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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1723002 times)

Application: Administrative Position
Name: Darkness
BL_ID: 22088
Previous Experience Administrating: Well, most of my memorable experiences of administrating have been on Owl's server, Glass's server (Brief and hellish), Big Brother's server, and Arekan's server. I don't really regard myself as a "experienced admin" but not inexperienced. I think I'm kind of in the middle, but willing to get more experienced.
Who recommends you?:
Ike The Generic
Big Brother
Ben Grapevine
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): Well, as my other app states, I'm not prepared to make statements about how I will "Make your server 99 of 99 players every day!" or "Stop every cheater from cheating!", because I won't. However, I will try my hardest and put all my enthusiasm into this server. I will be on as much as I reasonably can be. Again, thank you for your time and consideration.
Your Timezone/Region: EST


Name: FaceDavid
BL_ID: 12643
Previous Experience Administrating: I can only distinctly remember 2; Dillpickle's MERP, which was a Kalphost server, and xxxxkill's. I know i've been admin at a few others, though.
Who recommends you?: Carolcat, PowerDag, Qwepir, Yosher
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I try not to get into arguments over things. I like to be nice but still strict. If someone looks like they're being stupid, then okay, they don't know better and they just want to have fun; I don't discriminate. Only when they're causing problems is when they should be justified.
Your Timezone/Region: EST, in the state of MA.

Denied, however we think we would accept you if you showed some more experience.

Application: Admin
Previous Experience Administrating:(Hope I remember all of them) Mantax64(33686), Agent Creeper (12443), mitron46(31155), FWN_Smasher (34329), brt5568 (27346), Diko (34977), Rexbullwornhunter0412 (34278), PabloTheMexicanWhale (7500), Jack Sparrow(indyjones) (33068), Contrabass Drio (12037)
Who recommends you?: (FWN)_Mr. Minecraft, (FWN)_Smasher, pepsi n pizza (undecided), Mantax64, Charles (undecided), GreenBay777, PabloTheMexicanWhale, Megamanxzero99
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): 1: I am online everyday, but when school starts, I will be online at late friday and on the weekends.
 2: I am kinda advance at events because the clock has to be fixed soon and maybe I will in the future.
 3: I am kinda known by people (Hm... I need to add more flavor to my application this time...).
 4: I won't build much, BECAUSE I'M NOT ADVANCE AT BUILDING YET! I am better at eventing than than building. Some day, my events will be needed.
 5:(Oh god, I have to explain more)I'm not the admin that "CHANGES TIMESCALES, FETCH PEOPLE RANDOMLY, AND CHEAT!!!", I'm the kind of admin that does stuff legitly! 6. -demoman style time- What makes me a good admin? Blocking tank turrets while out of minigame? No, I'm the admin that serves good leadership, like a man! -slams donut on table- You know...I have to work hard to be a admin in the server with a Good mood.
7: You know that there's little kids out there that play this server too you know like some people will say fforget, and people listen to admins right? I need to make them Shut.The.forget.Up! and forget about what they say!
8: Some BUGS have to be fixed in the server too, what about me? I can fix those loving BUGS!
Thanks for reading this.
Your Timezone/Region: Central (Ignore the demopan thingy)


Name: Agent Creeper
BL_ID: 12,443
Previous Experience Administrating: Prozy's server, Palladium's server, Cage's server, Foxitron's server, the ghost rider's server, Zulious's server, Bitsantagavin's server, Fight 4 Life's server, Sphere's server, Rayitillyo's server, Ark's Server, and Laze Quicksman's Server, and John98's Server
Who recommends you?: Ozmar, Laze Quicksman, Banette, Agent Blue, McBrick, McLego, Ark, Sadistic Snivy, Prince Jay, Aware, Redconer, NeutralZero, Rayitillyo, and Crexcelia
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): I wished to get accepted because I have good administrative skills (Effective ever since 2010), plus I am mostly a quiet person these days since I intend to build, event, or give a punishment to player who doesn't get along with the others, spark an arguement, or even worse (The amount of time I do mostly is no more than 20 minutes).
Your Timezone/Region: Eastern Standard Time (Atlantic)


