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Author Topic: Boss Battles - Six years...  (Read 1787005 times)

designing maps for boss battles isn't easy
but just because someone else can't make a map as good as sky scraper doesn't make sky scraper good

Designing a map in general is difficult

Dude, I feel bad for you. You are trying so hard to please the crowd with your map, and all you get is endless keyboard warrior posts  and overall hate for your map. (I haven't been on for a long time, haven't even played since your map was released.)
If you guys hate his map so much, make your own and submit it to Pecon. Just wait and see how badly it gets slaughtered with all these hate comments.
I'm not trying to please the crowd, I'm trying to fix my loving map and everyone wants to make it more difficult to figure out what needs to be fixed and for what reasons. I already got what I needed to know anyways so it doesn't matter anymore. If anyone dislikes the map for reasons besides the bugs, it's their opinion and whether or not it's wrong isn't my problem. The most I ask for is to at least back up why you don't like it with reasons so I can try to remedy the problem (within reason, of course).

I got banned from the server a long time a go, like, 2 computers ago. The reason i was banned was because i was littler with a mind that couldn't comprehend to not be a rage induced little twat, so young me insulted an admin (i was stupid back then) now 3-4 years have passed and I've changed and would love to play boss battles but I cant.

I got banned from the server a long time a go, like, 2 computers ago. The reason i was banned was because i was littler with a mind that couldn't comprehend to not be a rage induced little twat, so young me insulted an admin (i was stupid back then) now 3-4 years have passed and I've changed and would love to play boss battles but I cant.
You were originally banned for posting a trap link, which by the current rules always results in a perma. It has been 3 and a half years since then, though. I'll need some second opinions from the other admins first.

You were originally banned for posting a trap link, which by the current rules always results in a perma. It has been 3 and a half years since then, though. I'll need some second opinions from the other admins first.

Opinion granted.

I got banned from the server a long time a go, like, 2 computers ago. The reason i was banned was because i was littler with a mind that couldn't comprehend to not be a rage induced little twat, so young me insulted an admin (i was stupid back then) now 3-4 years have passed and I've changed and would love to play boss battles but I cant.

I was going to give you benefit of the doubt since I don't recall your name, except I looked at the chat logs and it was a bit more than a trap link. Go for multiple whilst spamming them. Bypassed the filters a decent number of times as well. So basically the type to explode and attempt to break any and all rules as soon as there's no admins. Unfortunately I'm not forgiving, so I'm against an unban.

i've been thinking of building a "simplistic" map for some time
what does a map need before it can, you know, be legit official into boss battles blah thing
i know there's a requirement like the 7 room (i think) and a tank turret somewhere, but is there actually a full list of requirements for a map before it can be approved or something

i've been thinking of building a "simplistic" map for some time
what does a map need before it can, you know, be legit official into boss battles blah thing
i know there's a requirement like the 7 room (i think) and a tank turret somewhere, but is there actually a full list of requirements for a map before it can be approved or something

Just curious, the scientist's shield dome is a staticshape right?

Just curious, the scientist's shield dome is a staticshape right?

A new blockhead joined the server and I was helping him learn how to play the game, he's pretty good

I was skulking around in the server last night and secretly made an update when nobody was looking.


That sounds interesting.