Why am I now both Vowel banned and Reverse texted? Is this some sort of way to get back at me? There is no legitimate reason.
You said I am being a richard to people, but when I asked for an example, you gave me one that was said when I was admin 2 years ago. And to Blocklegend, who would always start stuff with me.
Is this some sort of radical feminist outburst to sort of shut me up for not being a ray of sunshine? The most I have ever said wrong would probably be cracking an Alt F4 joke.
I heard and knew the admins were bad, but this is just crazy now. I think the only ones I can talk to that are legit are Aware and Soro.
After playing for 4 years, and spending countless hours, it is kind of stuffty how you are treating me.
First time logging in on the forums in about 3 years. Jesus christ, I am suprised I remember my password.