Application: Admin
Name: WhiteStorm
BL_ID: 20297
Previous Experience: Danny Boy's Server Pablo's Server  Ghille's Server  Filipe1020's Server  0 0 J's Server Turnipblog's Server, Codymax's Server  Glass's Server, Cucumber's Server, Hankyje's Server, CookieHax/Doob10's Server, Aware's Server, BBOY's Server, Jayce's Server,Uxie's Server, And TheBrighterDark's Server
Who recommends you?: Danny Boy, Pablo, CodyMax, Ghille, Filipe1020, 0 0 J, Turnipblog, Mabey Glass, Cucumber,
CookieHax/Doob10, Aware, BBOY, Jayce, IkeTheGeneric,bµbbler, Blackstorm,Agent Creeper, banette,*FacePalm*(forum name), Mysteroo (fourm name), ShadowZero (forum name),Dr.Zegobob, and Tertahedron (forum name).
Why should you accept me? (Please elaborate): I am trust worthy admin, I have much experience dealing with a large group of people, I have been playing blockland for 3 years now so I know the game very well, I will be able to watch over the server for long periods of time, I also have experience dealing with "young people", if they begin to flame or start a uproar, I sometimes try to solve problems by not banning them like try to settle the conversation down and just get to the bottom of it, if it fails I will begin to threaten to ban/kick them.
Your Timezone/Region: EST


Name: Banette
BL_ID: 11167
Previous Experience Administrating: Mesprit/Rainbow Dash!'s servers, Laze Quicksman's server, as well as Incinerate's servers.
Who recommends you?: Aware, jakgoggles, sniper guy 4, Redconer, xLEGOx, Ozmar, Agent Creeper, Agent Blue, ZigZag, Name is Unavailable, NuetralZero, Laze Quicksman, Dr. Zegobob, Tertahedron, Mysteroo, and White Storm.
Why should I accept you? Whenever I go on your server, I rarely see any admins on. I seek to fix this and moderate when other admins are offline, as well as help out others when admins are either busy with other things, or help admins themselves. I have my fair share of eventing skills as well as building, so I could be of use for adding things to server IF needed. (Notice: Now that school has started, I won't be around as much).
What is your time zone?: Eastern


Name: Wtf._.
Previous Experience: Mew's Server, Buddy!'s Server, and Cromedome's Server.
Who recommends you?: The servers I have listed above.
Why should I accept you?: I just want to moderate the server 24/7 if I can, otherwise I only need moderator, I don't care if I don't get admin basically, just moderator
Time Zone: Central


All new admins, add me on steam here and I'll get you settled in more quickly.

Woah, did not see that coming!
I am glad Agent Creeper and Whitestorm got accepted, they will benefit the server so much.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 02:40:22 PM by Dr_Zegobob »

Thank you for accepting me sorry banette, maybe next time :(

You would think that after all this time developing boss battles, the weapon and classes would improve/change.
Like half the weapons being old addons.
Like how certain classes are useless against the boss in a particular way.
Like how the bosses should have a little more variety

May I ask the reason why I was denied? I am just curious :/

pecon, the list of ppl in redcorners list was false exepted about 2 ppl or more. red corner is a terrible admin and is a lier. i found him on pablos server and i said "I never recomended you for admin" he then said "forget YOU" or some bullstuff like that, but you didnt acepte (bad spellingz :c) him which is good. im just telling you this for the truth and if red corner is reading this im pepsi n pizza just to let you know


NameBlockland ID
Agent Creeper?????

Just to let you know, my BL_ID is 12443 (Where the "?????" is at, needs to be replaced with 12443)

Caught some players Placing sentries in the walls where you can't damage them.
Should this be a rule?

Server crashed, don't know why.

Caught some players Placing sentries in the walls where you can't damage them.
Should this be a rule?
It should be, unless it is possible to fix it in the build.

Reposted some where else.

« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 06:39:26 PM by The Black Card »

Application: Administrative Position
Name: Darkness
BL_ID: 22088
Previous Experience Administrating: Well, most of my memorable experiences of administrating have been on Owl's server, Glass's server (Brief and hellish), Big Brother's server, and Arekan's server. I don't really regard myself as a "experienced admin" but not inexperienced. I think I'm kind of in the middle, but willing to get more experienced.
Who recommends you?:
Ike The Generic
Big Brother
Ben Grapevine
Why should I accept you? (Please elaborate): Well, as my other app states, I'm not prepared to make statements about how I will "Make your server 99 of 99 players every day!" or "Stop every cheater from cheating!", because I won't. However, I will try my hardest and put all my enthusiasm into this server. I will be on as much as I reasonably can be. Again, thank you for your time and consideration.
Your Timezone/Region: EST


Today was a great day.

Today was a great day.
Indeed it was.

EDIT: Also, I noticed this yesterday:

Has anyone else noticed this?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 06:58:55 PM by Dr_Zegobob »

How many months has it been? And CBS and Runner are still loving faster than rotondo?