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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1662493 times)

I request death chat.

Lets say some payer dies and tells the boss where the player who could win the game is hiding.\

And sammus's rockets to be nerfed.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 06:37:08 PM by Fastlex »

then the devourer should eat spies first!
That actually seems like a good tactic for devourers.

I request death chat.

Lets say some payer dies and tells the boss where the player who could win the game is hiding.

No. Rounds take long enough as is, who cares if some friend is hiding, if he was fighting maybe you could actually kill the boss.

I really like Heed's ideas.


Also, has my suggestion of reverse shockwave been considered? It would work for a novel new boss, possibly an Ephi weapon replacement.

And for a novel weapon, how about a reverse shockwave which works similarly to the hookshot. Once a projectile is fired the boss cannot fire another one until it hits something. Alt fire is normal hookshot. It shouldn't be able to pull people in the tank turret.

The projectile should be easily visible but not huge. Something on the lines of the size of samus' normal shots. Projectile speed should be somewhat slower than samus' normal shots as well.

This would be balanced due to the one-projectile-at-a-time which only allows netting of one person at a time. Accuracy is needed for kills. Close-range hits also shouldn't kill as the acceleration wouldn't be high enough for fall damage to take over.

There are already some new bosses being made. We'll consider these after finishing them.

Hey guys, you know the Machina?
From TF2?
I kinda feel like making it as a version of the OSR.

IDEAGET-Upgrading weapons for each class.
So much win.
The more damage done, or healing done if you are medic, the more upgrades.

It's going to be a while before I can start going back to BL because my hard drive is breaking...

But I have a Desk top. It just needs a wireless adapter for the internet.

Just giving A heads up if you don't see me for a while.

i hate how medics dont get points for healing people. doesn't encourage people to be medics.

But I have a Desk top. It just needs a wireless adapter for the internet.
EDIT: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833166055 -This one is better
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 08:16:19 PM by pecon98 »

Problem fixed just had to roll back.
Hard drive breaking usually doesn't have such an easy solution.

Therefore, your hard drive wasn't breaking after all!

Maybe it wan't my hard drive?

Maybe it wan't my hard drive?
Well what was wrong in the first place?

I'm sorry to be nagging, but have you decided anything about my application?