill before was because a lot of the bosses lack any form of high movement/ranged attack

If you gave every boss some way to get a burst of speed or a ranged weapon, runner wouldn't have been so annoying.
I think it's more a matter of their ability to evade rather than pure speed. If it was just that every boss needed either fast movement or ranged attacks then that'd be about all of them. Rotondo and Ephi are fast, William, Kaje, and Sky Captain have ranged attacks, Penth, Dark Samus, and Medusa are fast and have ranged attacks. Debatable one is Badspot, which relies on shockwave jumping to move quickly.

It'd be cool to find out if it works better if the rider didn't rotate with the vehicle. Wonder if there's a hack to solve that.

i was using god of war as an example of a 'boss', and you don't even need any animations for the tank to pick up and throw
The model doesn't have mount points on the hands. If we mounted a player to it they'd be merged to its face.

the server has been up since 2011, not saying it's bad but the server has not gotten any sort of new thing or changes in such a long time, i figured it wasn't even getting anything new. the server could be so much better, have much more unique traits, etc.
We've made tons of changes, large and small, ranging from map rotation to adding new functionality to weapons. What kind of changes do you expect from us?

evolve is the same premise and each character brings out many different kinds of tactics and playstyles based on each team's composition of characters: i'm not saying that this should be at the same level of content, but players should atleast have to try and play differently for each boss / miniboss, etc. the gameplay never really changes and has been the same thing since it started out
Sounds like you're just looking for a completely different game. I'd list differences between the classes and minibosses and bosses but you'd just wave your hands and boil it down to "all of them attack the enemy therefore they are all completely identical" again without giving me any usable feedback.

Maybe just change runner to just a high speed playertype with no double jump?

Possible Universal Solution: Turn runner into a miniboss for like 1000 points (Maybe 500 or 750).

Maybe just change runner to just a high speed playertype with no double jump?
I think the class was fundamentally flawed. Even the description said it was just there to annoy, and that was what went into plenty of its designs, including the FaN critical knockback, high maneuverability, and even a long time ago when it had fake imitation weapons so it could distract the boss by posing as a real threat.

Does anyone know when the next batch of apps is coming? I hate to be impatient, but my brain is hyped about my app, and I also want to know the resault of other people's apps too.